Yeah we had that already ... almost. but this time you know about it already a week before it starts - and it´s the XRT
So these are the facts:
Track: Aston north reversed
Car: XRT
Laps: 30
Pit stop: mandatory
When: 30. December 2007, 20.00UTC/21.00CET
Where: (FM) Event Server!, maybe also (FM) Fun!
Qualification: 25 minutes (so we can start the race about 20.30UTC)
If more then 32 people sign in, we will split the grid 50/50, and after the qualification we´ll sort it, so that the quicker half is on the (FM) Event server!
If you want to join, just post here and i will put you on the list. All I need is the account name of anyone willing to join, so i can send out the password via lfsforum-PM. As usual, we reserve the right to reject any blueflag-ignorers, wreckers and similar annoying individuals. To get a field of decent racers, we´ll check the PBs of every racer before we add him to the list, so please do some practise laps online on any server, just to give us the opportunity to check your PB before we sign you in. as a pointer, i did a 2.21.something after 10 laps, so i´d say everything above 2.25 will be considered ... unexperienced or something, and might therefore be considered danger to the quick leading racers. Remember, you´re not supposed to try & survive as long as possible, but actually compete and have a nice RACE for 30 laps, nothing more, nothing less.
To make sure you receive the password in time, please sign in at least 1 hour before the qualification starts.
Remember, all PBs have been deleted by the developers lately.
christmas is near, and since it´s sunday, i guess hardly anyone will be out today buying gifts. so in order to keep you busy, FM will host a small event - not on the oval today
As the title already says, it´ll be 23 laps on aston north reverse with the XRG. Qualification will be 25 minutes, starting at 20.00utc/21.00cet, so race will start at about 20.30utc.
how to join? simple: first come, first serve. However, we reserve the right to keep certain mad-skills off the track.
server name is (FM) Event Server!
and in case there are more then 32 racers, we´ll split the grid, so half of the grid goes to the (FM) Fun! server. and IF that happens, we´ll sort the grid after quali, so that the faster guys will find themselfes on the Event server.
well, that should be it. so I hope to see you guys on track tonight & have some fun in that poop-machine
edit: just a little detail: one pitstop is mandatory!
oh man, why did you move this from general to off-topic? i wanna be where all the where´s-my-setup-i´ll-never-play-lfs-again-for-the-next-five-minutes-guys are too - and i want a gun! pleasepleaseplease
oh yeah btw, that thing with the missing race results positons i wrote about a few posts earlier - dunno if that´s test patch related or would have happened earlier too, just in case you´re only looking at the latest changes in the game. can´t be bothered about that "bug" anyway, never seen that happening online on any server
well, i gave x36 a quick task, went to single player, put 20 AIs in BF1 on the oval and let them race for 3 laps, all on one of my setups and (obviously) skins. pitstop mandatory. all fine, they pitted in lap 1, but braked/broke(?) too late and it seemed like every single one of them got a 30seconds penalty. fine, maybe they´d do better on their own set, but
the actual problem i want to report occured 2 laps later, when they finished the race:
noone ever won the race. the cars "finished", but the questionmarks in the race results list where the position should appear remained. i tried it 3 times, one time there was even a car without penalty, still only a question mark, no position.
upload of spr just failed, was too big (3MB)...
So i tried the same again with less cars, and this time there IS a winner... but still, "Laudi-AI2" finished 3rd with a 45s penalty, but it´s position never appears, the question mark remains on the results list, even after 45seconds. THIS replay was small enough to be uploaded - just in case it´s of any help.
Yep, i just wanna say thank you as well to all who made this season possible and all who joined to fight each other. I enjoyed every race, and i know without some work from the BOTT-team this wouldn´t have been possible. Still, all I hope is that BOTT continues
1. 0.469 lol i thought it´ll go RED - YELLOW - GREEN
2. 0.203
3. 0.187
4. 0.188
5. 0.204
it´s 5.30 a.m. here, and i just checked the forum for a second before going offline ... for whatever reason so during the day, with some coffee, i hope i´ll get better results ... goodnight!
and @ krammeh: I heared Darren is your brother and socalled co-founder, so i thought i just might adress to him directly. you would hear about that anyway one way or another, and then you 2 can discuss that however you like.
I maybe was pretty bored a few hours ago, at like 6 a.m.. at the moment i have no clue why i decided o start that topic and make it souch a big deal. maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the deleted thread. - at 8 a.m. my new mainboard & cpu arrived which kept me busy for the rest of the day, and i´m enjoying the new performance, so... guess i´ll just leave this thread at least until sunday night, lets see if someone closes it, looks like i provoked enough ppl in just a few hours yes it´s FM lol ....*yawn*
Doh - well, at least i don´t expect it to be deleted.
edit: yeah, i must admit i forgot for a moment that admins might just be a group of however mixed up people that don´t need to follow any rules. my mistake. guess i´ll regret that sooner or later
First of all, whoever is not interested in anything concerning cruise servers, whoever just bought LFS for racing - STOP reading, it´s boring
I could find a subforum about leagues & events, but not about cruise servers, that´s the only reason why i post it in General LFS Discussion.
Famous OVAL BF1 WR holder Plaztik has been banned from LTC by Darren - not that much of a problem, but instead of listening to the whole story, it seems like Darren simply has a problem with Plaztik - maybe just waited for a chance to ban him - and can´t really admit it. so instead of having to face the public, he decided to start closing and even deleting threads. I tried again to talk to him in a reasonable manner,
but i fear he might just delete this thread again, and as far as i know, on lfsforum threads don´t get deleted as long as there´s nothing really immature or so in it. so i add a copy of the thread to this post
the original (closed) thread where Darren states why he banned Plaztik is still there, and Plaztik´s response before it was closed includes a link to the replay which was recorded before the incident. it´s not that long for a cruise replay, took me like 20 minutes to watch... so if you´re a slow reader, you might already have spent that time until you reached this point anyway, just in case that first thread gets deleted as well, here´s the replay. just curious how this goes on - and if Darren now bans all FM´s from LTC
P.S. I know there´s a banned thread in the beginners section, but if i remember correctly, it´s called "I have been banned..." which isn´t the case (yet)...
Well, just to tell you that not everyone is experiencing that problem - i´m one of those Still i can at least confirm Toddshooter´s timeouts all day long, whereever i see him, i´m sure he´ll have to reconnect sooner or later
/me is running a 4-5year old PC with still the first WXP installation, but i have no clue if it would make a difference running W2000.
It happens to me as well sometimes that the first connection attempt ends with a timeout. Mostly it happens when i try to join a server with a different track then the one before, so it´s loading & loading ... and timing out. but i don´t quit LFS, start it up & try again, i just try to connect again right away and this time it works... if i want to connect quickly, i load the track in single player before i join the server. reason is: while you connect, people on the server can´t pit/leave/spec/... it´s all blocked, u´ll find that out soon on your own.
That´s my point When i watched he replay from your view I saw trucky in your mirror, i was like in a blind spot. I feared you would not take the turn very wide so I tried to avoid you. I had not the best approach to the exit of the chicane. braking hard would´ve caused even more trouble behind imo. to avoid contact at that moment, i maybe should have cut that turn even more, that might have helped. wouldn´t have gained an advantage out of that as it would´ve slowed me down enough to let a few cars pass.
Still I can´t change what has happened, I´m the one who feels sorry .
Well, not so lucky exit first chicane lap1 here. didn´t dare to brake enough to get behind richard dk, cause trucky was right up our ass. didn´t dare to turn more left cause richard dk was there somewhere.
So i decided to cut that one and (what a surprise) lost all grip in the sand & went straight on. richard dk on the other hand took the exit quite tight... and there we met.
So i feel a bit sorry for djerandos!
On the other hand i´m happy that not more cars crashed