Another angle: many demo users who have enjoyed the XRT for free for so long may now finally be prompted to get licensed. Those who have been deliberately sponging for ages probably wouldn't fork out the money no matter how good/bad the demo was.
I'm happy with the AI progress, but like Ian I believe that situational awareness is the highest priority. I hope it is now high on the agenda of things to be improved.
Meh, what else can we say? The devs aren't going to change their minds just because a person who doesn't even own the game disagrees with the direction LFS has taken. Ultimatums from demo users won't change anything. I hope they buy a license and join us in the full LFS S2. But not all demo users are complaining or making demands. There are many thousands of them, but only a handful complaining.
Hard to believe someone is deliberately promoting Telstra, but anyway: add a race number and a few small sponsors to the wing and fuselage to fill the design out more. Also check your decals for stretching, you may wish to shrink them lengthwise to compensate.
I think it's only fair to let people vent and speak their mind. The annoying posts will die down eventually (like they always do after a major update). If demo users have enjoyed LFS so far, or even see some great things about it, then I'm sure they'll buy it if they really want it.
There will always be some people who can't be satisfied with their free content, but if they can find a better sim demo then they should go for that instead of LFS.
I'm not satisfied with some changes in the recent patch either, but I've felt the same way in the past and always ended up coming to my senses in time.
As long as people don't get too abusive or rude they should be allowed to give their opinions. It's frustrating to read posts by some who truly don't understand the nature of LFS, but that is to be expected with a true sim.
The reason I mentioned the unlock thing is because some old versions can be unlocked thanks to some work done by The Angry Angel. But IIRC E was too far back in the development of things and the unlocking method was different back then.
E5 was the last version with the original steering compensation. But it is not possible to unlock that version, so you'll have to be content with Blackwood only.
The logical thing to do would be to clear them all. The old ones mean nothing now, they will not be representative of our true performance under the latest version.
As with past updates, almost everyone will be using the latest patch in the future. To keep the stats consistent and relevant, the information should be based on the updated version.
For some of the newer players to LFS this might seem a bit disappointing, but older hands will recall how updates have often affected the relevance of LFS World stats. Personally, I use the PB times to gauge my progress on a given track. The old PBs won't help me now. Having said that, if I have to clear them manually I am willing to do so.
If you can open PSD files, try the Master Skinnerz Pro Kits. They contain a wire frame overlay to assist with lining your graphics up together. It can save a lot of time.
Twin exhaust on XRT (GTT ) Bring it back dammit!
RAW files for skin textures.
No upper suspension limit caused big wheelies over the hump at BLR.
If you parked next to the entrance of the RallyX part of BL and reset your car you would be flung so high in the air that the track below looked like a Minty wrapper.
You could hammer through the pits at BLR and get airborne on the hump at the pit exit.
I don't use the profiler personally. I also have never had any trouble using both buttons to look back, it isn't hard to do in my experience. A little practice does marvelous things.
Despite the adjustment of HANS, the typical racing harness doesn't give your shoulders much freedom to aid a head turn. You certainly won't be free too check blind spots.
I don't see why he would react to my comments unless he was guilty of bitching and moaning, but since I wasn't quoting anything he said I am at a loss to see why he took it upon himself to react the way he did. Unless he's just pissed off because of the changes and felt like taking it out on me. In any case, it was unwarranted to unleash his anger on me. My suggestion stands about making sensible arguments if you want to be taken seriously.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss your own concerns in a civilized manner, hopefully some others will learn form your example.
The requirement of HANS is not limited to international events (V8 Supercars since 2005, for example), it is up to each governing body to make their own rules. Racing seats also often have head protection which doesn't do much for your view either. Regardless of all that, HANS does limit your head and neck movement, as does a racing seat and harness.
I'm sure there have been lots of good reasons, though many people's feedback would serve them better if they detailed what controller and method they currently use. There IS a lot of silly and unproductive whining going on since the patch. Nobody learns anything from that.
I don't have any problem with a one-touch = 90 degree look, but neither do I foresee any problems in adapting to a 2-button look since it was never a problem when looking back under the old system.
MY post offered some advice about getting your issues heard and taken seriously and answered Deggis' post about why people feel the way they do about the realism. YOUR post was full of ignorant assumptions and drama. While I try to help people all you want to do is tear them down. Time you grew the hell up.
Thanks for your useless comments. I never mentioned the DFP. I didn't say that all feedback was whining - you seem to think I did. Learn to read. I also didn't say that anyone wasn't allowed to express an opinion, but in your case maybe that wouldn't be a bad suggestion.
Any wheel with two buttons is not ill suited to head turn. Not sure what you are trying to say otherwise.
HANS is a requirement for many race series and the number in which it is mandatory will increase.