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S3 licensed
Good post, and welcome. Looking forward to hearing how your fresnel setup turns out; been considering one of those myself lately. (There are couple threads around here about them I believe.)

S3 licensed
I used Nero Vision 7 recently to make a nice dvd with menus from a smattering of AVIs. I didn't use the video editing and movie making features very much, so I can't really comment on the completeness of that department but it did let me adjust the bitrate of the final project to either fit a certain size or to any arbitrary number I wanted. That made me happy.
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Ahem.

Interesting read. Call me impressionable, but I'm going to try out "Opera." Personally I've been using Firefox very happily for quite sometime though. It was certainly an improvement over IE6, though I must say even IE7 looks pretty slick (My girlfriend uses that).
S3 licensed
I had just bought a PS2 and GT4, spent some time on some forum or something and had finally persuaded myself into buying a DFP (it wasn't that hard ). There was a post either on a GT4 forum or a DFP review that mentioned someone - some sort of game dev or actual driver or something; I can't remember - preferring LFS over GT4 for it's realism and fun factor. It said something along the lines of, "... no game is so physically and mentally taxing as LFS in respects to the immersion and involvement of my whole body ... blah blah ... sweaty, nervous, something something ..." I thought, "Wow, cool."

I don't think I even had the demo a week before I got licensed, haven't had a social life since

PS: Anyone want to buy a PS2 and a few games? Hardly used...

EDIT: BTW LFS was at S2U at this point.
S3 licensed
Quote from kompa :Hmm what if servers could be tagged as invisible?

They can. When you create a server you have a choice between Local, Internet, and Hidden. Hidden servers don't show up in the server list, but they still connect to the master server and LFSW and can be connected to if you know the exact server name.
S3 licensed
A warning ban? Phaw! Confirmed users of cheats and exploits should be banned forever, no questions, no excuses. It doesn't happen on accident o.O

As for the stats, they'll be cleaned either way, but maybe the records of racers who are removed in this fashion should also be erased.
S3 licensed
Quote from birder :Who agrees that this action should also get an automatic 30 second penalty or a pit before the end of the first lap not be counted as a pit at all.

I do. That's totally lame.
S3 licensed
Quote from ShannonN :You can't sit back and expect the money to suddenly turn up under your pillow, you have to go out and earn it.

Please add poll option:
Pull all teeth with pliers, buy S2 with tooth fairy money.

You don't need teeth to drive.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :you could also just pick a section of any track you want, and put down your own start, finnish markers and drift that section over and over.

Hey thanks for that tip! I don't drift, but I've often wished I could practice certain sections of tracks over and over. I never thought of that though!
S3 licensed
Maybe if it was scaled down a little bit to give more room back to the server list and became a permanent part of the screen that auto-joined whenever you were at that screen it would be utilised more.
S3 licensed
Quote from Nck 1991 : I read a few thereads back tht ppl sayin how ppl shud react when some has crashed i.e stay still till every1 has passed.So Why dont servers dedicate one racer as a safety car then theyll be less hassle wen a crash has happend n complaining of positions. guys wt u think

I'll take this seriously once LFS has a Nissan Skyline.
S3 licensed
Yup, I'm using Joy2Key for that.

I tried assigning look function to Axis mode, and in the controls I set Look Heading to MouseX and Look Roll to MouseY and it looked pretty nice leaning into turns. Unforunately the right-click view reset doesn't work when the look function is set to Axis, so I went back to MouseXY mode.
S3 licensed
Your team should race theirs for the name, winner takes all.
S3 licensed
You need Joy2Key. It has just the functionality you're asking about. You can use it to assign buttons to basically any key combination or mouse movement, then you can define multiple configurations within one profile and choose a button to switch between the profiles. Incredibly useful little program.
S3 licensed
it's fine, lern 2 play

S3 licensed
Quote from Octane :IIRC the right mouse button resets view to center (at least for freelook with mouse)

Wow thanks, that's true! If that's documented anywhere, I didn't see it. That'll sure save me the time spent manually trying to center the camera everytime I bump the mouse . I do still wish there was a key press to do the same though.

I've gotten freelook working pretty well otherwise though, maybe I'll post my profile file once I tweak it a little more. I want to experiment with Look Roll .
S3 licensed
Bah I just read this whole thread for nothing? Who resurrected this thing? ^.^
S3 licensed
Yeah, Joy2Key is a great program. I used it extensively in Oblivion and LFS when I was using a gamepad. I also had a profile setup to use my gamepad for common Windows functions so I could browse webs and emails and such with the gamepad heh. Really handy utility.
S3 licensed
Hey nice one!
This is all I could fit on it...
S3 licensed
I'm trying to get Freelook to work also and am having the same problem. LFS doesn't seem to have a button to center the view. I've noticed when you press ESC to get the menu the view snaps back into its original position, it just needs another button that will snap the view back like that but without summoning the menu I think.
S3 licensed
Oh that's pretty cool. The headset acts as a completely separate audio interface I guess? Didn't even know those existed ^.^
S3 licensed

How did I not know about Kegetys' Ghost mod?! I've been wanting something like that for soooo long. Kegetys, if you are reading this: Thank you sir, you are an angel.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I think we should pay to have a phone embedded into vic's head, so he never needs to suffer the pain of holding a phone to your head.

Hmm... Like this?
S3 licensed
Is your headset not stereo? I just have all my sound going into the headset's earphones with the speakers out of the loop entirely.
S3 licensed
Here's my rig in action. I'm just having trouble getting FF to work