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S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron, long time no speak but I have discovered that your stats program seems to not work if a driver swap is performed during the race. We are currently holding a driver swap series and every time I have tried to generate the stats it fails (shutdown) when the driver swaps occur. Any chance you could have a look to see if it can be fixed?

Race Replay (27MB)
S2 licensed
Quote from Moonclaw :Admin control is a fantastic and welcome feature, but it's a bit difficult sometimes to know which racername and username is the one I need to moderate, because track overview shows only racernames as does racer info but admin control displays usernames.

If you hit Ctrl+Shift together in LFS it changes ppl's racernames and displays their LFS usernames.
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :realy nice but i think they would go better on the xrr

Thanks Mutt107, actually they would probably look best on the FXR as it is more like the shape of the real Supercars but with the FXR being AWD that is not preferable as we have been using these for actual LFSEA league events. A real Supercar is a handful to drive and the FZR is way more harder to drive than the very balanced XRR in LFS so that is why we did them for the FZR. I know this doesn't please everyone but they were built for a specific purpose and released on the side for everyone else to enjoy.
S2 licensed
mickyc30 as a member of the skin team responsible for this pack & in respect to the original authors, I ask that you have a read of the readme file contained in this pack. After you have I am sure you will understand that it would be appreciated if you refrain from modifying or using the content within this skin pack.

I understand that you being a demo racer means you are unable to use these skins so I can only suggest you make your own from scratch for the XRT by finding the logos on the net or hand building them yourself. That is what each of us did in doing this pack.
It won't be easy or quick but it is very rewarding when you finish each skin.
Even if you were allowed to use the content or modifying these skins, you would find that they would not be of a high enough quality to make a good looking XRT skin.

Also guys please keep this thread from becoming a flame fest, this pack was realised so every LFS S2 licensed racer can enjoy them as they are, cheers.
Last edited by flinty72, .
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Off the top of my head, asymmetric would be an important option for oval racers - not camber mind you - where tyre pressures and compounds have to be asymmetric. But yeah, adjusting camber sounds a bit extreme.

Good point maybe the option should be there for such situations but without including camber adjustments maybe just tyre compound & pressure as you say.
However the issue of it reverting to the lowest symmetric values if you accidentally flick it to that option need to be fixed if the option is to remain.
I honestly can't believe it would get used that much during a race as ppl should have developed the set prior and the option is and should continue to be available within the garage setup screens.
Pit Instructions / Assymetric values change
S2 licensed
This may not be considered a bug but I think this is the best place to post it.

The bug / issue is that if you accidentally flick from asymmetric wheels to symmetric wheels in the Pit Instructions Window (F12) then when you click back to asymmetric it losses all your previous values & changes them to the equivalent lowest values from the symmetric settings for both left & ride side of the car.

Why doesn't it keep your original asymmetric values as per your setup when flicking between them?

What I would like to see is the assymetric/symmetric option deleted altogether from the Pit Instructions along with the ability to adjust camber during a pit-stop as imho I don't believe this is ever an option in real life racing. Happy to be proven wrong though.
S2 licensed
Hey MAM,
I know I tried to help you with this the other week but now I am wondering if you updated Profiler since you changed your wheel.
I am looking at getting a G25 this week and noticed on the Logitech site that the profiler is a different version for the G25.
Just a thought.
S2 licensed
I use this site a lot for replicating liveries from just about any major real racing series on the planet.

It has a great search function where you can find photo's by series, events, driver names or track.
It also has photos from previous years of racing so is also good for resurrecting older liveries.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :ok done

Thankyou Victor
S2 licensed
Hi Victor,
Could you please add Arrow. as a moderator to the LFSEA league sub-forum here:

Thanks in advance.
S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron,
Not sure if your back yet but here is a couple of things to ponder once you return.

There may be a possible bug with the PitStop Information as I have seen that for anyone who pits that they always have "refuel" against their pitstop information. Any chance you could check, while I try to fully confirm it.

Suggested improvement: It relates to the Lap By Lap chart. I was thinking that it would be good to have the actual equivalent lap time listed under each of the cells of the % of fastest lap break down.
So have the 100.5% lap time listed & so on, so people can see how close they are to them. I hope you get what I mean, if not let me know
S2 licensed
Quote from shadow2kx :More quicker way:
Open toshop, and create an "Action" (the second tab of the History).
The action to do is record under a .jpg (e.g.: save as jpg > c:\cmxviewer\data\skin\XRG_render.jpg). Don't forget to STOP the action when it's done.
Assign a Key to this action by double cliking on the action.
Launch the CMX viewer, and load the skin XRG_Render.jpg. Click on the "Auto" button near the "Reload" button.

Now all you have to do is to make your skin the press the key of the action and go to CMX viewer to see the change (automaticaly up to date).

Easy and way faster than make it manualy

Thanks shadow2kx, I never really noticed the auto tab in viewer, I will be setting this up like you suggest and doing it from now on.
S2 licensed
Quote from dwayno : These days I just tend to scale the width of the individual objects I place on the sides to 80% width using Free Transform in Photoshop.

Yep I do similar, I just scale it as best as I think then save each change into my CMX Viewer skins folder and reload the skin in Viewer to see how it looks until I get them right to how I want them to look. Bit time consuming but worth the effort if you want them to look right in-game.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the kind words guys & Tweaker great to hear you like the AutObarn skin, it makes the 10hrs it took me to make it all the more worthwhile. Making logos by hand and then wrapping onto the FZR is so time consuming.

The reason that all skins are FZR is that we are holding an enduro called the RTECH1000 (see Arrow's post for the link) which is based on the real Bathurst 1000 and to keep it an even playing field we chose to only have it as a single car event, so we went with the FZR.

Please note: the RTECH 1000 is only open to S2 licensed racers located in the Australasian region to keep the racing as lag free as possible. Hopefully the release of this skin pack will inspire other ppl to host V8 Supercar events worldwide.

For information on LFSEA go here:
Thanks to Arrow for the idea (words) on the heading
Last edited by flinty72, .
S2 licensed
Thank you very much Victor
S2 licensed
Quote from Thunderhead :All I'll telly you it will have 4 teams from both 2006 and 2007.

As I finish them,I'll show a screenie of the skins. once i finish all skins that I intended for volume 2, I'll release em.

Cant' wait
S2 licensed
Awesome Skin Set Thunderhead, just wondering what Vol 2 will include. Will it have all the other Super GT teams of 2007 or something else??
I guess you want to keep that a secret but no harm in asking.
S2 licensed
Hello Victor,

I tried to PM but it was blocked so I now ask here to see if you could add our league as a sub forum on the League & Events Forum.

League Name:
Live for Speed Events Australia (LFSEA)



Live For Speed Events Australia (LFSEA) offers the AustralAsian LFS racer some unusual and highly realistic racing experiences by offering a number of special events based on real race series using their rules (wherever possible). We do not race for points, but there will be prizes for the big time events. Overall we are about events that either capture the imagination or push the boundaries of current thinking.

Not sure if you allow moderation access to the sub-forum but if you do could you please make the following LFSEA Admins moderators.
Whiplash 13

Let me know if this is acceptable & thanks for your time.
S2 licensed
Quote from sosna :Α small question:what does the angle that is shown means and the 2 red numbers with positive and negative value(maybe the speed diference between my car and the car infront and behind?)?I found out that have to do with the pitspotter but I tried everything and still cannot disable them.How could this be possible?

I think you are referring to the crash debugging feature for pit spotter, Gai-Luron has left it switched on in the default cfg file which is why your getting those appearing. It is easily switched off by editing the .cfg file under the pitspotter section, look for the text.
Quote :# For debugging, show collision coordonate
ViewCollision = true and change it to false.

S2 licensed
How do I get to see more servers in the selection list, can you actually see all LFS servers like the in-game multiplayer server list?
S2 licensed
Quote from drift_apprentice :Can someone please give me a guide to install this? I dont really know what to do, the doc came with it is not very self explanatory. I cant run the LFSRelax.exe.

C'mon mate did you even read this thread, look up at PLAYLIFE's post (above) and my one on the previous page, its all there laid out in plain English for ya (no offense meant Gai-Luron)
You can also go here: to get a nice GUI based config (cfg) editor.
Last edited by flinty72, .
S2 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Rather love Gai, without him you would only have instructions.

+1 for loving Gai (not literally) as I can't code to save myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from nonoGOUROU :Just a question :
LFSLapper use insim 29999, so what about LFSStat ? Is it possible to use the same insim port for LFSLapper and LFSStat ?
If not, how to specify a different port for each application ?

nonoGOUROU, I believe the current insim allows for multiple connections via TCP (7 of them I think), so you should have no trouble running LFSStats and LFSLapper together via the same insim port (29999).
S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron, I know you're still away but here is an improvement suggestion to think about when you get back.
I noticed that each replay file now has a time & date stamp that appears in the top left corner of the screen anyway I was wondering if it would be a good thing to capture in LFS stats?
It could be included as part of the server / race info stats in the table at the top of the page, where the server, track, duration and conditions are shown.
I think the time is currently set to UTC by default so it would also be nice if it could be programmed to be able to have LFSStats set a local time, say UTC +/- "x" hrs. Not sure if that is possible though.

What do you think?

EDIT: Thinking further I guess this would only work for stats derived from replays as I am not sure if it would work live online.
But since I only do stats from replays post race events then it would be fine with me.
Last edited by flinty72, .
S2 licensed
Yeah this would be pretty neat, I wonder if Gai-Luron could build it into LFSRelax as it suits the concept of his app. Hopefully he sees this once he gets back from his trip in a couple of weeks.
Last edited by flinty72, .