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S3 licensed
~1k player online on ~700 Server... I don't think there is any lack in terms of available server ^^
S3 licensed

man fgrep:
Quote :fgrep is the same as `grep -F'
all other options are the same as grep

man grep:
Quote : --include=PATTERN
Recurse in directories only searching file matching PATTERN.

shouldn't that work? :o

-> grep -rF --include="*.php" searchstring .
works ;p
Last edited by GeForz, . Reason : adding the command so victor can copy&paste ;)
S3 licensed
On a more serious side...

You do know the "LFS Tv Director"?

Example Video:
S3 licensed
I don't think lfs will support drivers waving with their hands
S3 licensed
Here is another approach with resource hogging (or however you call it)

Save the time each 10 tracknodes and then simply subtract the times from each other at a specific node ^^

public override void setNode(int lap, int node)
myLap = lap;
myNode = node;
if (node % 10 == 0)
nodeTimes[string.Format("lap{0:0}node{1:0}", lap, node)] = DateTime.Now;

public override bool hasNodeTime(int lap, int node)
return nodeTimes.ContainsKey(string.Format("lap{0:0}node{1:0}", lap, node));

public override DateTime getNodeTime(int lap, int node)
if (hasNodeTime(lap, node))
return (DateTime)nodeTimes[string.Format("lap{0:0}node{1:0}", lap, node)];
return new DateTime(0);

// Distance
if (playerF.hasNodeTime(((RaceDriver)bean.Player).lap, ((RaceDriver)bean.Player).node) && bean.Player.hasNodeTime(((RaceDriver)bean.Player).lap, ((RaceDriver)bean.Player).node))
DateTime playerT = bean.Player.getNodeTime(((RaceDriver)bean.Player).lap, ((RaceDriver)bean.Player).node);
DateTime playerFT = playerF.getNodeTime(((RaceDriver)bean.Player).lap, ((RaceDriver)bean.Player).node);
TimeSpan dist = playerT.Subtract(playerFT);
this.lcdDistF.Text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:000}", dist.Minutes, dist.Seconds, dist.Milliseconds);

With playerF being the "front" one and players are sorted by race positions.

That's from the Live for G15 app.
S3 licensed
Add to bad moments:
- When you have to work with huuuge software projects which are poorly documented... ^^
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :
SELECT *, `Total` AS (`Training` + `Meeting` + `Detail` + `Crew` + `Additional`) FROM `Hours` ORDER BY `Total` DESC;

I'm sure you all know what I'm trying to do, but the implementation is just not working for me. Anyone have any suggestions?

(It should be noted that the rows `Training`, `Meeting`, `Detail`, & `Crew` are FLOATs and the row `Additional` is a TINYINT.)

What Database are you using?

Normally you write the table rows first and then the name you want the "result" to be named...
e.g. SELECT CONCAT(last_name,', ',first_name) AS full_name FROM mytable ORDER BY full_name;
S3 licensed
Quote from ATHome :Wow, this counter won't change a single thing

Your post won't change a single thing, too

S3 licensed

He did the calculations!
S3 licensed
just buy more lfs licences
S3 licensed
Looks like we need another spin-off thread about brake discs
Personally I don't care because you normally do not even see the discs while racing...
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I could only reproduce it in MP, though...

I had it everytime when alt+f4'ing in the 3 seconds after the map appeared ;o
Even in singleplayer. But as it it's fixed now...
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
FIX : Crash on closing LFS from multiplayer while tyres displayed

That was no multiplayer related bug. Happened in singleplayer, too
S3 licensed
You probably need ot put it inside the "while($data = socket_read($sock, 4)) {" loop so the condition will be checked each time you recieve a new packet.
S3 licensed
You should tell people to also overwrite the with your file so the race cars have see-through holes, too
S3 licensed
Quote from wsinda :On what machine should this list of hosts be maintained? It has to be on a local machine, because the connection to the central LFS server could be blocked by a proxy.

An alternative solution is to maintain a page on a local web server. the page can contain links to the hosts. (You will need to have Join2LFS installed, though. And I'm not quite sure if it will work for local hosts.)

There is no need for a server that holds a list. It's just that the player who wants to list the lans ervers broadcasts to the lan "tell me if you are a lfs server" and any pc running a lfs server would reply just like many other games...
S3 licensed
Quote from Danke :I think I found a bug, although I'm not sure if it's new with Y2x. The numbers on the tire temp display overlap the actual tire in the FO8. I haven't driven the FO8 for a long time, so I can't recall if this was an issue before or not.

The "problem" is, that the boxes and the text are relative to the screen width and height but the tyres size is only relative to the screen width.

Boxes are like 5% of screen height and 10% of screen width and they stay relative to the screen size. You can proof that very easy by switching to windowed mode (shift+f4) and resizing the window to 5:10 and 10:5 ratios...

However because the tyre is only affected by screen size ist bigger because of widescreens... and because the gap between tyre and text is a vertical gap it's affected by the screen height.

And of course because FO8 and BF1 tyres are so big... ^^
Last edited by GeForz, .
S3 licensed
a) wrong forum
b) write a post where you describe your problem
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :Well, i think he updated to Y21, because he couldnt play my replay.
But i have his replay, and mine i replaced with one in Y21.
In the time i try to contact him and see if he has the Y20 one, i will post it.
Here's his replay Standard Y

Replay is OOs after ~2 sec here too. Nonmodifyed Y20
S3 licensed
guys come on....

it's written in her profile
Date of Birth: 23rd September 1988
Age: 19
Country: United States
S3 licensed
*cries* no credits for me for invending it?

Glad to see that someone keeps it alive
S3 licensed
You forgot a !

Well and imo its very hard to make every possible combination of setup ingame, save the values and the hash for those... And because it's an online game the hash could contain the host name for example, or the ip.
(I assume the whole hash stuff is to check, that ppl use a forced setup online?)
S3 licensed
Unit testing is definately good for complex stuff. Personally I only used it once when I wrote a bigger program for university with 3 other guys and we tested each others code. For "personal programming" it's imo too much extra work and writing tests for your own code is kinda... Well you knwo your code
S3 licensed
Your spanish sucks ;p