Hyperactive: Photoshop does indeed have that option, and thats what I use, ie the whole save as, select jpg find the file/directory etc. Basicly this would save a whole lot of faffing about.
3ds max is able to do read psds, hence where i got the idea from, being able to basicly update your skin rapidly is just really helpful, ie an improvement .
The only real issue i personely can see is you may need to pay adobe a license to be able to do this, and if thats the case then it will cost alot.
A pretty basic Improvement suggestion, adding support for photoshop .psd files in to the cmx viewer (not the full game).
Basicly so we can just go file -> save or ctrl+s in photoshop, instead of file -> save as, select jpg, make sure the name is right etc etc. Would be helpful for the placing of logos and stuff, quicker to see the changes .
Yes! LFSnoob, say you believe in the flying spaghtie monster, or the force, and your parents don't want you learning about other faiths! get out of lesson free card
So if i don't believe in a god i must believe in a god?
My personel opinion... 2000 years ago a dude was around who said hey be groovey to each other, and was nailed to a plank for that. Douglas adams said that at the start of h2g2, and I believe Jesus existed, even if i don't believe in a god, or believe the miracles he supposedly performed.
I don't like the way People look at the bible literary, mainly because its been translated from different laungauges over the 1000's of years, and the new testiment was supposdly writtern a 100 or so years after the time of a guy called jesus.
I don't need a book to tell me how to lead a good life, i believe i can lead one by just not being a dick :S.
Disgrace my arse. They got hardly anything from it. They proberly didn't do it on purpose, since both teams weren't in the running to win anything. Its really not as serious as potentually copying other teams car parts.
Intrepid: in this whole exchange you just come across as a bit of a tit, and trying to cause an argument (hmmm seen that somewhere before). Just chill out ffs, and look at other peoples point of view instead of blindly dismissing it.
And again well done Kimi, he really did deserve the championship. It would of been great for hamilton to win it, but kimi is a damn fast driver, and at least alonso didn't win .
Well ITV is a UK tv channel, and Lewis hamilton is a UK driver, and the first one is ages thats in with a chance of winning. What the hell do you expect?
Plus they got to fill an hour in with something :/.
Meh, face it, Hamilton is a sensation to this sport. Its shaken f1 up a bit and made it more interesting then it usually is.
I'm rooting for him, because england needs to win something this year :X rugby last night was a disapointment. If he doesn't win the championship I'll be rooting for raikkonen. Anyone but alonso, hes just a whining little crybaby.
Yea, one thing that is a bit disappionting. The levels seem less bright and colourful, unlike in UT99. The level I played (heatwave) had some very cool effects, but the general downtrodden look of the place didn't look that great .
What do you mean Aiming feel? :X I think the aiming is spot on, specially with hit scan weapons.
Electric kar: I'm not saying they don't care about... Just it won't impact epic if UT falls on its face. The fact is, theres already a ton of games using UE3, and a lot more to come. Hopefully they'll stick to just selling hte engine and making UT, cause other games they've made recently haven't been all that great (yes i mean gears of war... its crap face it.).
Totally agree. UT just makes FPS's fun to play. Everything thats great in a game, Over the top effects, mental game play... its well unreal. Just the fact they aren't trying to be realistic, or gritty or anything like that. Kinda like how Richard burns rally compares to sega rally revo, sega rally knows what it is, its an arcade racer, with fun at its center, exactly the same for the UT series I feel.
As for the walker, not used it yet, but will be giving it a go in oh about... now.
madman: It depends what you want. The thing with UT is it sells, its a solid fps, and changing too much will annoy everyone. Epic don't care about the game that much really, if it bombs its no skin of thier nose, since lots of games companies buy the engine anyway. Let others do the inovating with thier engine :P.
Anyone got stranglehold? another UE3 game. Great fun