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S3 licensed
Here's my entry, a mid-engine four-wheel drive concept car; environmentally friendly too!
S3 licensed

But if Beethoven could do it deaf, you can do it!
S3 licensed
That'd be cool if there was an AVISynth kind of program that could encode .ogg from .mp3 on-the-fly completely transparently to a host program. So you open up a fake file Streamer.ogg that in turn streams an mp3 to LFS in .ogg-style and uhh... kills your FPS and such

Programmer Brigade, man your battle stations!!
S3 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :I wonder when LFS will look like this

And also sound like the real thing too

Are you kidding? Look how fake and square that car shadow is... What a crap game - I think I used to play that one on my graphing calculator.

Quote from deggis :I'm sure there are people in the beta team who would have time to make official teaser vids (when there is something to show at first), I guess currently there isn't much to show.

Lol... we ARE the beta team!

I very much prefer being able to test the new stuff immediately like it is now, rather than have to sit through a week of teasing!
S3 licensed
When you set up a server you can allow each guest to add up to 2 AI cars as well. What I'm curious about though, is whether it actually uses the guest's AI files, or does it add the AI and use the .knw files present on the host machine?
S3 licensed
Grip Racing Purist Representative is my guess!
S3 licensed
I don't get it; where are the spoilers?
S3 licensed
Ooh I like something beer or music related
S3 licensed

I hope LFS continues to be as much fun for you as it is for us. Thanks guys!
S3 licensed
That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. Does it do this both offline and online?
S3 licensed
I'm not familiar with the Wombles, but this talk reminds me of another underground creature of yesteryear... the FRAGGLES! Dance your cares away, worries for another day. Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock!
I liked the little dozer guys, and always felt bad for them when the fraggles ate their little structures

Lol, Thundercats? What about VOLTRON, or Gummy Bears? (Bouncing here and there and everywhereeeee!)

OMFG Time to go to bed, I'm delirious >.<
S3 licensed
I have a Sony Clie NX70V for all my portable multimedia needs. I don't have a cell phone. The Clie is basically a palm pilot, but it has a memory stick slot, a CF slot, a camera and can keep track of stuff to do ^.^ Mostly it just serves as an mp3 player though plugged into my car stereo's aux input. I have about 12gigs of music on my computer and only about 256mb worth of flash memory for it though. Each filling ends up lasting about a week or so (my trip to work is pretty short). If I were to get a new device solely for mp3s, it wouldn't me an iPod though. I would probably get an iRiver device, but I can't say I've researched it very much though. I'm happy with my Clie.
S3 licensed
That would be really cool if they all had their own personalities and driving styles, but there's no way for this to be done yet. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's renamed AI 1/2/3/4 into Richard, Karen, Tom, Mary, etc though, right?
S3 licensed
LX6 @ FE Black Rev is so hard... I love it!

Good idea.
S3 licensed
Got to see inside a Ferrari 360 at a car show today -- have never actually seen one with the hood up before (is it still called a hood when it's in the back?) Beautiful piece of machinery :O
S3 licensed
If I had a choice between an H2 and a Subaru, I'd take the Hummer

Then I'd sell it and buy a used Subaru and $30,000 in music equipment and a new computer

Saw a tricked out H2 at the auto show today and thought about the great cartoon Vain posted and had a good laugh. "Now Everyone Knows"

Great car show we have here once a year though. Drooled over some old Corvettes and Mustangs and 40s cars and all sorts of great automobiles. Even saw an LX6!!
S3 licensed
I believe the reason you can't do that is that those sounds are generated in real time by LFS' sound engine, not sampled. There aren't any .raws or wavs that can be opened and edited. We would need a separate volume control within LFS for the skid sounds.
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :That's the thing. Most new SUV's are made just to run around town, and when it comes to going offroad they get stuck driving over gravel. I've seen videos of super costly SUV's getting stuck in anything and the cheaper 4x4 made for such a task towing it out. Though the best is a H2 driving over a rock no higher than the tips of my boots and snapping the steering arm.

Heh, yeah. I dispatch tow trucks at work, and it's always good for a chuckle sending someone to "recover" a supposed 4x4 suv stuck in an inch of mud in their driveway, or 5' from pavement in sand at the beach or river. Whether they don't know how to operate the equipment or just that the vehicles themselves are worthless for going off the road, it's still pretty darn funny (Especially when they're too far out for our cables and get washed away in the ocean muahaha!)
S3 licensed
The reason two TH2Gs isn't very feasible is the same reason using two video cards to run 3 monitors doesn't work: software doesn't support it. The software would have to be specially designed to draw to two completely separate interfaces, whereas the TH2G basically just tricks the software into thinking it's drawing to one wide device.
S3 licensed
I hate them. Someone in my apartment complex drives one, and I always think bad things about them when I see them at the mailroom. Grr.

omg, I want one of those stickers to put on his "car"
S3 licensed
Take it easy man, and have fun. I work a phone job dealing with idiot problems all day too, so I know how wearing that can be. Luckily I get to bring my DFP in when it quiets down at night and hotlap at work! muahahaha! Thanks for LFSW, it's a masterpiece <3
S3 licensed
That's great man, nice job!!
S3 licensed
<--- Drew both parts of this in paint with a $25 tablet, then pasted them into one image in PSP to resize and save it.
S3 licensed
Yep, this is still a great idea. Highway 199 please! There are some great mountain/canyon/cliffside roads along the rivers around here. Makes a long trip actually interesting to drive. I like trying to improve my line through the curves and narrows each time (always at completely legal speeds of course!), but I always wonder how fast I could go if I could use both/all four lanes (and if I had a proper car [and no speed limits {or traffic}]) ...
S3 licensed
Haha nice idea. I'm a concrete bowl park kinda guy myself; regular ol blank deck, Independants, 65mm Spitfires, Bones Swiss bearings. I've never had the equipment or the abundance of balls to try a big downhill, but I rather love carving around something like this. (I live about half an hour from that particular park - small, but tons of fun)

I can envision downhill skateboarding controls on a regular joystick: X/Y axis for body lean, and a couple buttons for +/- crouch, air/foot braking. Sadly, I don't see this happening in LFS though