I don't like the idea of having demo users have to be registed some just want to download and play and that's the fun of demo servers the amount of wreckers. I love some times going into a demo server and avoiding all the wreckers as a challange. If you don't like demo wreckers it's simple, just don't play demo.
Yes than add a certain volume of flamable liquid lighter than h2o that fuels the mechanical devices with 4 wheels virtualy driven on this electronicly animated computer simulation at point X and Q +7 as you pass the place of stopping fuel more usage at engines maximum volocity times pi to the power of 17.
Road normal tyres set to about 44psi each fairly stiff rear anti roll play around with the suspension and you need a steering wheel to get the best drifts.
You should call the thread "Cars I a demo racer who will not have access too like to see for my own personal gain even though 90% of the community doesn't want them"
I have a serious road rage problem on the motorbike. And I feel the need to race every P plater I see. If the road ahead is blocked I'll just ride up onto the footpath and over some ones front lawn to get around. Or if I'm trail riding beside a road and I see a car I'll sit there and play with it try get it to race me.