We are still working on our new insim which is almost ready for testing. We will be doing some public testing starting Friday April 11th.
The current insim stats will be transferred to the new insim, so if you want to have cars and cash when the change happens, we encourage everyone to come and enjoy the current insim.
Due to known issues with insims using the LFS_External Library, UGC has decided to retire our old insim and start development on a new insim that uses the InSim.NET library. Development will be a little slow to start while I adjust to the different library but it should pick up in pace as development begins to progress.
Current KM's, Cars, and Cash will be transferred to this new InSim.
That is what I am trying to figure out. The only thing I am doing is deleting the reference and readding it from the new DLL, then using the new DLL after rebuilding, but for some reason, everything that is related to System.Timer class stops functioning like the timers do not work or something.
There are no errors when I running in debug or before compiling so I am pretty stumped as to what is going on at this point.
And I am not looking to rewrite the insim as everything works except the timers when I add the new library.
I was wondering, for a small fee (5-10 euro), would anyone be interested in helping me convert an insim to use LFS_External I know it's outdated but I do not have time to write an entire new insim with Insim.Net, just trying to get this insim to stop crashing because of the known WOULD BLOCK issue.
#1 Redesigned Insim HUD.
#2 Get paid for being connected without driving thanks to our new Bank Bonus system.
#3 Redesigned KY3X Layout with One Way, Unrestricted Oval.
What's Coming Soon to UGC?
#1 Our Website w/ Forums
#2 Fun Events Several Times a Week.
#3 Much More
I think it's a combination of advertising, not being on a console (America loves Consoles (see Gran Turismo and Forza)), lack of shiny super ultra detailed graphics (America loves fancy things) and speed of development. There are probably a few other factors, but this would give a good idea what most American gamers I have played with look for in games.
This is just a fantasy inside your head. The reason LFS isn't even remotely popular in the US is because of lack of advertising in the US. I am almost certain that is LFS went to Steam, it's popularity and use would rise significantly, but keeping that momentum alive would be up to the devs.
We are the ones keeping LFS alive, without the community provided servers and community provided improvements (skins, events, layouts, textures, insim apps) LFS would have nothing to stand on and would be seen the way most of us see it, dead.
There is always something that can be done when it is consumer driven.
Could not have said it any better. If Rockingham is good enough for the actual track to run machines with LFS and Rockingham, it's damn good enough for the people that helped fund this entire project by providing funds through licenses and other products offered from LFS.
The fact that they continue to withhold new content over some concern regarding physics is just stupid. When the new physics come out, the entire game is going to change, including the play on the original content. What is wrong with allowing us to sorta give this "new" content a beta test and find problems such a texture, surface or wall issues like have been found on other tracks.
It would also give some sort of definitive hope that actual progress is being made and we aren't being fed some sort of false flag to keep new license purchases coming in.
I have been mostly quiet through the last few threads regarding this but decided to come back as I see more and more people are fed up with the way this Dev team is working.
Go to Steam, where Early Access to new content is now the norm in video game development.
The sooner Scavier realizes this and adopts this method, the better LFS will become.
When it takes you 5+ years to release anything new or even release something you have already announced, you need to set your pride aside and ask for help if you want you project to actually to stay a worthwhile project. If not someone else will beat you to the punch and release something 10 times better and well that will be the end to your little side project.
Let's face it, if you keep saying the same thing over and over like "we are still working on it" but do not deliver for over 5 years, your words are going to be nothing more than just words. Especially when there is content that could be released to show your appreciation for our continued support or even to just keep the interest alive for others.
I had a similar issue (same thing, crash when changing from window to full or vice versa) but I can't for the life of me remember what was causing it.
Does this happen all the time or only when you have other programs opened? I.E. Run LFS straight from a boot without TS, Steam, or anything else going.
*added* I remember to fix my issue I just did a clean install of LFS then loaded the backups of my layouts/setups/skins/textures. Have you tried running a fresh LFS install on this machine, Peter?