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S3 licensed
Ah okay.
I'm just wondering as there is no node-information sent by LFS on open configs but only position in MCI's...
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Well, those are ALREADY @ in Official tracks. In open configuration, if there is no speedhumps or tyrewalls, you are actually able to make a shicane! a. If want to keep them activated, then use official tracks.


But then again, why not to make speedhumps as object? Then you are able to replace them everywhere, @ open config should be OPEN, not closed. But I am not desiding that though,,,,

EDIT: Yes, im talking that place (and actually in all over the places as what becoming to an idea)

He already stated, that the incompatible patch with the autocross changes has those speed bumps as objects.
S3 licensed
in host config add the parameter flags with the corresponding value

ip = "localhost"
port = 29999
socketType = 1
pps = 4
flags = 104

104 = 64 (ISF_CON) + 32 (ISF_MCI) + 8 (ISF_MSO_COLS)
S3 licensed
Quote from :LFS doesn't but an InSim is capable of it.

Sure. just wondering why you would need to create a custom one as I have no idea for which application one would need a custom pth.

The only vague idea would be to use well-known pth-visualizer to visualize custom layouts. But that's a one time which could be done in photoshop etc., too...
S3 licensed
Without the laptop fix the patch would be worthless
S3 licensed
But determing who initiated the crash is pretty... hard... not to say impossible in some situations...

Like if the wrecker races normally and breaks suddenly 100m before the actual break point... Would the racer behind the wracker be liable for crashing into him?
And who is responsible for side-by-side crashed?
S3 licensed
No tool as far as I know.

However why would you want to create a PTH file? LFS won't read your PTH file, thus not reporting back the node numbers.
S3 licensed
What exactly does "avoid CP check" do?
Which part isn't checked on a modified server? Is any modification on the client side allowed or must is be the same as on server side?
S3 licensed
You could always add some sort of incremental counter which increments on each subspicious situation and the ban/kick/spec action is only performed, oncethe counter reaches a specific threshold.

Like an email spam filter which scores the email based on different aspects and only filters when the score is above a specified value.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well... that is a good point, but it's really the problem with these auto-generated open configs, because they weren't designed to be used this way.

That would be easy to fix with a track update (that would cause incompatibility) but it's not easy to add things to fix these without an update. I am assuming that people who create layouts will close these holes themselves.

Then for all those layout-creators:

Another hole is in South City next to the Sprint 2 start.
S3 licensed
You could increase the insim version to 4.1 and state, that the minor version may change if non-breaking changes are introduced
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :I had the need for ANSI colours under Windows this week on another project. Rather than do anything too funky I've cheated and used ANSICon (see with the "-p" argument.

The only problem is the license. It's classified as "freeware" but I've not managed to verify anything about redistribution rights, etc. It may help.


Quote :The original zipfile can be freely distributed, by any means. However,
I would like to be informed if it is placed on a CD-ROM (other than an
archive compilation; permission is granted, I'd just like to know).
Modified versions may be distributed, provided it is indicated as such
in the version text and a source diff is included.

S3 licensed
I think he tries to figure out, how to compare two drivers if they are on different servers which started with a "big" timely difference. (big beeing 30 seconds?)

Driver A on server A
Driver B on server B

The race on server A was started 10 seconds before the race on server B.
Driver A did 2 laps in 2 minutes.
Driver B did 2 laps in 1 minute 55 seconds.

The display on the website would display driver A in front of driver B for the short period of time between driver A finishing the second lap and driver B finishing the second lap because Driver A has a lap more.

The solution might be to store all events with a timestamp in the db and then only showing/sorting by events prior to now()-serverDifference.
S3 licensed
Quote from Michalxo :Scaweeen! Please speak!
I can't read this `stupid` (sorry guys) comments\argues anymore! :-(

I am always coming here to see if you said something and I read these "made up facts, opinions". Time to cut them off, isn't it? :-)

PS: I am on XP too and definitely not planning to go to 7 or anything else. Debian for other things, XP for some school stuff and LFS ;-)

Well, maybe you should go here if you want to know if scawen wrote something and not in this thread
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Why should he waste his time by saying something that obvious?

Why are you wasting your time by saying something obvious? ;°
S3 licensed
Sutil of course!
S3 licensed
I just wanted to point at sys_getloadavg but then I read the Notes... ^^

Well at least you could replace all the non-win stuff by it
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :You and me both. I'm not sure how to handle the IS_REO packet. I don't know very much about it but I will do my best to learn about it and see if I can't come up with a good solution for you and everyone else.

I already had done this.

Make sure to catch the changes to pack() and parsePackFormat() and to some other packets... :O


= new IS_REO();
$pck->NumP 5;
$pck->PLID = array(1,2,3,4,5);

S3 licensed
Btw vic are you planning on http plugins? I had to hardcode my json output handling into your source... *g*
S3 licensed
Quote from Jonathon.provost :try this

Where in that thread is android mentioned?
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I'll look into it after my bloc party is over.

That's because of the NPL in the connections module
S3 licensed
The constants are named ISP_xxx
-> ISP_MCI, ISP_CPR etc.
S3 licensed
What's the point of this thread?

Both drivers(+the guy doing the commentary) in the video agreed, that it's the 370z's fault....
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from :


But if he had no account before he was given the password he wasn't a lfs user and thus it was ok to give him the password as it's only forbidden to give the password to other lfs users. :O