I agree that the cockpit shake is a load of crap. I was disappointed really that I had to always use bumper cam or bonnet cam because the cockpit made it too difficult to concentrate due to the over the top shaking. When you lock up under braking, the camera shakes even more. I feel like I am missing out when it's raining, not being able to see the effects on the windscreen, but it just feels so different to drive in the cockpit due to all the silly shaking effects that have no relation to how bumpy the track is anyway. In every sim I play, if I can, I disable the camera shakes and wobbles, for the same reason as BigPeBe. Going over bumps on the track looks and feels more immersive with a camera that is still, so that the camera moves with the whole car going over the bump. That way your own eyes work how they would if you were going over bumps in a real car. I had hoped that they would atleast include the option to disable them, but no. Maybe you're right sinbad, maybe they're trying to hide lower fps, it certainly does make if feel like you're driving at a lower fps because it makes the driving feel so disconnected.

Still looks good from bonnet cam but it's such a waste of time taking forever doing 200 odd cockpits with all the intricate little details, without including a couple of options to change how the camera acts inside the cockpit, apart from 3 different FOV settings that I often find either put the camera in a good place but with an FOV too low, or put the camera too far away but with a suitable FOV.