And I've tested almost all and fixed a few packets in my "master branch"
I've changed the pack method to expect an array-value for formatting codes with repeater (except aXX).
The changes in PHPInSimMod.php are mainly for testing purposes
Oh and @Plugin-System: Did you include dependencies?
Like one person wrote a plugin which handles buttons or a plugin which keeps track of players and someone else writes a plugin which could use the the player-list-plugin-data?
How do local config file and interactive come together now?
a) Remove default connections.ini from project?
b) Let autoini write localini and supply a default connections ini with testserver over relay? That would require a interactive startup which asks "no local config found, do you want to create one?"
c) a) and remove localini
d) ?
$ php PHPInSimMod.php Loaded cvars.ini Could not find ini file "connections.inii" ***Interactive startup*** You now have the chance to manually enter the details of the host(s) you want to connect to. Afterwards your connection settings will be stored in ./config/connections.ini for future use.
Do you want to connect to a host directly or through the relay? [direct/relay] : direct What is the IP address or hostname of the host? [] : localhost What is the InSim port number of the host? [] : 29999 Do you want to connect to the host via TCP or UDP? [tcp/udp] : tcp What is the administrator password of the host? [] : What is the administrator password of the host? [] : What is the administrator password of the host? [] : none Fatal error encountered. Exiting... Safe shutdown: 09-01-10@22:28:46
Empty password doesn't work and fatal error
Oh well probably because file creation is commented out
first do the tyre stuff
then assign the parsed properties to the packet fields
then do NLP and MCI parsing (they currently rely on NumC/NumP beeing set before.)