I was wondering about this too... It does seem like it would just create drag? Also, in my experience, it is pretty annoying having the windows down going fast - but what do I know? ^.^
My girlfriend and I have lived together for over 4 years now. She used to be anathema on all video games back when I used to play Everquest, but doesn't really mind any of my current games. She makes fun of me when I talk on CSS or DoDS though Oblivion is acceptable I guess since it's offline so I'm clearly not "chatting online with hot babes all day" heh ^.^
I've gotten her to play LFS once, and she enjoyed it, but she said she wanted scenery, so I put it on Fern Bay and told her it was supposed to be all Jamaica-ey, but she said she didn't want to drive around "in circles" on a track. I agreed, and told her she shouldn't try to tackle circles until she can drive in a straight line LOL.
She doesn't mind my LFSing much, except that it means I have to kick her out of the good chair and take over the TV.
She hates the "stupid 3D games" but we rented Simpsons' Road Rage for the PS2 this week and had loads of fun with that. The *ahem* physics model on that game sucks though... She likes the old school Mario games and such, so we play emulated SNES and Genesis games a bunch.
Do you have a better than the average TV? I very much prefer playing LFS on my TV instead of my monitor, but it's almost impossible to read ingame text at any resolution. Mine is a 27" CRT.
I play LFS on a TI-84+ Graphing Calculator with a DFP, but my DoD:Source and Oblivion machine is as follows:
Antec SOHO Server Case, ULTRA 450w PS
DFI Lanparty nF3 250gb motherboard
AMD Sempron 3100+
OCZ 1GB PC3200 (OCZ4001024WV3DC-K)
MSI GeForce FX 5900 256mb into a generic 19" CRT
Seagate Barracuda 80gb & 60gb
Samsung SM-308B CDRW/DVD & NEC ND-3520A DVDRW
Ooooold IBM Optical mouse (my favoritest mouse ever, a Logitech Dual Optical finally died)
OOOOOoooold Compaq keyboard from the first Windows machine I ever owned. The space bar is split into a space and a backspace key though; it rules. Currently on Dvorak keymap, but I use QWERTY for games (and for typing "QWERTY" lol)
Also have a 15" LCD and an IBM wireless mouse across the room with my music equipment.
I have a couple more variations on Aston to work out before I've driven every possible track with the XFG (I'm going to do this with every car), but I have to say so far I really like the Kyoto GP Long (Reversed too). I don't know, it just has some fun turns and lines that make me smile out loud.
I used a gamepad RC car style like Hog700 before I got the DFP, and the most important setting for me was the analog steer smoothing. I had it maxed out; otherwise the steering was way to jerky and I couldn't hit corners exactly where I wanted. That of course might just be attributed to the El Cheapo (TM) gamepad I had. In the end I just couldn't deal with such a small range of motion though =-(
What if you and your wife are ice fishing on a river, and suddenly a snake slithers out of nowhere intent on making dinner out of your woman. You're 100ft away and the only thing around is a semi-flat river rock - What do you do?! You curl the son-of-a-bitch!
As for ballroom dancing though, I completely agree.
But it is; he's awarding 5 points, which is considerable, to the winner...
edit: Also, I don't see how it's "overly complicated" :/ The closer you are to the front throughout the race, the more points you get; you win, you get points; you make the fastest lap, you get points.
The AI nearly wrings tears of frustration from me every time I pull off a particularly good-feeling turn or overtake and they come up and give me a little love-tap sending me into the sand.
A couple times I thought of making highly trained AI .knw files available as a .rar package or something... Unfortunately that would require training all of them in all possible combos, which would - for lack of better words - suck ass :/
Ha no, I play LFS by myself in a private server at work, and I frequently have to - you know - work
But yeah, I can imagine it being abused too. I like the other idea of just allowing single-player mode to interact with LFSW. I guess that's actually what I was looking for, I just had to come up with this roundabout problematic way to do it.. illepall
I would like the ability as admin/host of a multiplayer game to actually pause the simulation, like is possible in single-player mode.
Mainly this is because I often play LFS in an environment where I am frequently interrupted and must look away from the game for long enough to crash and burn, but I'd rather play a local private multiplayer game than a single-player game for the simple fact that it connects to LFSW and updates PBs and lets me see the WRs ingame and such...
I'm trying to think of why this would be bad other than if bad admins abused the power when people are trying to race. I've played other multiplayer games where pausing is possible after inputting a certain console command.