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S3 licensed
Do you have proof of these claims towards me?
S3 licensed
Congrats, you were smart enough to not use your box, the fact of the matter is #1 You made the first post here after h0rn kept coming to our TS. #2 h0rn came to our TS server asking if I dossed from my home internet, which I don't. h0rn kept getting banned and then our server crashed.

Your motive: Jealous of LsC current success. (everyday we have 20+ connections at most times)
Claiming we copied your Insim (most cruise servers have similar/same features, so you are just crying to hear your self cry about that.)

Run your server and we will run ours, the better of the 2 will be left in the end and the loser can go home crying.
S3 licensed
Quote from Beaver08 :see got no words coz you not got proof

vpns, proxies. Your stupidity of this matter is clearly faked.
S3 licensed
Quote from Beaver08 :i'm proving it wasnt me who is dos'ing you .. so accuse me again and watch when you get the logs that it probably birdman doing to you so it looks like me

You are not personally doing this, but your goon h0rn is definately in on it.
S3 licensed
My internet is nice and solid right now. Couldn't be happier to be honest.
S3 licensed
Best of luck.
S3 licensed
Good idea for S3 feature, imo.
S3 licensed
I do not object to this change. Grid commands should be Admin only as they are usually the ones in charge of gridding and such during events and races.
S3 licensed
Glad to see these multiplayer improvements. Looks very very nice.
S3 licensed
We are gridding right now!!! Come watch the race!!!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Grats Niki.

I timed out during lap 1 or 2 I think.
S3 licensed
First and Lastname: John Hockett
LFSW Username: Edge3147
Teamname: MidWest Racing
Team Tag: [MWR]
Desired-Carnumber: 90
Date-of-Birth: 05/19/88
Nationality: USA Bitches!
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :come on guys. Lets not turn another thread into a flame-fest. LFS will never be the same as it used to be. This isn't LFS' fault, our gaming tastes change through time. The reason I stopped playing was because all the guy/gals I enjoyed racing against slowly drifted away. Again, this is just down to peoples tastes changing.
LFS is still one of the best sims out there. I'm sure the "new" users are having just as much fun as the older drivers did when they were rookies to LFS.
I agree with Franky.S. There is still so much for people to explore but it's down to you to actually explore it. I've not set as many PB's as i'd like with various combinations, but all in good time.

Happy 10th Anniversary LFS. And Congratulations on making it this far.

I don't think "changing taste" is the reason LFS is slowly losing players, the fact remains that there are other games that are more frequently updated. Those other games are what is changing people's taste. Had LFS developed much faster, the outcome could be very different, but seeing as how we have not discovered time travel, we will never know.
S3 licensed
Just more crap to delay the important updates, good job stupid hackers.
S3 licensed
Good to see this is coming back, I'll gladly support it.
S3 licensed

MidWest Racing [MWR]
Forum -


John Hockett (edge3147)
Marcos Moureira (XenoX)
Last edited by edge3147, .
MidWest Racing (Closed)
S3 licensed
Closed, no fun being a one man "team".
Last edited by edge3147, .
S3 licensed
Silence from devs is getting to everyone, everyone is about to lose it.:throwrose:throwrose
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :We did get those awesome speed bumps! And guard rails! Both who can fudge a car up pretty bad!

Also don't forget multiple colours tyres, and chalk.

those are nice to have and i am glad they added more objects, but a major update is over due
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Actually, we've had 3 updates this year:

11 Jun 2011The list of hosts now indicates modified hosts that have CPW checks disabled (M).
11 Jun 2011LFS World PB messages inside LFS now work on hidden hosts, as well as the /w commands.
11 Jun 2011Races done on hidden hosts are now recorded and visible, but only for yourself. You cannot view races from hidden hosts of other people.

Those were minor updates. More AutoX Objects and Open Config didn't change anything, it was an attempt to provide new content but didn't really actually add anything new. The rest were bug fixes.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mountaindewzilla :Like I said before, if they care enough to lock threads and ban people all the time, they're probably still interested in LFS.
If they really stopped caring, they'd probably stop spending money on servers for it.

They might care about the program and their plans for it, but they lack respect for the community, it's been another year and again we get nothing in the form of content updates.

Don't get me wrong, LFS is a good sim, but it's content has been the same for years now, the rest of the community as well as myself would love to see something new for a change. I support LFS but the lack of updates is a real pain in the behind.
Last edited by edge3147, .
S3 licensed
Quote from guti223344 :yes mate , unfortunatly i know that its the truth

WKD has always had admin problems.
S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :u have game only 2 year and now u complain to no content..

stop cruise and enjoy racing maybe u stop complain about new content..

You have been here according to your "Join Date" only 6 months longer. What's your point? Every other game I have ever bought that said they were going to release an update has released it within a reasonable amount of time. (years is not a reasonable amount of time. They screwed up giving an estimated release date and now they have missed that date horribly.) If Scavier can't handle criticism of its product and management skills, they should change industries.

Here's to all the trolls.
Last edited by edge3147, .
S3 licensed
Quote from kimd41 :Not even devs said something on a such important day.

Go figure, they could care less tbh. Over 6 months of silence, I wouldn't want them to break the trend just for a silly birthday of the program they developed.