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S3 licensed
I prefer Cakewalk SONAR over all. But I've used Cakewalk software for years so I'm pretty familiar with it.

Learning any of these from square one is going to be tough. =-/
S3 licensed
OMFG devs nite out made me laugh till I cried. Hilarious!

Some very funny art in here, thanks!
S3 licensed
Nah. The idea that you should be obligated to cheer for a particular driver because you're from the same country or because all your friends do is silly.

Personally I can't stand NASCAR, but that actually might be a similar phenomenon, except in reverse.
S3 licensed
I remember the feeling. I could play offline all day no problem, but online I'd get all nervous/adrenaliney. It went away with time. For serious cases of anxiety though, it's best to drink plenty of beer before an important race. It really helps you relax and not worry about your mistakes.

As for the DFP, it's an excellent buy. I've never used the G25 so I can't compare, but I'd say the DFP's certainly a good starter wheel. I'd say S2 is a great deal too though. I ordered both at the same time myself, and just dinked around with a gamepad until the wheel came. I don't get how you guys can play with mouse/keys.

But yeah, just relax. As you get better at driving, you'll feel more confident and less worried about screwing up, and therefore you'll actually screw up less! Funny how that works.

Quote from Rider's Motion :4) Why have you named your thread like a song from Rise Against?

You mean Black Flag
S3 licensed
Quote from Darksiede69 :People who can never finish a race, are going to get pissed and leave to game, simply put. Not everyone is born with the god given talents that some people on this forum so highly tout. Without the servers catering to lesser skilled drivers, the evolution to become a more highly skilled driver will cease to exist completely.

People who can never finish the race can... *reset their car* The damage is fixed and they can try again. Where is the problem???
S3 licensed
Quote from sam :With a bit of luck, we'll be able to take a few hours to enjoy some other servers too and have a race with you guys, leaving the admining to someone else. That idea's got some real appeal!

Yeah well it sounds like a good idea on paper, but who's going to teach all these jobless admins how to drive??

S3 licensed
While not completely understanding one side of the argument, I'm going to post anyway; surely an internet first? I guess what I don't understand is how it's "not fair" to not be able to put your car back on its wheels if you roll it. You flipped your car - you're out of the race. How are those not reasonable - and fair - consequences?

So, suppose you want to have a server where, heck, roll your car - it's alright, you can reset! You have that option. But why exactly would you want to be able to put your car back on it's wheels and retain the damage? I mean sure, sometimes you end up on your roof but your car's still in ok shape. If you want to be able to continue driving after you overturned your vehicle why do you also want your car to still be f-d up?

On racing servers I prefer reset=off, because if someone flips their car I don't think it's fair for them to continue racing - You crashed, game over, insert coin to continue. However, I don't agree with a complete removal of the reset function because, sure, sometimes it's fun to screw around offline or whatever and rocket over FE chicanes, see what happens, and continue on. I just don't get the attraction of a non-repair reset. Of course, I don't understand the whole cruise thing whatsoever either, if that has anything to do with it.
S3 licensed
Wow this is sounding pretty sweet. I'm anticipating this as much as I've been looking forward to patch X going live. I've always enjoyed racing STCC/CTRA servers, and I appreciate all the work you guys/gals are doing to improve the experience. Whenever I finish a race on a non-enhanced server I always think, "Damn! That could have been like 7 points!!"
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Just so you know, AI is next on my list, they haven't been updated in any significant way since S1 and there are a lot of people who do want to use the AI for some offline racing, so the time has come...



That is all.
S3 licensed
The first time I tried to patch it threw an error that the patch exe couldn't be run. The second time it actually popped the UAC confirmation window, I said "YEAH I KNOW *click*" and it worked. I can't remember why I actually turned that UAC balogna back on at some point, but it sure is annoying!
S3 licensed
Just came from full test server, everything seems to be in order. Shift-U fps seems to be what I expect, but I can't say I've tested it with that many cars in sight before. Kick/Ban and restart voting appears fine, though I haven't checked on a demo server. Maybe I'll see the X-files after work tonight!
S3 licensed
I've been running Vista Ultimate for a couple months now on a relatively ancient machine and haven't had any of the problems you're talking about. This is an AMD Sempron 3100, 1GB RAM, and a GeForce 5900FX 256MB APG card. My system feels just as fast (lol) as before, and I like the Vista interface so much more that I have no reason to go back.

For one thing, I've never installed 7zip but somehow a fresh install of LFS from the original archives and all the test patches have never gone awry. The only archive software I have installed is WinRAR, but I'm not sure that has anything to do with self-extracting archives? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but isn't the whole point of self-extracting archives the fact that you don't need a particular decompression software to extract it?

I have encounted one real problem however, but it's basically due to hardware vendors not creating new drivers for olllld hardware. My Sony Clie palm pilot won't sync with Vista, and I don't think nVidia is planning on updating drivers for my old card. So that kinda sucks.

But yeah, my audio production software and hardware works, LFS works, and I like the look and feel of the OS better than XP so I don't know what more I could ask for. Wish I could tell you how to fix your particular problems, but I haven't experienced them, so But it seems to me that most of the negativity is just so much propaganda.

And "confusing new look?" Elaborate?
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Who is the biggest CO2-producer, you may ask? Mother nature herself with all her plants and wildlife!


What? Elaborate please.
S3 licensed
There was an interesting show on the Discovery channel a week or two ago that proposed a new (to me) twist on the whole global warming issue. The premise is that the focus on reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions could pose a problem if it isn't accompanied by a significant reduction in particulate matter pollution, i.e. smog - pollution you can see. The idea is that the tiny particle pollution that floats around in the sky and bonds to water vapor in clouds and such actually contributes to global cooling by provide more surface area for rays of sun to be reflected and/or refracted, obviously casuing less of the sun's warmth to reach into the lower atmosphere. So, if we drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions without simultaneously reducing a balanced ratio of particulate matter pollution the earth will of course plunge into another ice age killing all life and making babies cry, etc, etc.

It was a very intriguing show, and while it was tricky looking past all the Danger Will Robinson! catastrophe scenarios, the ideas did appear to be backed up by actual scientific *gasp* research and testing.

Just thought I'd throw that out there in case no one had heard this take on it; I hadn't.
S3 licensed
While I'm sure Scawen's said that each racer is assigned a particular pitbox to spawn in, and I agree it would be neat to have to return back to your individual spot for pit-work, I don't see pit crews happening any time soon.

Maybe an easier alternative would be some kind of highly visible signs
or something with each person's racernames on them so you know where to pull in to. And and and it could be skinnable to match your own car skins and such!

Ok I'm going to bed =-/
S3 licensed
For me it's a combination of time zone and incompatible patch issues. I usually have time to race anywhere between 7 and 11pm pacific time, but I think that's like prime sleeping time for the bulk of the LFS population.

The effect is even more pronounced with the recent slew of test patches. I've always followed them pretty closely, but the most part it didn't really affect anything since they were compatible with the official version. Now though I've been running both versions back and forth - I'll stick with whichever one I can find a server with more than 2 or 3 racers.

I'm definitely looking forward to patch X - Not so much for all the new features, because I've been enjoying them all along, but for the fact that everyone else will have to upgrade!

EDIT: And does every thread on the forum need to have some kind of off-hand stereotyped American bashing? It really gets old. Maybe just 2 out of 3 threads or something?
S3 licensed
Good idea, and a good answer, thanks both of yous.

EDIT: This is just off the top of my head without trying it, but won't it get a little wonky when you enter the pits from the garage with pit limiter on by default, especially after entering the garage with the pit limiter off? You know, since you'll press the button and it will turn the limiter off but open the menu?
Last edited by Dumpy, .
S3 licensed
Sorry but that wing looks like some crap you'd get 20% off at walmart when you buy a new "performance muffler." No thx!
S3 licensed
I think currently the best way to prove your offline conquests is to upload hotlaps, that's a lot different thatn single-player racing if that's what you mean.

I guess it would be neat to see stats for miles driven and such for offline modes though.
S3 licensed
Class A video, thanks! Even made me a little emotional at the end lol. *wipe tear* Very well put together and action packed!

EDIT: Also, for some reason I just love shots where the driver looks to the side - makes it seem that much more real.
Last edited by Dumpy, .
S3 licensed
I'm curious if the server-side replays will be downloadable for completely benevolent reasons, i.e. not in the interest of tattling on someone. For example, "WOW that was a great race we had last night, anybody get a replay?" "No, I thought YOU did?" "Doh." [clicky clicky] "Ok here it is."

And for the record, I guessed server-side replay recording before I read the thread!
S3 licensed
Of course it's legal to convert the copies of the songs that you yourself already paid for into OGG for your own use, but not to post said songs on the interwebz o.O
S3 licensed
Well I'm glad it was, because I just made one and I couldn't figure out Shotglass'!

Here goes:
S3 licensed
Quote from Paranoid Android :Never heard of him .

Next something that shouldn't be too difficult:

Btw shotglass, we really should go to sleep .

The Weight by The Band?
S3 licensed
HAHA nice job!