Really enjoyed having a go in the oldest F1 car around Watkins Glen. Very tricky to drive. Doesn't feel 100% sim at the moment but it's the first build, and it feels good for that stage. Is there any way I can remove all of the head movement in cockpit view? I'm really excited about the potential of this! The graphics are SO impressive. :eye-poppi
E: @Tor - I always make sure I'm wearing in ear headphones that block out sound and have some decent music to work out to. I wish there were mountains around here to run around!
Endurance training is almost literally a nightmare for me! I always dread pre-season football training. So much running, so many sprints. Sprints the length of 2 football pitches and back for an hour and a half with only about 30 second break in between each sprint. Most of the team were nearly throwing up especially after letting ourselves go a bit in the holidays once the previous season had finished. I'm only a goalkeeper so I don't even rely that heavily on endurance but I always have to take part in it too. Good for me in the long run but I really dread just the thought of those runs! They are killer. Do a lot of circuit training too on obstacle courses which are knackering, but atleast more interesting than a straight forward cross country run or sprints. Fairplay Tor for being able to keep going and having that will power to push yourself.
You ended your last post with an attempted "Problem?" face and now you're saying I'm showing my age using silly memes. :doh:
Stopped reading here.
You replied awfully quickly with quite a wall of text. You're giving me the impression that this is actually all you have in life, sat behind your computer getting excited over trolling and arguing for an enlarged e-penis. I like a lot of people on this forum, but if I'm not liked then thats up to them to decide, I am not going to try hard to win over an argument with a pathetic troll like yourself for a bit of extra popularity. I enjoy my life, a lot of it spent away from a computer. I just spent a lovely evening with my girlfriend and her parents. I suggest you think about doing something with your own life and getting your ass away from your keyboard for a change Mr Warrior, because at the end of the day your opinions about me really don't mean a thing.
I have PM'd TVE my structured gym workout in its entirety. He seemed appreciative and said he would definitely be giving it a go. That's all that matters to me, since he asked for help and that's what I was trying to give before you rudely butted in with your loud-mouth, thinking anyone cared for your input. As Jens O. said, you clearly were just looking for an argument. You made some kind of "joke" which wasn't funny, and then got all offended when I made a similar "joke" about you which was equally as unfunny but designed to wind you up, like you tried to do to me.
That isn't possible for you is it though, Jamie?
Oh and sorry to subscribers of this thread wanting to see pics of faces instead of this bullshit.
You're laughing at someone complimentary another guys hard work for getting in shape. Just because you don't get complimented for being a lazy slob, it means you have to poke fun at others for being different?
When you act like one, yes. I wouldn't judge you at all for being fat, but acting like a tool and looking down upon people who aren't is going to get you called a loser, not to mention an idiot. Yes, I did rise to the bait because you insulted me so I insulted you back, my bad. I wouldn't normally lower myself to your level but you seriously piss me off with your high and mighty attitude. I should have known better than to rise to it because I know you're always looking for a pathetic argument on here being the most over-opinionated person on this forum.
So poking fun of people who workout and go to the gym to get in better shape is an opinion is it? Derp
If you didn't have insecurities, you wouldn't have had to have voiced your opinions the way you have and tried to justify your health to everyone when no one at any point asked for it. TVE asked me a question and I answered. I tried to help, give him some tips. You couldn't help but get yourself involved and piss people off though could you? You were nothing to do with the conversation, so trying to convince everyone you're happy with being fat when no one cared in the first place does give the impression that you're insecure.
I've been with my girlfriend for a year and a half now and been loyal to her throughout our relationship. That makes me a guy that goes round humping and dumping women like objects? Don't bother answering because I know I'll get another thick response, if you'll pardon the pun. My girlfriend comes to the gym with me infact and lets me help her lose weight when she begins to feel insecure about her figure and I respect her a lot for that. Does that make her a cock aswell for not wanting to be fat. Apologies if her lack of wanting to be fat offends you, just because she has the motivation to get off her arse and do something about it, unlike you. I wouldn't normally lower myself to using fat as a derogatory term but I made an exception just for you. You're able to poke fun at people who work hard to achieve a better look and better health, so I'll feel free to poke fun at you for being a fat, lazy slob. I think that's fair enough. Besides, I'm not really being derogatory, I am stating my own opinion Unless you would prefer the more scientifically correct "overloaded with lipids".
You're boring and predictable. Not even an amusing or entertaining troll.
I never said I was skinny, or that it was better. You brought up how I used to be a bit chubby, yet didn't mention how you are a hypocrite since you were quite a bit fatter. You brought it up. I never brought up the fact that I've been hitting the gym. I was asked a question by TVE and he also wanted pointers so I gave him some advice. You couldn't help but stick your nose in and give your typical high and mighty opinion about how you're happy with being a fat loser, so you're therefore better.
Well done, you don't drink, all hail. Well done you don't go to clubs or bars. That makes me bad? Think what you want, no one else cares really, as far as I'm aware. I don't treat people any differently. I treat people with respect unless they disrespect me. You don't really show any respect to anyone around here, so excuse me for calling you a fat loser, loser.
Whereas you on the other hand are just a general **** overall, for no reason. Projecting your own insecurities on us who don't care that you're a fat loser with no will or motivation to actually do your body some good. Extreme apologies for actually doing something that's healthy and makes me feel good about myself. I better go hang my head in shame. What a **** I am.
If you were happy with your body, you wouldn't be trying to convince everyone that you are happy with being fat. No one asked if you were happy with your fatness. You just had to get yourself involved and speak down to people who enjoy getting fitter. I play part-time professional football, fitness is part of my life, and you're looking down on me for that? Seriously you have issues. No wonder you don't go to bars or clubs. No one would want to socialise with someone like that. Also I'm not a violent drunk, I'm the exact opposite, and I've been with my gal for a year and a half and not cheated. You don't even have a leg to stand on mate.
I actually added in the more hurtful insults last night after I was intoxicated, as I suddenly realised you were judging me for having some meat around the edges when you were hardly one to talk being about twice the size!
Just so you know, I enjoy the odd takeaway and I have an office job sitting on my arse for hours working on commercial and corporate accounts. That's no excuse for allowing yourself to become a lard ass. That's just laziness.
Also lol at the massive lecture about sex, women and the many statistical figures. This obviously shows you need to read up on it rather than just get out there, mingle and find out these things for yourself.
I don't have a sister either by the way.
@TVE - Will PM you my workout regimes and if you want any more advice let me know. Don't want to hijack the thread more!
1-6 is considered strength but 8-12 is hypertrophy where you get your mass. 15+ reps is for muscle endurance and toning. Cables won't work you differently to using a barbell if you don't use a different handle on the end of the cable and a different technique to when you use the barbell.
Well I'm often looking for a decent server. The problem probably is there being thousands of people who open up the server list and just close it in disappointment rather than everyone joining up
Yet you are the one bringing penis into the conversation.
Haha I was a bit tub. That was over 3 years ago now though to be fair and I was still a kid going through puberty! If we're going to make judgements, you on the other hand had finished puberty, was pretty much a fully grown adult, and still very fat! Big cock or not, a girl would rather have a sexy guy in bed than a fat lazy slob with no stamina.
I'm assuming you mean isolation of muscle groups per session is key, rather than actual isolation techniques. You need to include compound movements for size and strength. Mixing up your regime is good as the body adapts to adversity, however removing bench press, which is a compound press, to just doing flies, which is isolation, won't get you size as effectively.
It's not really a drop set if you're starting light, going heavy and then finishing light. You're doing pre and post-workout exhaustion, which is a good method isolating and tiring out a muscle before going heavy, but then only doing 2 sets of heavy weight between it. I always start off with a warmup by taking about 50-60% of my maximum weight and doing 15 reps. Then I do a drop set of 8,6,6,4 reps. I am strengthening at the moment, but when I start doing hypertrophy I'll be moving up to 10,8,8,6 and 12,10,10,8 before beginning to tone. Also protein from natural foods is better from what I've experienced than relying on the processed powder in shakes. I do use shakes for when I'm not hungry but need protein to repair, but I'm rarely not hungry so that's not normally a problem!
So basically you're confirming what I've just said about roids then?
Looking in great shape though mate, much respect especially for a taller guy where it usually takes longer to build the mass. It goes to show you don't have to do a lot of sessions per week. It's not about the amount you train. You need to find a good balance because without resting, you'll never see any gains, and training something like 8 times a week won't give you enough rest, especially when you're only starting out. In my case I'm quite bulky with not a great deal of tone compared to the guys you see looking like machines in bodybuilding contests! I stretch out all of my tops, but if I was more lean and cut-up I'd look smaller. Winter is on its way though so I'll mostly be strengthening and doing hypertrophy to increase mass until beginning of spring when i'll start fat burning hard.
The problem with doing most if not all your muscle groups in one session is that you'll weaken areas training one muscle so you cannot get as much out of another. It's also better to spend a certain period, say 3 months, bulking up and trying hard to increase the size of the muscle, before beginning to tone up and cut the fat around it. Its amazing how much smaller you look when you start to really tone up, so getting the mass there first will make you look a lot better when you decrease your body fat percentage. The thing about doing too much cardio is that it will make your metabolism sky high and while trying to build mass that isn't what you want.
I train like half the amount you do. Maybe you're over-doing it? Unless you're focusing on one muscle i.e pectorals or biceps only in each session then 8 times a week is too much for someone only just starting out and trying to put on muscle mass. I have a regime for my biceps and chest, then one for another day to do back and shoulders, then my last regime does my legs and abs. I manage to fit in about 4 or 5 sessions a week. I also spend about an hour and 20 to an hour and 30 minutes in the gym with each session, which is about right since you're not meant to work on one muscle group for more than about 40-45 minutes in each stint, and I work 2 muscle groups with each session, otherwise if you do more than that you'll end up just doing cardio and won't build the mass. I've only just started doing a properly structured regime, so I'm only now starting to see real gains, if only I was more well behaved with my diet I'd be much better off!
Oh and cool guys don't use roids to get bigger. Thats a cop-out and has some nasty drawbacks if you're not careful on them. Much more satisfying to see the gains after purely working your arse off a few times a week.
Train about 4 or 5 times a week starting seriously on a proper regime about 2 months ago but been a member of the gym since last January. Play part-time pro football aswell which keeps me lean-ish. I like my food though and of course plenty of beer!