They need to pull murry out of retirement really, he was the greatest imo.
every company that does this messes up big time... why would people pay to watch something that they've always gotten for free? Only hardcore enthusiasts will pay, whilst most of the audienced only watched cause they had a slight interest and it was free.
Maybe you haven't got the right sounds? I think it sounds really good, especially the fxo... the brake squeal is really cool. Thing is it add all these other sounds you don't get normally, gears clunking, whining at high speeds etc etc. Just got get the volumes right.
I think LFS is nearer to GTR and N2003 then Gran turismo. LFS hardly trys to do everything, theres what 6 tracks? and 19 cars. What it does have is pretty realistic physics/handling, which gt doesn't.
Also what you're describing sounds like drivers republic, which looks set to be a very cool game. People build bits for cars, and the cars. you can design your own drive train, or download some other guys design. So pretty much most major cars will end up in it. Unsure on tracks through, but that will proberly be opened up to the public as well.
Need to lend my support to the old hardwar tis a great game imho. (and I got 1k posts on zedo's forum :X). Hardwar has everything, a great story line, great music, easy to control, a proper economy (which you can cause a crash on if you like). All contained in a small space (which takes 20mins to fly around realtime :X)
Freelancer is cool, lacking a few things compared to elite imo, no joystick control , and nothing really to do after the story line, trading pretty much sucks imo. But all in all a good game. If you like dogfighting then IWar2 is alot better.
This doesn't happen that often tbh, sure jc raves about the noble, but if I had the chance to drive one I'm sure I would as well :X.
Btw, rover blaimed topgear when they went under. Instead of blaiming the crappy grannymobiles.
Sadly all too true, best example is Horizon, used to make some great docu's now its more like a discovery channel show :/.
Ive just tried it with both the lx6 and rb4. It sounds pretty good when gears change (using auto), a little pop or two. When off the throttle I feel theres a bit too much, sounds like the car is a proper old banger on its last legs :X, maybe change the frequency of the pops to a little less? Also Pop3 and pop4 sounds well like a fart when played again and again, needs to sound a little more aggressive imo.
It happens in real racing, tis just a hazard really. You can't expect say someone in 10th place to just pull aside for the leader, when that person is also racing others (say 9th place..)
Why should they need the encouragement? Peoplet who normaly want to stay on have good reasons, like getting a better job later in life, or a geniune interest in learning. This will just encourage the scroungers to goto college instead of going on the dole.
ps im pretty drunk so spelling/grammer may not be up to standerds!