The online racing simulator
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S2 licensed
I have to agree whole heartedly with the above. Steering wheel is just the way to play the game. Althrough there are quick mouser's around
S2 licensed
In controls theres button something rate. Set at 4, if you lower this it makes it more controllable. Apparently. I use a steering wheel so never used kb/mouse.
S2 licensed
The thing with UT is that they got the game play nailed down in the first game. No need to change anything, well maybe add a few more gameplay modes. All they need to consentrate on is the graphics :P.

Jakg: I agree GOTY edition is ownage, still play it. But I found ut2k4 fun, just not as mental.
S2 licensed
Hopefully it will run alright on my pc. Love the UT series. Shame to hear its simular to 2004 thought they where trying to make it play more like the orginal.

If it doesn't run well, looks like i'll have to buy a new pc (still on agp for the win :X)

Oh and I thought it was coming out in the new year.
S2 licensed
Quote from DrDNA :
I find it hard to explain racing to some people because there's so much background and driving knowledge that one needs in order to really appreciate motorsports in their entirety (IMO).

I don't think this is true, to appreciate racing you just gotta love watching cars drive fast :P.

As for games, First racing game I played was pole position on the 2600 :P could never get past the first track through. First racing game I played to deaf was carmegeddon (if you can call that racing) And some of the earlier need for speed series.
S2 licensed
Not really, it is a racing sim, not test drive. While it might be fun for awhile, to make a big city would take alot of time, time that could be spent making more tracks/cars to race.
S2 licensed
Shouldn't worry you, being a demo user and all :X.

There is ways of setting it so the keys put throttle in gradual increments then normal. so no not imposible
S2 licensed
Cheese and its effect on the indigenous population of easter island.
S2 licensed
You can play with combined pedals.... It just sucks. Ideally you want to be able to brake and accelerate at the same time, left foot braking and all that. LFS has never had an actual problem with this for me. Maybe its because your pedals aren't calibrated properly.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Looks like there getting into something else just incase Bernie does destroy f1.

Ummm Little late for that :/ And ferrari are still making lots of money from f1 (Well maybe not money but certianly publicity)
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :
Still somehow hard to believe that F1 teams could have managed to do something more advanced and more realistic than any sim game so far. Even that they have possibly more data, knowledge and experience etc. available than any game devs, manufacturing virtual simulators is not their primary business.

The sims won't be built by the teams. Theres quite a few companys out there that build commercial sims, Usually for pilot testing centers and the like. You can be sure that the software used in a proper commercial flight simulator will be a lot more advanced then whats used in FS.

It will be the same for these f1 sims.
S2 licensed
You just know topgear will have the better review, eventually :X. And it can go round the track .

Also about cars being held together with glue... thats pretty much every tvr :P
S2 licensed
No, its carbon fiber :P But theres also ceramics aswell.
S2 licensed
I imagine that effect happens what ever the brake pad material is made of. And I would suspect the higher speced race cars already have carbon fiber brake pads, even if not named.
S2 licensed
Heres a tip, helped me out loads when i started 3d modeling. You open up a web browser, goto and type in "3ds max tutorials free".
S2 licensed
I have been trying to work it out my self, its like some kind of wierd puzzle.

Quote :This year, a group of OC children decided to make a comic

What exactly is an OC child?

Quote :about a girl who turns into a robot and gets onto a disgusting life.

Is the picture ment to be this robotic girl? And what exactly is a disgusting life? Being a crack whore? or living in poo?

I believe if we can find the answers to these two questions, we still wouldn't know what was going on.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Have you got the pit lane limiter on? That limits you to 80km/h
S2 licensed
On an actual race track through? That vid has the car driving through some cones, that are quite tightly placed, on a track with 3-4 car lenths width, and thus different ways of taking corners and racing lines I think it would be quite slow, unless you preprogrammed it :X.

Edit: WTF is with the music in that vid?
Last edited by fragile_dog, .
S2 licensed
Quote :People is europe are pretty close minded about other forms of auto racing (they'd want "only road courses and rally, drag and ovals should all die.")

They wont even CONSIDER that ovals might be entertaining (close racing).

Note that i'm not saying all europeans but a good majority of them i've met are like that

I would say its the other way round. Most americans won't consider another form of Racing, since nascar seems to be the only really popular series. Whilst in europe loads of people tune in to watch F1, Rally, Touring cars etc. Seems to be more different forms of racing that are popular in europe, then in the states.

Now I'm not saying it wouldn't be fun to drive on a proper oval with a proper stock car, but to me it is pretty boring to watch, BTCC is alot more fun, same close racing but just better to watch, and some of the drivers are nutters. Im just saying don't call europeans close minded. Oh and UK has drag as well....
S2 licensed
I always find the national speed limit signs amusing. Usually on roads where you'd struggle to get anything bigger then a ford ka down, and usually phyisically impossible to drive faster then 20mph :X

oh and ... amp;b3=Death+by+chocolate
S2 licensed
What it really needs is an orbtial ion cannon, obliterate the leading pack!
S2 licensed
ctrl + f, removes the hud and the lag bar.
S2 licensed
Surly it would be another famous british animal, like a hedgehog, thrown at the enemies head at high speed!
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :That's where you're wrong...

Ok, let me restate that... not much uses python that the average user will find useful. They all seem pretty specialised.