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S2 licensed
Quote from bbuck :I think it a disgrace the way this thread has been hijacked by idiots who are not in the position to judge anyone.Why does the lad get this benefit?
Not Your business! Why does he not spell well? Not Your f%%king buisiness.
Leave the kid alone!!!

Goodluck Faster hopefully see you soon.

Of course it ain't the buisness of the people who are paying for his benifits.... Good luck to the lad if he spends it on transport/materals for his course, but wasting it on beer drugs and games, well thats different.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rtsbasic :Note: This post is heavily biased.

I'm not a big fan of EMA. Nor of them bonuses they give some students for simply passing their GCSE's at some schools. It teaches them the wrong values and makes money the prime motivator illepall Of course it does genuinely help a lot of people out, but more often than not it gets pissed away on cheap cider or PS2 games. A lot of colleges have a seperate transportation/lunch help system anyway.

I had to get a job in college to pay for my cider, weed and computer games!! It helps some people out the ones that want to learn, but most of the time its stupid fecking chavs who are disruptive that get the incentive to learn. Half the time they ain't thick, they just don't want to learn. Exactly the kind of people who should leave education @ 16 and work in factories/ maccyd's.

ps. im drunk, sue me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
The difference is that on this forum you don't hold the ban stick so you can't have the last word. What you can learn from this - is this thread holds the backlash you would have heard if you hadn't booted all those users.

There wouldn't be any backlash if users weren't booted :P.
S2 licensed
Drum and base gets the heart proper pounding, Althrough I tend to drive too fast when listerning. Usualy its nothing when Im proper racing through.
S2 licensed
Except this thread was asking peoples opinions on the fm community. Most people who have delt with fm deal with them on the oval.
S2 licensed
Since the 1970's? And UTC is pretty well known from what ive seen.
S2 licensed
Got a link to this race? never heard of it before. And I bet most oval racers have at least some circuit experince.

I think alot of the oval bashers don't underestermate the drivers skills. They just find it alot more boring then circuit racing. Most of the stuff that happens in an oval happens on a circuit, and its usualy more interesting.
S2 licensed
Jamexing: Try doing consistantly fast lap times for an hour on any track :/. Sure it ain't at 200mph constantly, but it will be a hell of a lot harder imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :Lets clarify the true nature of ovals.

Yes, they look vastly oversimplified compared to even the simplest road courses. But look again.

IRL, each oval, rioval or any circuit of such nature has its very unique characteristics. Every bump, every imperfection, every nuance... the technicalities are infinite. This is one place where winners and losers are defined by hundredths of a second or mms. The dedication, the discipline, the perfection of the racing line...

So, before ANYONE bashes ovals, think of the above statements.

But that can easierly be applied to Circuit racing as well.

And isn't blackwood the most raced track?
S2 licensed
sad thing is its actualy quite easy to get around, bit more hassel then average, but the pirates can still play the game. It just fecks about with people who paid money .
S2 licensed
Quote from apocalypsealexi :yep... that's me... i'm usually on that server!!! the driver name was ultrasardine right??

here's my V8 skin made yesterday ... 6/apocalypsealexi/fv8.jpg

by the way... how can i make a render like this??... i've been searching the forum but found nothing =S ... entid=12&d=1123716448

Umm unsure of the name, but proberly yea .

check in the 3d renders forum for help. Cool tutorial here:

or if you already have 3ds max you can download a scene from and cheat a little :P. Althrough they seem to be from patch q (old style steering wheel in the fox)

Had a quick rendering session with the scene from there:
S2 licensed
Apocalypsealexi: Saw you/that skin on the Redline racing server earlier today Looks pretty cool :P.

First Proper skin I've made. Bit basic but I like.
Last edited by fragile_dog, .
S2 licensed
course he couldn't of tried it on a mates pc.
S2 licensed
Sorry if I offended with my comments in that race (which I obviously did cause I was banned straight away) But you went off on one, at someone who was obviously a newbie. Yes I did see it, and the other dude was in the wrong. But your reaction to him, typing in caps and shouting him down really annoyed me. Seemed to me you where making out the blue flag means pull over straight away, when it doesn't. And you wheren't listerning to anyone, just having a little paddy.

Can I just ask how long the ban is for? Was having some fun races before that point.
S2 licensed
Hmmm, a small solution I feel. What if s1 servers showed up in the s2 server listings? Im assuming s2 players can play on s1 servers. This would make s1 servers more popular, allowing s1 players to have a decent race .

I payed for s2 outright, never played s1. Does this mean Ive been ripped off more then you? :X
S2 licensed
I think he means the little bit of glass at the front of the cockpit....
S2 licensed
Personely i found the race_s setups to be very good for learning
S2 licensed
People get fast times using a steering wheel :S and being an alien....
S2 licensed
Quote from filur :I find it really hard to believe your RAM could eat 60 fps, is your fps still that low if you pause a replay on a full grid start, hop into shift-u camera and look around at all the cars?

Yep.... No aa or af i get 150 and above, look at a full grid it drops to 40fps. Unpaused and it drops lower down to 17 fps at times :/.

Madcat: no doesn't help :/.

southhamptonfc: I wouldn't of said it was low powered for lfs, seems to run most modern games quite well. I would of said its mid range :P but then thats me. No chance of upgrading in the near future, only recently got this gfx card.

edit: its actualy a 2800 cpu, and im running xtreame-g forceware drivers with the gfx card.
Last edited by fragile_dog, .
S2 licensed
I have a simular problem to this dudes, racing by my self i get between 80 - 130 fps depending on graphic options (aa etc) as soon as theres cars on track it starts dropping rapidly, full grid i get barely 20 fps :/.
AMD 64 2700, 512meg pc2700 ram, asus n6800. :/ I think it might be the ram slowing things down, but I thought I would get good fps all round with this set up.
S2 licensed
Its called the bf1 . Seriously the rubber lines on all my regular tracks are a lot darker then they ever where in Q, just because of using the bf1 :S
S2 licensed
More likely to smash your head against the steering wheel/windscreen etc :P.
S2 licensed
1. I think they stay intill you change car, then it reverts back to default. Whats so hard about saving? :S

2. If you jump to pits it stops the replay. Just make sure you restart the race.

3. Unsure if theres a limit, but wouldn't you hear it? Ive always used other peoples sets so not too clued up on this.

S2 licensed
Theres no TC in the RA. Its only in the BF1 and FZ50 ;p.