It gets annoying, wouldn't really add anything, and make it slower to get into an actual race. And what about the ss's? seems silly driving an f1 car around a "city"
No it bloody won't! ffs, 4 servers have it set as i said before. Why does it mean that all the servers are going to use forced view? At most a few will. I dob't the popular servers like redline racing and cone dodgers are going to use it and push out players.
Just had a look at the server list, 4 servers using forced view, all of which are lx month servers. I very much dob't many pickup servers will use this option, and it will be used for leagues and the like only.
Look, people aren't being forced to use it, server owners aren't being forced to implement it. And most server owners will want to stay popular so proberly won't enable this option. Only a few hardcore servers might implement it, and a few leagues (but not all!)
Just had a look at the server list, 4 servers using forced view, all of which are lx month servers. I very much dob't many pickup servers will use this option, and it will be used for leagues and the like only.
Im pretty sure that the soarer uses the same chassis and maybe the same engine (ma70) as the old mk3 supra. So should be either a 3ltr na, or 3ltr turbo. Or they could use some of the jap only enigines from the mk3 supra which was a 2.5 ltr turbo (very simular to the one used in the mk4).
Of course I could be totally wrong. But I've heard they're nice cars.
Edit: If it does use the same engine as the mk3 supras then you have to be careful of blown head gaskets, can be quite commen.
TBH Project gotham racing 4 when its released. PGR is just more fun then the last few incarnations of nfs. And well the car list is just pants wettingly good compared to nfs. Skyline or ferrari 288 gto? And it looks damn good, even on an sd tv set PGR3 looks sexy.
LFS for simming, PGR for arcade sillyness and fun powersliding round corners and battling with mates after a few tins.
I think this is the whole point, and why alot of people are against this ban. Smoking was starting to become socially unacceptable, and within 5 years would proberly have been stopped. But the govement had to shove its head in. And from smokers I've talked to (and I am one my self) its made them more determined to smoke. Its a bit hard to understand if you're from another country I feel, but over the past decade the govement has been imposing its self more and more on the population of britian, and its just making the UK more annoying/depressing/expensive to live in.
They don't sort out the problems, they just roll out another "scheme" which is media friendly but accomplishs feck all. The uk has something like 60-70% of all the cctv cameras installed in europe, 1 camera to every 14 people (proberly more now, since that stat is from 5 years ago), to keep down crime but still crime is on the up, and serious crime like gun violence is becoming a serious problem. No one is interested in fixing the major problems with british society, they just want to have another 4 years in power so they can milk more money from the tax fund into thier own pockets (and that of "big buisness" ie the people who'll give them a nice wage and pension when they leave politics).
Oh well, I'll keep smoking, if I want to get my taxes worth from the govement its gonna have to be through the NHS because they ain't giving value for money in any other department (well the nhs isn't value for money, since it sucks bad).
One last thing, a 20 deck of ciggies cost £5.50 ish, with no tax they'd cost £1.10, thats why they haven't out right banned smoking.
So whos ready to start the revolution? its only a matter of time...
Hmm pretty much the same, but no way near the performance settings, big fire fights (when fighting the militry when getting the first secret document) the bar is stupidly bad :/. And thats at 1024x768 with no aa or af on low with a few adjustments to make it lower :X. oh well might try wacking up the graphics and see if i get the same results.
Nearest game this seems to come close too is system shock2, which was alot scarier (one of the scariest games ive played).
I would love the nurburgring in LFS. Even if I find the current tracks sometimes hard to drive.
But as people have said the time to make it would be a bit silly. Plus the accuracy needed. Get one corner wrong? the wrong hieght? the wrong lenth of a straight and a lot of people will whinge about it. and whinge and whinge and whinge. Any real track, in a simulator like lfs will have this problem. Just like any real car :/ With a fantasy track, no one knows of it, so no problem :P.
Not got a new box (or hdtv) But thier on demand service is sooo worth it, and its now free (cost an extra £5 under telewest). Plus come summer all 10mbit users get a free upgrade to 20mbit . And you can't put the blaim on virgin for losing sky one etc, Sky tried to charge double what virgin used to pay for the same channels.
On topic, I work at a Tesco store, a massive one. When the wii was launched I remeber finishing work at 8pm and seeing a que of 15 people waiting.... Finished last night at 8pm asked someone who worked in the electronics department how many where queing so far "none".
To me the ps3 just seems like an uprated ps2, whilst the wii was so radicly different to what came before, and the xbox 360 has alot of good developers :/.
Well he has electo and new electro. In the breakbeat section. As for some genres not being there (or being misnamed etc), this hasn't really changed for a few years now, and music changes so much, its bound to be out of date :P.
Very cool guide thingy in flash, with a load of genres of electronic music (Althrough at the rate music changes theres proberly a ton more). Something for everyone . Has around 8 samples per genre and a short write up (althrough very biased :X).
Even if you don't like electronic music, you might find something you do like
edit: I recommend you read the "tutorial" which is more like a history lesson