Have you only had the one ban since the fresh install/account reset or are you still getting banned in most servers?
If its only happened the once it could just be a genuine ban as J@tko said, I'm not saying that you have done anything to deserve one but it won't be the first time someone has been banned for no reason.
Do you have a modified lfs.exe (like the steering lock mod) installed?
If so then when you enter a standard server you will get automatically banned by lfs's cpw (cheat protection), you can only use modded lfs.exe if the server is set to allow mods.
I used to use a wired 360 pad with xbcd and I'm pretty sure the force feedback worked could be wrong as it was a fair while ago.
Have you tried turning the value of ffb up in lfs (using < and > in game) and also check ffb is switched on in options > Controls > Wheel\Joystick > Axis\FFB
Because you don't bother to search for something before making another thread...
As you can see from the links madcat found if you had just searched "open windows" or whatever then you would found that it has been suggested/discussed many times before.