na, i´m having the same problem - it´s not about the stream (works fine), it´s the "race spectator".. you have to configure it, give it an IP or something from where it gets a server list. I started it up, but got an error while updating... tried the race spectator offered in this threat, and LFS Spectator 2.02, can´t update servers list on both programms, LFS Spectator simply gave me a "timed out" "at least" we have the stream, thx for that
Was in lap 7, going into 8 (final) on start-finish, oval 3man draft with Plaztik & Failure, like 10000 times before. I had some nice draft on the straight, turned left (what else), to pass both through turn one, when a huge moth out of nowhere decided to land on my right hand - resulting in a WHATTHE****-scream and and a manouver that took out all three of us later that night i spent like 10 minutes cooking that biatch with my lighter and thinking about where on this planet they would eat it, now that it´s become krusty/crispy/youknowwhatimean
Why do you want unnameds on the server when there´s a 95%chance that they ruin the race in turn one? what is so mad about forcing them to join a server where people are not that busy racing? Are unnameds unable to play LFS just because they´re banned for 12hours from a few servers where people managed to take ... preventive action (hope you can say so in english)? There are still lots of other servers, so why should they quit playing LFS in general.. just because they can´t join 1, 2 or maybe just a few more other servers for the next 12 hours?
Ok, they might have downloaded LFS 10 minutes ago, and don´t even know that T opens the chat window. but hey, one day they WILL have to chat to others, either on forum or ingame. and if hey DONT want to deal with what´s going on around them like in the chat or on track they could as well have a look at the game in single player mode. My suggestion: ReadTheF***ingManual
P.S. I know i was banned during my first days in LFS as well, but i´m still alive, and i don´t even remember any more what i´ve done - maybe i didnt even realise that i was banned
- Team Manager:
Laudi (i´m just manager concerning BOTT,
in any other case contact FM-Failure)
- Team Logo:
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skin attached, feel free to render
- Team History/League results
FM is a community dedicated to multiplayer games,
founded about 6 years ago
Hosts of internal and public seasons such as
Da phunky fresh OvaL-JuNkIeS-SeRieS
FM Formula CUP
360° event series
and plenty of oval events
- number of drivers:
- List of drivers:
[FM]Crazy Harry
lol, Phlos is taking over lfsworld like 2 minutes ago, it showed an obviously completely faked list or something, 100% different to the refreshed servers list ingame. I just realised there´s something going on after a line under scawens name in the forum said he´s online in that Phlos-is-God-or-whatever-server, then jumped to LFSW where it said there are currently 7738/1 players connected to it (:jawdrop - crashed my browser when i tried to see who´s in there...
just lucky imo - as they already said in the replay.
Try to explain THAT (just recorded yesterday): watch patrick, 18 seconds after the start.
And before anyone asks - this has NOTHING to do with a speed hack!
btw if your speed is high enough you can even drive through barriers. and they´re not supposed to maybe fly away when u hit them like tires
Seems a bit lame to me that you start insulting him now, even without a replay, just calling out a name. Afaik he DID have the hack, BUT he only used it on your team server, testing it with you weeks ago. and when you were kicking everyone during that session, it actually doesnt sound so wrong As already mentioned: when you use it in private - who cares. Ive never seen LFS Tweak in action except on youtube, and if people have fun tuning their cars in such a way, why not. (ok well maybe you couldnt use LFS Tweak online ... whatever, was quite funny watching some of those videos)
Magnus has been online a lot after that session, and he´s obviously driving clean (according to hacks :tilt. Else he would have gone into the same trouble as you.
So the bad bad ban list should stay without him for now, would be kind of unfair to him to leave your version imo.
P.S. What´s this anyway, magnus is one of your teammates - and now you try to get him banned....illepall
Last edited by eimer_, .
Reason : me stupid, first post, then read what i said;)
lol. after S!CKO was offering the hack on our server i added him o my buddy list to find him using the hack again. i simply missed saving a replay earlier
He was on our server like a week ago cheating and telling [DaEmOn] where to get the HAcker programm, now i finally got a replay of him cheating on the LFS France Server. 390kph in an FXR
just wanna admit that i personally prefer to watch a replay before i give out a ban, if the racer does not obviously act against our simple rules by blocking the track more than once for example... but as i said, that´s something personal, not every admin acts the same way. we´re a gaming community, not a professional raceing league hoster or something like that (we just have the fastest Ky1/BF1 Hotlapper in our Team ). this is why also we may have lots of players unbanned as soon as they requested it in our forums (failure has not only evil sides, i often heared him say "no problem to get a second chance"). every case may turn out as something unique, especially as soon as the person joins the voice chat to get to know us better & sort things out. so .. if you´re desperate for OVALing on our server, willing to race fair, able to hold a straight line, not on a 56k-modem -based connection etc etc i´d say it´s almost impossible to get banned (more then once :razz
and i guess those who enjoy our servers stay in close or at least periodic contact to the FM community anyway
cheers :leb: /me turns off LFS, good old Star Trek & cold beer are waiting
I actually enjoyed reading Becky´s commend (esp. that "Racing drivers never do mistakes"). Sad thing it seems to go under between all this