From the site: 09/28/06 Another big day - the first real performance test. Yesterday I finalized arrangements to use a local kart track, Pat's Acres, for a couple hours before they open for regular business.
so yea i guess :P. (had a big read of it yesterday remeber that being mentioned :P)
All beer needs to be cold... Althrough I have a habit of leaving cans in the freezer a little too long.... nothing quite like having a pint with a frothy icy head on it (with the consitency of slush :X)
I don't see why this has to be small. Big is good in some cases, the only problems with having a bigger car is cost (slightly really) of materials. Small cars still need all the same stuff really, but big means more space for... mistakes? :P and bigger engine :P.
Proberly not, if its near the other fast laps. But this guy went and got a 59sec lap on his second lap, and the really fast guys usually get 1.00.something. Then he went and done a 56 second lap :/
Basicly, Ive just seen someone blatenly cheating on redline racing 3. Basicly doing 190mph on the straights. I have a reply (As im sure a few others do) Where do we report it?
But that misses the whole point of lfs, IF scavier had the desire to make boat racing, im sure they would try to do it properly, and all the physics effects would take ages to do. From what you said, it would just be like driving on a wet road, but in a boat model :/.
How is it handled? usualy with them saying "tough get over it" which really is the only thing they can do. No one has ever gotten a car back that ive seen.
Hmm, in the fox for me at least, the fast im going the harder it is to turn the steering wheel.... if you're using a dfp try setting ffb to 101% in the drivers
great vid, once again. Seemed to start off alot quicker through, no grid shown and the likes. Also, really shows how evil the eau rouge corner is :/, the cars look like they're almost falling down it.
well, i know that the 360 modena can be made to use seperate axis in the thrustmapper software, and it works in lfs.... get a hold of that . If that doesn't fix it, you can run thrustmapper in a window seperate the axis and run lfs over it (don't close it) had to do this to get it to work in Richard burns rally.