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S3 licensed
Nice tool, thanks!
S3 licensed
I have had this a few times over the past couple of month. It never stays like this, an F5 usually works.

Fire Fox here
S3 licensed
Ahh yes, ty
Quote from Bose321 :There's a big headline on their site linking to this: ... e-are-working-on-recently

S3 licensed
Quote from Breizh :Anyone know if this is a development from the same engine, or something new altogether?

Yes it is indeed the same engine. Great to see them in such a big production. It's odd I couldn't find a mention of it over at the RoR home page though (only had a quick look). ... dy-physics-in-cryengine3/
Tracks where TBO+LX4 are competitive?
S3 licensed
Tracks where TBO+LX4 are competitive

Does anyone know what tracks (including Open configs) there are where you can race the TBO's and the LX4 together and have them be competitive?

I have raced one or two tracks before on where it worked. I can't remember what they where though.

I experimented with SO1R, based on LFS world's times. But in practise the LX4 seems to have to great advantage as the straight isn't long enough for the TBOs to get a good run on the LX4, it seemed this way anyway. Maybe it's me who is not quick enough with the TBOs to catch the LX4 though.

Any ideas on suitable tracks?
+1 For mods
S3 licensed
I used to be against mods too. But since playing Rfactor for a couple of years, I don't see what the big problem is. The mods and tracks that come from the Rfactor community are amazing.

If LFS had allowed mods we would have so many great tracks by now. Nurburgring anyone? Rfactors' user made tracks alone seems like an obvious reason to at least allow us to have user made tracks.

And cars, V8 super cars anyone, how about Historic X? These cars in Rfactor are really excellent. They could be 10 times better with LFS's excellent physics behind them.

Of course crap mods will be made, but it's only the best ones that are most popular. And all you need is a server rule/option that allows mods or does not. Or specifies only particular ones.

If they allowed mods, LFS could be in a much healthier state today.
Also, we wouldn't have so many posts on here crying out for much needed new content....

Quote from CheerioDM :Over your head.
Less people populating non modded servers. Less fun.

Why would a non mod server be less populated? Surely that would only happen if the mods where better than the default content? And if that's the case, then what's the problem?

Quote from CheerioDM :
And the mod forums would look just like the comments section on many popular
torrent sites. "Why isn't this working for me? Do I need to download the patch?. I have a Dell. Does this not run on Dell?"

You don't want mods because of some people who don't know how to read a readme.txt or have PCs that are unable to run LFS adequately? Odd reasoning.
Last edited by DratsaB, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :The only Motorsport that has individual topics for each race is F1.

I agree with anttt69, seeing as this is a general discussion thread for BTTC, if you don't want to read anything that may "spoil" it for you after race events, don't open the thread.

Perhaps you should understand what I was requesting first before siding with some one? Why would I care about a spoiler for a BTCC race being put in the BTCC thread? That's how it should work....

I was annoyed because RiseAgainstMe posted a un-needed, unrelated spoiler about a WTCC this (BTCC) thread.

Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Oh well, on one hand spoilers do suck, but on the other hand it also sucks if you have to endlessly restrain yourself from referring to past race results.

You really think Riseagainst me's comment that spoiled the race was really that great that he would have had to "restrain" him self to not post it? It's not hard, it just a take a slight bit of empathy and some cop on.

Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :It's more entertaining to watch than WTCC... 2 Chevy 1-2-3s this weekend... yawn

Wow....insightful stuff.

Well, if you guys cant just use a bit of courtesy to a fellow fan and follow one simple, polite, easily followed request..I guess I will just have to avoid the event threads in this section....

Last edited by DratsaB, .
S3 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Please refrain from reading the motorsports part of the forum if you DONT want to find out about motorsports. :doh:

So why do we have individual topics for individual events if we can just post spoilers in any thread we like? Kind of defeats the point if you ask me.....

I must remember to post this weeks V8 results in the F1 that how we do it now?

Would you like it if for every event some one created a new thread that had the spoiler in the title? After all.....what where you doing in the motorsport section if you DON'T want to know about motorsport?
S3 licensed
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :It's 4 days later... surely that's enough time to reasonably assume that pretty much everyone knows what happened?

Oh, I didn't realise there was a time limit :doh:

Just don't do it please...common courtesy etc. Besides some times they haven't even shown the highlights or replay of the event until up to a week later. Some people watch those too.

I watch V8s, WTCC and BTCC. I don't get a chance to watch them all straight away, especially when the events clash, as I'm sure many other don't either.

The comment didn't even relate to what was being discussed, it was just a pointless spoiler, so why did you have to mention it at all?

Just try to avoid doing that in future thanks...
S3 licensed
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :It's more entertaining to watch than WTCC... big fat spoiler this weekend... yawn

Can you please not post spoilers to events unrelated to the current discussion?:slap:

You ruined the 2nd race for me. Luckily I had already watched race 1.


About the weekend, Good racing as always. Shame Plato had to push like that though.

Toby seems pretty good. Ben was great, so it is a hard act to follow. Ben and Tim where probably my favourite commentary team in motorsport.

Interesting to see Paul O'Neil doing some commentary work . Hope he can get a drive this year.
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :
I own a G25, and I'm happy with it. Despite the spiking in the pedals that is a common issue affter a few years of use, it is still giving me good fun.

In my experience, this is the biggest and most frequent problem you'll run into with the G27.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Here's a cool video about Michelisz, with english subtitle.

Thanks for the link.
S3 licensed
Thanks Troy, nice link.
S3 licensed
Interface looks pretty nice. What kind of tracking device is that on top of his monitor? doesn't look like TrackIr. Don't think it's a web cam?
S3 licensed
Excellent new about the fixed price, I would be happy with pay for DLC after release. Looking forward to this.
S3 licensed
He is not saying Aston are German . The big German three are obviously Audi, Merc and BMW, and other manufacturers like Aston etc. At least that's what I got from it.

But yes Car Of The future will great, allowing more manufacturers. It's a bit of a shame they will be so similar underneath, but still more brands the better. Great to see Nissan on board already.
S3 licensed
I was wondering if maybe it was a cruze chassis with an MG body and badge..Shape looks very similar to the chevy.

Any word on what Chevy are doing for this season?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Happy birthday! Thanks for the bit of news
S3 licensed
what's the point, other than a reason to try and get away with charging $60 for a pc game.

So if it's pay for multiplayer that means the net code will be much better than Rfactor 1 and allow for things like Join in Progress?
S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I'm pretty sure Gta 3, Vice City, San Andreas and all the others upto IV used the same game engine for physics and graphics. It just got tweaked as the years went by and the technology advanced.

Ya, for me I don't really consider San Andreas/Vice City sequels, more like expansions and yes they do use the GTA3 engine tweaked.

For me the true sequels, with new engine /major engine overhaul where:

All of these where pretty much new engines. That's why I figured 5 might also be a new engine. Although, personally I still think GTA 4's engine would well capable of doing GTA 5 with some enhancements to it. It still looks very good today, I think
Last edited by DratsaB, .
S3 licensed
Great racing on the Gold coast! I loved seeing all the international drivers wrestle the V8s
S3 licensed
I liked iv. There where some annoying things, but MS live stuff was no reason not to play, you could get rid of that stuff very easily. I still play in a sandbox way every now and again, there are some great mods for the PC too.

I am also surprised they are releasing 5 so soon, which would imply they are using the same engine, which would be a first for a GTA sequel.

What about the "V" logo on that splash/temp page? Looks kind of 50s maybe?
S3 licensed
Quote from simrabbit :The new version of this sim was released.
New tire model and advanced SDK added.

The simulator is being continuously developed and improved:

Thanks. And, don't worry, not everyone here is a douche bag
S3 licensed
Quote from Dandy Dust :Hi there!

I am a little bit disappointed:

For a change it is not with the speed of lfs-development, but with the lfs-racing community:

I would have expected some of the existing or maybe some new server-owners with some sort of concept for practicable layout racing on XY-courses.

I have to agree, I was/ am disappointed by the lack of servers running any layout tracks. Although I have to thank I was on there recently and they where running, as mentioned, a fun Aston config, big thanks again for this.

One big surprise for me when testing the layouts first was how very different they make the tracks feel, much more than I expected. They are easily as good as any official track Config. Racers have been crying out for new tracks to race on and now we have been given the chance to create and race them, but not much uptake, it is odd.

I hope we can try to get some of these configs on DeadMenRacing's sever soon for the weeks racing.
Last edited by DratsaB, .