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S3 licensed
Quote from atlantian :what about counter strike?

At its peak CS had an average of 60 000 players per hour online. With that many players it's easy to find a bunch of people with common interests. No other game has ever enjoyed that much popularity and probably never will. Besides, CS mods attracted millions of ten year old brats who spoiled online games constantly.
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :... just look at GPL for example, still going strong 7 years later because it is customisable, but with GPL it is very difficult to customise, and so only people who know what they are doing get to mod the game, leading to very impressive mods and tracks that have expanded the game far beyond its original limits, to the extent that copies are still being sold today..

For all the good stuff available for GPL there is a mountain of absolute rubbish out there too. Plenty of mods have been made for GPL by people who have no talent at all or have no patience to do the job properly. Furthermore GPL is abandoned by its devs and is available for FREE. It isn't going so strongly at all. GPL is an old game that has benefited from modern modding techniques and ideas, there's a contrast there that makes a high impact. I've wasted time downloading plenty of tracks for GPL that are terrible examples of modding.
LFS is a much better sim all around than GPL was and is. GPL has much less scope than LFS and has more to gain from modding than LFS does. LFS has a lot of scope already. There's no comparison.
S3 licensed
Quote from sam93 :Well I think that is wrong, they have already payed loads of money and had their constructors points now this, I think the FIA should let them go, but just allow them to check the parts they use to ferrari's 3 system's so they know they are not using ferrari information. I think this will make the sport unfair and people will start lossing intrest in F1. Will mclaren have this penalty right through the whole season or just a couple of races. Mclaren may have made some of the parts of their car better to make up for the 3 system's what they aren't allowed to use, so you never know what is going to happen, that story is from the paper, when the season starts it may be revieled that it is all untrue, but who knows, we will just have to wait and see what happens.

McLaren are very lucky that they were treated so lightly. They and their drivers should have been banned form the rest of 2007 and also from 2008. They cheated, and then lied about cheating, and then lied about lying.
S3 licensed
Quote from atlantian :admit it, you are not playing LFS because of the AMAZINGLY SEXY CARZ!

Correct, so there is no need to change the cars.

One of the best things about LFS is that it isn't full of half-arsed shit models and tracks made by wannabe modelers, like a lot of other games are.

Quote from atlantian :sooo... crap mods, that's it?

yes the dev wants the game to be as real as possible. but then again, there is LFSTweak, isn't there the potential of rediculous cars with that tool???

LFS Tweak is not an official mod, and it is only tolerated because it has limits and does not interfere with the online racing in LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from iOL(Qc) :ok but files in the skins_x folder are all dds, why?

DDD files are used to reduce resource use, they are less taxing than JPGs are. The skins_x folder is for skins that have been downloaded while in-game. They represent the skins of other drivers.

You can only use skins for your own car that are in the skins folder, and they should be JPGs. LFS converts your own skins to DDS files for other people to download in-game, but you use JPGs for skins.

And I reiterate: the skins downloaded to the skins_x folder are not necessarily public skins. You should not assume that they are ok for you to use on your own car.

You can download skins from the forum here in JPG format, or from skins sites run by LFS fans. Put the JPG into your skins folder and it will be available for selection in LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from Svilen-BG :Can you send me your crack please?

Oops, I thought you said "can you ban me please?". Oh well, close enough.
S3 licensed
I've never seen a starfox. Do they hunt them with space hounds?
S3 licensed
Get LFS and/or save up for a real guitar.
S3 licensed
The skins folder is for JPG files. Additionally, you shouldn't assume that the skins in the skins_x folder are yours to use freely. Many will be team skins and some will be personal skins.
S3 licensed
Only half the population vote anyway so it's difficult to know what the American people truly prefer in a president. They'll probably vote for the one who convinces them that terr'ists have discovered a way of flying buildings into aircraft.
S3 licensed
Hamilton can't win it, he'll be carrying a weight penalty. James Allen can't stand to be more than three inches away from him.
S3 licensed
What type of files were they, and why put so many sins into your skins folder? I'm sure you will never use 830 skins, and they'd be difficult to browse through, having so many.
S3 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Heh I dont think hes lying to him i think hes rather telling him to tell his parents its a driving sim because they might not like the idea of racing sim.

There's an easy way to sway parents, tell them that you'd prefer a racing game rather than one of those violent shooting or war games. Tell them you'd rather have a challenge that is more about skill and patience than it is about death missions and destruction.
S3 licensed
Quote from AeroMechanical :Don't say 'racing sim' say 'driving simulator'

But it isn't a driving simulator, it's a racing simulator. Why lie to newcomers? They'll just be disappointed when they discover that all of the irrelevant things they want added to the sim never will be added.
S3 licensed
I want to kill them in their sleep. And their little fluffy white yapping dogs.
S3 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :That could be the Ugliest Ferrari F1 car i've ever seen

To me it's beautiful. [etals:]
S3 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :79% of the community uses TV View? o.O

But many of them use more than one view. Alone the statistic does not tell the true story.
S3 licensed
Steam is a malicious program invented by Valve so that they can disable your Steam password, making your five Valve games unplayable online. Upon requesting support to resolve these issues they direct you to the Steam forum where you post your concerns and are told to contact a special support address. Upon contacting the said address the support personel inform you (weeks later) that they don't believe your claim that your email address has changed since the time your registered four years ago. Upon returning to the Steam forum to discuss your options you are promptly banned for asking the same question twice and now have no recourse to solving the issue created by Steam.
Your several Valve products are now worthless, but the stinking dogs from Valve are sitting back with stupid grins on their faces while they spend your several hundred dollars on male strippers and anal toys.
S3 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Cant see it :S

Must be a mod thing

Added the option, though it might be too late in the polling for the info to be of much use.

Just to reiterate, when marshaling or stewarding races, the more views available - the better decisions can be made on incidents or in resolving protests etc.
A particular view might not be a popular choice in a poll like this, but still be quite valuable when used for marshaling.
S3 licensed
Quote :A belated Christmas gift, for me?

Can't you just write to Santa Claus? I'm sure he would make a special trip for you, he looks like the exercise might do him good.
Or don't you have a chimney?
S3 licensed
You should be able to "edit poll" in the top right hand corner.
S3 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :=/ you could of voted for all. I put multi choice thing.

But you asked which view, not which views (looks like you changed the wording since I posted). The poll will show a preference for a particular view, and I don't have a preference for a particular view, I use them all. There is no option for people who prefer all views and therefore voting for each one is pointless and does not show the desired trend.
For the record, I use all views when stewarding races. The more angles one can see the better decisions can be made on incidents.

*edit: wheels only view I can't remember using for any purpose though. IMO it has no place in LFS.
S3 licensed
I use all of them, so I voted for none of them.
S3 licensed
You might need to look into the legal aspects of competing for cash prizes.

Apart from that, a free, well-organised league on a private server should be successful.
S3 licensed
Already this is going nowhere good. Sorry Sam, this will only bring trouble.