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S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :Wouldnt be fair to sig quote myself tbh.

You have a point..
S3 licensed
Now that the dust is beginning to settle between you lot bickering...

... tits or gtfo!
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Ahh Chris, but then there are thin people who are unhealthy as well, just as in some cases there are a few fat people who are actually very healthy.

What? I never said any different. I was making the point that if having an occasional take-out meal does not decrease how active a fit person is, then there isn't too much wrong with treating yourself now and then.
S3 licensed
Probably yes. Luckily my Fanatec 911 Turbo that I got soon after they first went retail, is still going as strong as the day I got it. Although the leather is starting to wear a little bit from the amount of use it has had! I do love the look of that new Thrusty weel though..
S3 licensed
It's not the RGT. It's the T500 RS, don't think it's on sale yet.
S3 licensed
I got my Oblivion for the PS3, as at the time my computer was a heap of junk and didn't do Oblivion's beautiful scenery justice. The only problem with that is of course you cannot update it with community mods like higher res textures etc if you do have a beastly PC. Still it's nice to be able to play Oblivion with a pad and not have to worry about cables. It allows me to lie back and relax while playing, despite the slightly worse graphics compared to what the PC version will allow. Should be able to run this new one on my PC at near max settings *touch wood* but might just get it for PS3 again so I can lounge around being lazy. One of my favourite hobbies
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I think they said originally they had planned to release the game about 8 months after the release of Prologue, but Sony required a number of shitty targets for PD to hit with the full game, which meant they had to take longer in optimising it and pretty much making it much worse than it could have been. I can't remember exactly what they were, or if I am talking any kind of sense. I'm sure I remember reading it on GTPlanet though. I wish Sony would just let them get on with it and decide what is best for the game rather than what is best for their bloody company. :hbomb:

E: Glad to have made you chuckle without the aid of slapstick. Got enough bruises thank you very much
Last edited by Gills4life, .
S3 licensed
I find it amusing how they improved the sounds...

for one car :hyper:
S3 licensed
Sorry to bump pointlessly, but I only just realised that they had announced the 5th in the series! Was about to make a thread but thankfully the search engine actually did it's job properly for me for once. Really can't wait, love the Elder Scrolls series!
S3 licensed
Did a 0.16 aswell. My average was 0.184
S3 licensed
I must somehow be blessed with this famous Serbian wit also, as I get it.
S3 licensed
Not for the last god knows how many pages, no. It's been mainly about GT5, it's positives and it's drawbacks. Shocking that really, managing to stay relatively on topic!
S3 licensed
Sarcasm would work had everyone just been slagging off the xbox and saying PS3 never breaks.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Surely its only the xbox360 that fails?, a failed PS3 is almost unheard of?

Nobody has said that have they? Xbox failings are certainly far more common though.
S3 licensed
I'm sure I've got something similar to that on this thread somewhere. So many requests for the XRT so there are tonnes of sounds for it in my old folder. Well there were anyway. Not sure what I have anymore, don't really play much these days. Hopefully a patch of some sort will help me re-gain interest in what is a fantastic product, but has such limited ways of changing and modifying sounds!
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Woke up this morning, heard the Gillingham game had been cancelled. Thought to myself, ok pitch must be frozen or something. I txt my mate Sam to see if he wants to come out to a local football centre for a kickabout and smash a few at me in goal. He says I'm mental so I'm thinking, wut? Look out the window for the first time in the morning... "****!" It's like a blizzard outside at the moment. Already about a foot of snow and rising rapidly. Not even the cars are removing the snow from the road it's coming down so thick and fast! Lots of people are stuck in it. Not seen it coming down like this, or seen this much snow before Christmas, in my lifetime.
S3 licensed
Just started snowing very heavily down here in Gillingham. Already laying after about 5 minutes and it's not showing any sign of slowing down!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I haven't actually mentioned McDonalds as I am half aware of their fo-... poison sorry.

The original point was you telling me that just because I am thin, it doesn't make me healthy, even if I am very active and fit enough to train 5 times a week playing football. That is despite the fact that I'm not even thin! I felt the need to argue against your point because having a take-away now and again doesn't suddenly mean your health condition reduces, unless what you're eating is pure poison and as you say does actual damage to your organs. Then again, that's like saying you should never drink alcohol because it can damage your liver, when really drinking in moderation can be good for you. It's the same deal with food.
S3 licensed
But then it's possible that no one is as healthy as they could be.

If you can run for 3 hours and cycle hundreds of miles in a single day, then I think it's a safe bet to say that you ARE a fit and healthy person. I never said you are as healthy as you could be. Going back to the topic, I don't see how spoiling yourself with a take-away once a week would prevent you from carrying on running 3 hours and cycling hundreds of miles, since you are remaining active and you are not making a habit of eating crap every single day.
S3 licensed
So you're insisting that even if someone is active they can never treat themselves? Sorry Mum!

If you can run for 2 hours then surely it's safe to say your body is on the healthy side? I never said that because I am active I deem it safe to eat shit through Monday to Sunday. I just feel that we should treat ourselves now and then providing we do enough exercise. Everyone should be exercising and trying to remain active anyway, so everyone shouldn't feel guilty about having the occasional unhealthy meal! People should be feeling guilty about being lazy and not exercising though.

I agree completely that being a normal weight does not mean that the person is fit or healthy.
S3 licensed
I am not thin mate. I am active, I burn it off. I weight about 13 stone but there is little fat on me at the moment. You might split hairs and say it does matter, but it doesn't do a lot of harm to spoil yourself and have a take-away now and then. Are you trying to say I'm not healthy because I occasionally treat myself to a bit of KFC or pizza? Really? It doesn't really matter, if you're eating healthily the majority of the time while being very active there isn't much of a problem in having something unhealthy for a change. Having a kebab doesn't suddenly mean I cannot run on the training ground for 2 hours or be involved in a match for 90 minutes. I would find it very boring and demotivating if I was stuck eating rabbit food for the rest of my life. Pretty impressive that you can tell me I am thin and unhealthy, when you've never met me before in your life. A lot of other footballers go out on the piss up on the Sunday and fill their body's with all kinds of crap but that doesn't mean when they're in training the next day that they cannot run and that they're no longer athletes.