Server crash, every racer gets a disconnect.
Topic posted on LFS Forum, trying to restart server.
Drivers driving at the moment of crash should be connected to IRC Channel #moe located at Gamesurge server.
The first racer gets disconnected.
Between X-10min and X at least 6 drivers disconnected. The server is probably lagging too.
* The numbers of "6" drivers and "10" minutes is provided as a GUIDE. It is the admins decision to stop the race and restart the server.
* Example: 5 racers are disconnected at once, this could be seen as a 'soft crash'.
* DO NOT ask for a restart during the race, as this will be punished as CHATTING. Only when the admin asks for opinions, you are allowed to chat without a penalty.
* We cannot take the standings as they were when the trouble started, because it is impossible to determin the exact time. We realize that the affected teams will loose time by getting a disconnection, but we can only ask you to accept that.
Server restart, stability test. Only admins are allowed on the server.
The admins, who are part of a team, will drive a lap to test if the Tracker is working again.
Of course this lap will be deducted from their teams totals.
Server restarted and stable, admins will tell the racers (who are still in the IRC channel) to connect to the server.
New Remaining Race Time:
New Remaining Race Time is the Old Remaining Race Time rounded off to a time in hours.
Old Remaining Time between A:30 and A:59 --> New Remaining Time is A + 1h00
Old Remaining Time between A:00 and A:29 --> New Remaining Time is A
*Example: Remaining Time at moment of crash (time X) was 4hours and 35minutes, the race will be restarted with 5hours of race time (meaning the race will be 25 minutes longer).
*Example: Remaining Time at moment of crash (time X) was 3hours and 20minutes, the race will be restarted with 3hours of race time (meaning the race will be 20 minutes shorter).
Drivers racing at the moment of server crash connect to the server.
In case a team was planning a driver change just after the server crash, the 'new' driver can resume the race.
At this point it is NOT allowed to actually get on the track, we gather in the lobby on the server and sort ourselfs to the standings according to the tracker.
Start of the new session.
To keep things equal, everyone is allowed to drive up to the end of the sector their were in at the moment of the server crash.
We use the tracker as reference.
Example (Aston GP as example):
* The tracker shows a yellow 1 behind your team name.
You are allowed to drive up to the first split line (the place where you see your first split time). On Aston GP this is located after the first (slow) hairpin.
* The tracker shows an orange 2 behind your team name.
You are allowed to drive up to the second split line (the place where you see your second split time). On Aston GP this is located in the fast corner that leads to the Aston National part of the track.
* The tracker shows a red 3 behind your team name.
You are allowed to drive a nearly complete lap. You line up a few meters BEFORE the s/f line.
When you arrive at your correct place, switch off your engine to save fuel.
Everyone should have arrived at the correct place, the admin calls to switch on your engine.
Then everyone is asked to say "Ready".
When everyone is ready, the green flag is given.
Please do NOT try to overtake people when you are driving away, your tyres will be STONE COLD. Give people room, drive a slow warm up lap and then start thinking about the race again.
Most likely there will be teams who just crossed a splitsection line, and the car driving 10 seconds behind didn't. This will mean that after the restart the gap is bigger. We know that and we can only ask you to accept it.