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restriction changes max. setup value(s)
S3 licensed
well, you can call me a noob after that question if you like, hence my post in the beginners section, but

without voluntary intake restriction, the maximum value for suspension stiffness on the fzr is 260
if you add restriction, it goes down. at maximum restriction (50%) the maximum stiffness setting is 200.

same on other (not all) cars and to all suspension values (at least)

that´s supposed to be a feature, not a bug, right?
S3 licensed
alright, apologies about the bf1-sim. event should be cool - as long as you´re not the pacecar
S3 licensed
yes, eyes to read

Quote from Vinnylegends :Even Greater!!!
Now we can make some $$$ with the sim

Quote from rockclan :But keep in mind we are non-profit.

btw: looking forward to see some pictures of that bf1-simulater of yours, Vinnilegends. or is it some exclusive material, top secret i guess? omgomgomgcantwaitlol
S3 licensed
oops. yes. i said that
S3 licensed
shame. oh well, would´ve been helpful if told us what time to show up. i´m at home since like an hour, cooking, just wanted to connect ...
S3 licensed
I´d like to join as well, LX6 most likely.
S3 licensed
Quote :"Qulifikation
* Die Qualifikation geht vom 13. bis 16. November (24.00 Uhr)"

So stehts im bc-forum. hat mich heut dazu veranlasst, bei drei teams wie wild leute anzuschreiben, dass nich mehr viel zeit bleibt. ausserdem ist dort die "straf"zeit für fahrer, die während der quali keine zeit fahren, mit 3 minuten angegeben. das nur am rande.
S3 licensed
Quote from peterules :After The first split of the second lap! hehe

sry if i didn´t express myself correctly. you can join during or after the RESTART-countdown. of course, right after the race-start, the pits are closed.

if you join after the restart-countown started counting (the actual lfs-countdown that is, only counting the last 3 seconds, not the ctra-insim-countdown), you will simply get the first available spot - which normally is simply the last position on the grid.
S3 licensed
Quote from marakol :my frend cum from family with to many he is smart

about the problem: my guess is marakol´s family has a 56k-modem or ISDN internet connection, so racing might slow down the internet on mum´s computer.

marakol: write your problem in your language (is it aserbaijan something?), and someone on the internet will see and translate to english. internet is full of rich people.

(sry about the last sentence, couldn´t resist. it´s like the "sexual harassment" episode from "the office" season 2 - the that´s-what-she-said-episode)
Last edited by eimer_, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Whilst I do agree there is no need to introduce an automatic /pit feature, I also think there is no reason not too

hehe, was expecting that

true, u got a point there. i just saw what they achieved already rather than what improvements could still be possible. it´s already an incredible experience to race on CTRA race 3, this ctra points&licences-system being the main factor behind it no noubt. we´ll see how much more will be done on the endless road to perfection
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Quite a lot, if you join the circuit after the race ends you can usually get a lap and a half, sometimes 2 laps in. If you've just joined the server this is a great chance to try and select the right setup from that unsorted mess that is your settings folder, or to tweak a setting or two.

this is again something that might happen (a clear track after the race), but i would not expect it from a public server, so i find other ways in the first place. like, i can see what track is used on the server before i join, so i go to hotlap mode, load the track, find the right setup and maybe tweak it, have all the time and place in the world to do so, and THEN join the server. problem solved
you can also just join the race after the countdown, so you start from the back and test & warmup without causing trouble. or of course, if it´s too crowded and you don´t want to get "race full", you join earlier, get a proper spot on the grid, start like normal and then get out of the way before T1 so everyone can pass you. either way, you get not only one and a half laps to prepare, but a whole race.
in case you just joined 60 seconds before the restart, i doubt it is enough time not just to find the perfect set (in case you have like too many to know your favourites), but also to get warmed up. the people you are going to join already are full of adrenaline and, after your warmup lap, still have about 700% more warm-up at least... or something.

i find it nice that you see how CTRA could effect wide-spread behaviour by implying certain rules. but on the issue that´s talked about in this thread, i don´t see a change necessary too. it s something you might need to talk about every now and then (to remind the coffee-drinkers about the effect of the escape-key), but there are easier ways around the problem then changing the servers rules. ways that work everywhere, not just on CTRA.
Too many characters?
S3 licensed
hmm ... the thread title sounds a bit odd, but who cares. english is not my first language

anyway, seems like just a minor but obvious bug. look at the pb-improvements in the screenshot. either that guy´s name is too long, or we need more characters per line
S3 licensed
Quote from mkinnov8 :And no, when a car doesn't jump out of the way under blue flags, its is not "blocking" Lauda, If you focused more on actually getting passed rather than what others are doing, you wouldnt have had a problem, or ended up falling off the track.

no comment!!!

also this accusation about 8balls taking out everyone in their way - hillarious. god help this guy!!!

Quote from de Souza :
4th place, free track, it was time to speed things up a bit. But seems like Laudi had another plans. He started putting some pressure, and after some laps he finally passed and built some gap. I followed him untill he got stuck behind a backmarker, and that nearly ended up nasty for both of them. I was again close to him, and after another fight, I was able to pass a couple of laps later.

besides that, i pretty much enjoyed the race. thx to all the fair drivers
Last edited by eimer_, .
S3 licensed
I opened up a server for practise, called "TLFR".
Free for all, running practise mode. Join any time, exchange sets, meet others for some battling on track and warm up for tomorrow. enjoy your stay

Ventrilo voice chat is also available for those who´d like to join. if there´s a problem with the server (noob-alert etc.), give me a shout on vt
To get there, download the latest client from and connect to port 3808
S3 licensed
!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOOOOL!!!!!! got kicked for spamming.
S3 licensed
glad to hear someone actually cares about this. i was getting crazy trying to reproduce that bug all day long today. everytime i think i know now how to do it, it doesnt work, and someone else comes on and gets the extra lap, skipping all the details i thought were necessary

so far i got the extra lap in like 4 of 5 cases when i connect to the server during the race, join the race before the leader´s in the final lap, follow him to the finish and do a lap after the race is over. on the other hand, i saw someone joining the race after it was over and just completing his outlap before the restart, and he got that outlap as extra lap in the next race. it´s weird! gonna stop testing now, getting crazy and probably nowhere

good luck on fixing that
lfsworld online race results: extra lap counted
S3 licensed
if you look at the online race details of the racers listed below, you can see that those guys appear to have done one more lap then the total race distance. the extra lap appears as lap 1 and is actually the last lap they completed before the restart (so lap 2 on lfsworld is actually lap 1 of the race). so far i could only find that happening on "CTRA Race 1" today, to players who connect during the prior race and join that race before the leader enters the final lap (no clue if that helps or is just coincidence anyway). thanks to all that happening on a CTRA server, all replays can be downloaded from their page:

account name: date & time

Timm: oct 30 13:14
sdimm88: oct 30 13:30
eimer_: oct 30 17:29
eimer_: oct 30 18:03
modelmotorracing: oct 30 18:20

mind that, if you look for the replays, the times listed above are the times when the race finished, according to lfsworld. on ctra, the times mentioned in the replay´s filename is the time when the replay was saved, so like 2 minutes later. so the first replay is "Race1_SO5R_30_Oct_2008_1317.mpr". and of course, the mysterious extra lap has been recorded in the replay showing the race before, so in "Race1_SO5R_30_Oct_2008_1301.mpr". my guess is the replays don´t help on this issue anyway
Last edited by eimer_, .
S3 licensed
Yeah man, GF is back!!!

well, actually i´m back, no clue what happened the last few months in this forum ...anyway,

count me in for this race, i´ll use the FOX. sounds like a lot of fun!

... downloading 'take on LFS' right now!
S3 licensed
right now i got a black background (figured once again i don´t actually see the wallpaper at all), but a few weeks ago this lovely SLR pose had its place behind the windows.
S3 licensed
when the guests join your birthday party and you ask them "do you see something changed?" - "you got a new rubber dolly?" - "that, and just for this party, i UNPLUGGED MY WHEEL!!!"
S3 licensed
Oh screw youtube. Go see for yourself and meet world-famous FM-Failure on the way:

Join The Wowow!

S3 licensed
somewhere i wrote that it´s unknown whether wowow exists. well, without reading through 672845678257632 pages of maybe-spam to see whether someone already found it .....

it´s been hiding on the ventrilo server for years now:
S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump :when you knew that this thread existed and digged it up again

when you go through like the last 4 pages of this thread and realise there´s still nothing really new.

... anyway, loved that one with the guy who´s wife leaves for work, and he tells her to take it easy in turn1
S3 licensed
well, if this is no joke, please go ahead and tell me!
S3 licensed
creating a new profile isn´t too hard imo. just a handful of options below, connected to the name. setups, skins, scripts etc. are for use with every profile. if you think it´s necessary (cause maybe you can´t even delete the damaged profile), then just download a fresh LFS, move the old installation somewhere else, put the fresh LFS where the old one used to be, copy everything you wanna keep from the old folder to the new one (like setups etc.), and everything should be fine.

before you delete the old lfs folder, you might wanna ask where to find something particular to copy to your new lfs...

there might be easier ways, but i´m sure this one works you won´t even need to create a new desktop shortcut if you do it right

P.S. everyone had to re-unlock LFS when he/she updated from Y to Z. guess it´s mainly because now also demo-users need a registered account to go online.