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S3 licensed

My face and stomach hurt. I was kind chucklin through the whole "nemesis" part, but I think I started laughing harder than he did after the outburst!
S3 licensed
And probably typing Dvorak with QWERTY key markings!
S3 licensed
Quote from himself :I was just reading the "Cutting Corners" thread on CTRA subforum and thought that such object like this (attachment) would be very useful to prevent from cutting corners. It's immobile so nothing flies around when somebody hits it (like stack of titres).

Sweet graphics, what game is that from?

I'm not sure I understand really. Is this cone supposed to be immobile as in you hit it head-on and your car stops dead? Otherwise I can only see it being useful to prevent cutting in hotlaps or something. I don't get how it would be more effective than a flying cone really, maybe just a little less annoying to the party that hasn't hit it
S3 licensed
Good news, thanks. I wish I was on the same time zone as you blokes so I could get in on the full server action. As it stands I do do my own trial runs on each test patch most nights, but I can only go so long before I get lonely and fire up the ol' .5W for some racing hehe. I guess I don't have much input in the test patch thread because I've just never had any problems!

Really looking forward to teh >< and being able to lose some races on some busier servers! See, I figure if I place midpack among 32, that's equivalent to coming in first among 16!!
S3 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Updating now for my ancient AGP 5700 FX.

I was on 93.71, wonder what these will do.

*will update post once installed*

Well that makes ME feel a little better I'm using a 5900 FX. I'm running guru3d's 97.46 on Vista. For the most part I'm at the vsync ceiling during a race, except for a little choppiness on the start grid.

Unfortunately, I believe nvidia is phasing out support for these old relics. I don't really expect a new driver version until I upgrade my card.
S3 licensed
I would think that with as much money as you've invested in 3ds max that you'd be able to get some basic tech support from autodesk? Sounds like an install problem.

Oh - You're talking about a 3rd party plugin... disregard!
S3 licensed
Completely subjective question. Define real?
S3 licensed
ZOMG I want these wheelz plz k thx!!
S3 licensed
If I remember, I'll let one go overnight tonight. Is your intent to just have one AI by his or herself?
S3 licensed
Quote from toad_toes :Hi, Here is a PROBLEM Windows Vista issue

My old computer messed up on me so i had to get a new computer and i am now currently using windows vista. When i got LFS downloaded onto my new hard drive.I Could race online but i was then told to install test patch W_17 to get into a server running on this version, so i did and then I went to race LFS Player's online but came up with a error message{ unable to connet to master server} This was not due to my firewall, because i made changes to these setting allowing LFS though....after a very hard atempt i got online. I have now installed Patch W_37 and now i have the same issue, I have made no change's to my Network..etc just INSTALLED PATCH W_37 over W_17

It suck's and i need answer's ASAP because i now cannot RACE!!

Cheers Springer

I've installed every test patch I can get my hands on on Vista and have never had Windows Firewall complain. What firewall software (or hardware) are you using? And confirm you're still able to access the rest of the internet when this occurs?
S3 licensed
Quote from The Man :Next thing on the list after patch X is to sort out the AI drivers.

Quoted for posterity

HOoray! I'm really looking forward to that. I think it'll be interesting to see how their individual "personalities" develop after they've learned to drive.
S3 licensed
Haha that's cool. I'm staring at my mom's San Francisco apartment. They haven't done my town yet though. I live just northeast of SF across the bay. Google's headquarters is about an hour south of me.
S3 licensed
Well, yeah.

Kind of a silly question. Of course we're all biased.
S3 licensed
You could lower the braking force in your car setup. You really need some kind of analog input though - a gamepad at least.
S3 licensed
LMAO Elderado. You guys don't even want to know what I thought he meant.
S3 licensed
Nice! Year old bump!
S3 licensed
Better yet, what if high-speed impacts in LFS killed the wreckers in real life?!1?!
S3 licensed
If you don't have time to read, you don't have time to post.

That's been brought up several times - it's working as intended.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :I'm not a hotlapper. I only really use hotlapping for setup testing and learning the tracks. That said, I agree with Tristan and the other guys who want to see cars always start from the pits. This is how it would be in real life and this is how it should be in LFS.

I want immersion and realism. Being magically transported to the other side of the track ruins that, IMO.

I don't understand why you don't use Single Player mode for this rather than Hotlapping mode then. As has been so eloquently put before, hotlapping and racing are basically two different games with two different mindsets. I think it would be terrific if all these "realism" features like starting from the pits (and... and... I can't remember if there was something else) were added to the Single Player and Multi Player racing modes, but to make hotlapping even more tedious than it is is just silly. I have almost 100 hotlaps online, with many more that I never felt were worth uploading; I'm no top 10 nutter or anything, but I have spent a lot of time in hotlap mode.
S3 licensed
Because that would be stupid.

Why would you want a cookie car?
S3 licensed
I have a shite computer and I haven't had a single issue with Vista yet as far as gaming, music production, or just regular day-to-day use. If I had to reformat again I definitely would not go back to Vista.

But, that's just me. And my guardian angel I guess?
S3 licensed
I did them all when I first got S2, haven't looked at them since.
S3 licensed
I don't own a PS3 nor do I intend to invest in one. It's funny, you guys are going on about how it “looks amazing” and is the “next level” and comes in different colors and such, but are the games even “fun”? How deep does that beauty run?

I got a Wii on launch day and I love it to pieces. I've got 6 wii games that I have to force myself to rotate between or else I'll just never stop playing whichever one. They're all fun in ways I've alwsys imagined video games should be like. Not to mention all the virtual console games I'm getting to love all over again. I had to make an agreement with myself about those too: I can't download more until I actually beat one. (I just got another batch after finishing Bomberman 93.) I've even gotten my fiancée and mother to both play games with me which is another dream come true lol!

For me a game is just plain more fun when you get to interact with it in a more realistic way. Like LFS with a ff wheel vs. a keyboard, or Guitar Hero and it's guitar controller. Or DDR and it's dance pad thingy. I just can't imagine wanting to play a game with a regular old controller anymore, given the choice.

Oh and did I mention I'm posting this from my Wii? (Wirelessly?)
Last edited by Dumpy, . Reason : Premature submission
S3 licensed
Surprised and excited.
S3 licensed
lmfao... bored much?