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S3 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :Anyone heard about Racing Underground closing and reopened as ...........?


Quote from Gil07 :And since one of the big reasons RU had to close was that they were getting too many google hits and "unwanted attention" it might not be a good idea to post the new name too often...

S3 licensed
Quote from BAMBO :Oh son of a mother duck! This is the second game that went free AFTER I paid the full price for it.

Screw you, Murphy! You and your goddamn laws!

Not so bad, as the free version has much lower res textures and limited content. Still, nice gift from BIS though.
S3 licensed
great vid thanks, love that car.
S3 licensed
Yeah, I guess banning every one who spams would be just as time consuming as replying. Unfortunately people wont just listen and behave, some are just incapable. For example; already in the newly open Test Patch thread there are off topic posts. But we do have moderators (who already do a good job), maybe they need to get more strict.

I do like the idea of giving moderators the ability to block peoples access to certain parts of the forum.

Anyway, thanks for reopening the Patch Test forum and the continued patch development
S3 licensed
If there are known people that are constant spammers, why not just ban them? I hate seeing a few idiots ruin things for the quiet masses.

A ban is not too harsh, if they are too stupid to follow instructions then they have no one to blame but themselves.
S3 licensed
The one I'm currently using is for Counter Strike Source. But like I say, it flickers when the scene is in motion.

There are heaps of different combinations of flags that can be set for various things. Who knows, the right combination may get it working so its usable in game.
Ambient Occlusion and LFS
S3 licensed
Anyone else have any success playing with this driver feature?

I can get it to work and it looks pretty nice, it adds quite a bit of depth to the scene. One problem making it unusable for anything other than screen shots is that when the view is in motion the effect flickers on and off.

Most other games that have this feature are already too graphically intensive to use it (AO requires quite a bit of GPU horse power). But in LFS, good GFX cards are having a bit of a holiday so it would be really nice to make use of this AO effect with LFS.

To enable it you need to get Nvidia Inspector : ... r-1.94-download-2612.html
Then click the little tools icon next to the driver version to modify all possible options and compatibility settings for all the Nvidia Driver profiles.

If anyone else can find away to have the effect without the flicker I'd love to know.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I don't know why you would be.

There have always been servers dedicated to serious racing, as well as servers dedicated to bangers and whatnot. The bangers/figure 8/demo derby/BnJ servers will just have better ramps now.


very strange reaction from some people. I'm looking forward to this update, some very nice fixes and additions included. Fair play to scawen for adding another ramp and fixing the "slippyness". I love serious racing, but I also really enjoyed the Carpark UF1 banger racing etc that was very popular a coupe of years ago. It will be great to do some of that again.
S3 licensed
Who cares? The people who end up having great things ruined by arseholes who don't give a damn. That's who cares......
S3 licensed

Looking forward to this. Cant wait to see what Oleg has done for us this time. Screens and Vids are very impressive.
X52 Best choice for the price
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I bought an X52. I thought it was absolute garbage.

A single spring around the stick shaft? With a sliding spring cup? That is acted upon by the hole in the base the stick shaft sits in? What a cheap, rubbish design...

The static friction... holy crap...

True, this is the worst aspect of this stick and is unforgivable of Saitek. However, it's still the best stick/HOTAS for it's price. Anything better will cost a lot more. And anything cheaper wont have nearly as many buttons or as much functionality (which the X52 has in spades & DCS:A10 needs). There are also ways of fixing the friction problem with various lubricants or cable ties on the spring etc to reduce tension.

I use the X52 and play DCS:A10 with it and it is perfect. Any stick with less buttons would make playing much this sim more cumbersome. With the x52 and the right profile you can map every button and control that is on the real A10's HOTAS to the X52.

As for the sim? It's mind blowingly detailed and a real joy to play. Best modern combat simulator ever.
Last edited by DratsaB, .
S3 licensed
Yep, they where some "ripper" races.

Spoiler - click to reveal really well done to Priaulx and a shame Shane didn't get his first win. I think Jamie should have conceded, he had him fair at the last lap
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Might have been posted before but anyways. Complete docu. Evolution of Rallying.

Thanks, I'll enjoy that
S3 licensed
The CRC (Clean Racers Club) was good. That was the first time I found some server where you could be guaranteed of a good clean race with some good people.

Some names in this thread I had forgotten.

I do miss the atmosphere on the forums of a new upcoming sim that was relatively underground.
S3 licensed
I have never played any of the Civ games until now. I have always been put off by Turn based strategy and gone for RTS games instead (I also have to recommend Company Of Heroes at this point! Best RTS ever). But I figure its time to try CIV to see what all the fuss is about and Civ5 is the perfect opportunity.

There is a Demo (4gb) available on Steam that is limited to 100turns. So far I have have played it 3 times and it is good fun if a little over whelming at first, but I'm getting more used to it each time I play. I can see myself buying the full game. And yes, it is rather addictive!
S3 licensed
The water effect does look nice in those screens, but the double vision effect is rather odd. It does look exactly like StereoScopic 3D vision without the glasses. The video clip looks pretty nice but its a shame the water droplets are not animated to react to the wind/forward momentum.

They have achieved this pretty nicely in Rise Of Flight, with no cost to performance.

The best rain effect I have seen recently is GT5 though.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Can somebody tell me, who is Scavier? I'm really lost right now

He's the holy trinity
S3 licensed
Nice, lots of touring car drivers too.
S3 licensed
Quote from Velociround :

Cracks me up every time I see it .

Really enjoyed the show from first series to last.

Doesn't rate up there with "The Wire"( eg now Lost is over I'm not clamouring to find an adequate substitute), but still good TV
S3 licensed
What a disappointing couple of races, lamest touring car race weekend I have seen yet. I thought FIA events where supposed to be high quality? V8 supercars and BTCC make this look very amateur, two laps wasted on a rolling start . Fair enough for the first race, the stuck car was in a hard to recover position, but I don't see why they had to load Menu's car onto a flat bed? It looked like there was a safe area there by the chicane. Maybe it just seems worse beacuse WTCC races are always so short. Oh event.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Either way, the racing is bloody great.

As someone else mentioned, the actual coverage is fantastic too. Colour commentary, camerawork, all of it. Kicks the tar out of any coverage we get in North America.

Yeah, excellent racing this weekend. The production quality is the best of any race series I have seen.
S3 licensed
LCD monitors cost £200+, a decent cleaning kit costs about £20. The main things you need are 2 micro fibre cloths and non abrasive, neutral cleaning solution - things you wont find in a kitchen. Do yourself a favour and go to PC world etc and get a proper cleaning kit. It will last you more than a couple of years, cleaning about every month.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :Ah, It shouldnt mean they should pull out of Wtcc.

That Little car was so sexy

yeah, pretty disappointing. Ahh well looking forward to the race.
S3 licensed
Quote from bahilsom :I just read in a journalist's blog that Lada will announce their withdrawal from WTCC this week...
link (in portuguese): ... ins/2010/01/18/lada-inha/

I know the Lada pull out won't be as big of a hit to the competition as the Seat's... but if it turns out to be true, can we say WTCC is a dead category?

That would be disappointing, couldn't give a toss about the SEAT diesel train, but Lada where interesting. I think James T was going to be racing with them from the start this season?
Wings Of Prey
S3 licensed
Quote from mblixt ::bump::bump:

hello i have a question about the patch. do i only need to downloaf the patch to be able to play online or is it something more i need ?

You'll want the latest patch and Hyper lobby(look at post #66), then you should be good to go.

On a side note, but still IL related, has anyone tried this yet?

There is a demo available and it has the best Flight sim GFX and performance I have seen yet, the terrain is amazing. It is the pc version of the console's "IL2:Birds of Prey", but they are building it up to be more sim like. Very promising and excellent base to start with, cant get over how well it runs.