Gai-Luron, you are the master coder of all things insim & you will make many ppl happy especially with the return of pitspotter. I can't wait to try LFSRelax.
Well done and thankyou once again.
Wow Gai-Luron, I have never seen half of those pit stop messages in-game before. I see the difficulties with it now. I am not entirely sure what they all mean but is there any way you can code certain common things together in LFSStats, like:
I am guessing you may also be experiencing the dreaded gamepad lack of fidelity causing larger than required inputs (steering, brake and accel) which are contributing to the high temps.
If you haven't already search the forums here to find the thread(s) that talk about the best controller settings to use for gamepad's.
I have some new bug reports for LFS Stats v0.82, which I am pretty sure will be bugs with v0.83 although I haven't had the chance to try it yet.
However the 1st bug has to do with the Lap by Lap graph, so I am unsure if it is caused by LFS Stats or the Graph app. The bug is that each driver's graph line starts at the position of his finishing place, not his starting spot the legend table (right of graph) indicates the same (see stats links below).
The second is associated with Race Stats 2 link below, racer AstrO remembers having damage repaired in all of his pitstops but it doesn't indicate so, within the pit stop table data.
Let me know if you want the replay as it is 17MB. If so I will upload with a link here later.
Great to see you have implemented the penalties, flags & chat.html
One thing missing is the link at the top of the stats html (where all the other links are) that jumps to the penalties table.
You will see I have included it on the stats page below.
I do however have a bug to report, where a penalty was recorded after the race had concluded.
The racer in question (WTF-GREGGY [gtrse1968]) had spectated during the race but at the conclusion of the race then re-joined and on exiting the pits was given a penalty that was recorded in the stats.
Well Gai-Luron, I always wanted to use AutoMessage but used to run Pitspotter which meant the only insim 3 port available was already used. Now that insim 4 allows for multiple connections then it would be great to have automessage updated.
If it was part of LFSTSView then that would be handy, only one insim app to handle them both, nice & easy
LFSRelax =
Saying all that I don't think it is a critical app that many ppl used alot. But I would personally use so it would at least automatically say hello and goodbye to other racers
EDIT: On second thoughts, personally I think it would be better to keep them as separate app's or have the ability to switch it on or off without switching LFSTSView off. Particularly for when racing in league races as you don't want auto messages being generated mid race
Speaking of which have you thought about trying to update or develop a new version of Pitspotter as it looks as though Kegetys is not interested in updating his original program.
Many, many ppl miss it and would like to see it return.
Sorry for the off topic post and also if you have been asked before.
Have a separate table for race "Penalties" which capture the penalty flags & completion of each penalty as you mention, much like the pit stop table.
Also in the Race Results table capture the data for the driver aids in the flags column & also capture any of the outstanding penalties not cleared in the penalty column as well.
Sorry if this means lots of work, just improvement suggestions that would help admins determine race results & if penalties were served within their specified rules (ie, within 3 laps).
Thanks Gai-Luron, I look forward to the next release with tyre data.
I am not to sure what you mean by "end penalty displayed", could you explain it a little more?
Keep up the great work with LFSStats & LFSLapper.
I am also going to try your LFSTSView program
Thankyou Gai-Luron.
Previous bug now gone, so working with that replay.
Also great work with getting the WR comparison data functional, is a great feature but shows me how slow I really are.
I was wondering if there are any plans to have the flags & penalty data captured in the race results table? (currently blank cells).
Oh and the previous mentioned addition of tyre change data in the pit-stop table (sorry for raising it again).
I believe I may have found a bug but it doesn't seem to be directly related to this test patch as I had it happen once before in test patch W times but thought it was a one off.
Anyway while watching a SPR replay if you have the option menu opened when the replay finishes, LFS stops & locks up. It won't close using the windows close "X" button and requires a stop system process in the task manager to clear it. No error code or log is created in LFS either.
Sorry if it has been mentioned before, but I haven't seen it said since patch V days.
I keep getting this error on this particular replay file.
I have tried using both LFSStats v0.61 & 0.62 but both give same error.
Other replays still work fine, have you any idea why this is happening?
Appreciate your help with it please
Yeah that is a good point, maybe 3 flags for yellow cautions and 2-4 for blue flags.
I might investigate other special characters as well. Thanks for the idea
Great little app, looking forward to this developing into a very valuable race day tool, well done Vain.
I have an improvement suggestion, is there any way to make the position of the lap board on screen configurable so it can be shifted around, particularly for when the pits are on the right side of the race track?
BTW tade, I have got CSR and PitBoard to work together.
Start LFS and CSR first, then start pitboard with a different OutGauge port than CSR.
My LFS cfg.txt settings are:
OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge Delay 100 (CSR still seems to work with this value)
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port xxxxx (set it to your CSR Port)
OutGauge ID 0
PitBoard cfg.xml settings are:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<InSim port="29999">
<OutGauge port = "50000"> (or any value different to your CSR port)
<Password value = "">
<BoardTimeOut value = "15">
<LFSExec location="../" start="0" InvokeInSim="1">
Yeah but is there multiple knowledge (knw) files for each car/track combo or is there only one for the car that contains all track knowledge?
Get what I mean, can you add knowledge by sharing different files or are you stuck with a single file for each car?
I have an improvement suggestion, although it is a little specific.
After recently competing in a league race that had a rolling start it become apparent that the parade lap which was completed very slowly had an effect on how the stats data came out. As the parade lap was counted as lap 1 of the race it meant that stats like lap time stability, 1st lap time & yellow flags shown were a little misleading.
Anyway my suggestion is whether there could be a feature within LFSStats that could be switched on/off to account for lap 1 parade laps for rolling start races so that the stats for lap 1 are disregarded (lap time, splits, yellow flags etc) but the lap still counts as a completed race lap in the overall stats output?
I guess it could be similar to the qual option you developed
Interested in your thoughts on it?
Thanks Bob, I got it to work doing all the things you said to do . I used v1.05 and commented out the Device ID 1 (left monitor) and changed the Device Id 2 to 1 for the right monitor.
Have to run the side monitor at a lower resolution to save FPS.
But it has a fair amount of stutter and pretty slow FPS especially at Sth City (Avg 15FPS with 25 cars)
Thanks Bob Smith,
I have tried changing the Dev ID's as well as comment each one out like you suggested in an earlier post but SoftTH keeps producing the error that it is trying to identify the other (3rd) monitor.
I will try v1.05 (Beta) but I don't see how it will fix or help.
Can I ask if you were successful in running SoftTH with only 2 monitors and if so what else did you change in the config and what resolution did you run?
Sorry to bring this up again but can SoftTH be configured to run on only 2 monitors with one of them being the driver (central) view. I have tried Bob Smith's config above but it didn't work using SoftTH v1.04, kept getting errors saying could not find Device ID etc.
Please post full config if you have got it to work.