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Learning How to Drive on Track from Keiichi Tsuchiya
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Learning How to Drive on Track from DK Tsuchiya - driving position, braking point, gear shifts, etc

S3 licensed
Quote from Snoop.DriftEra :Thank you guys for great discussion, but did anyone really checked this problem on their controllers with my method?

I don't have lag when I release a button on my G25.

As for shifting problems, apart from any button lag issues there is also a debounce setting which causes a mis-shift if you shift too fast. There is a setting (Shift Debounce) in the cfg.txt file which you can adjust to better suit your style, IIRC. That may be causing your shift problem too, but it may be your button lag issue instead.

Apart from the advice I posted above about using a USB2 port and ensuring your cables are connecting firmly I don't know how to be of further help. Hope you get it sorted, and please continue to update this topic if anything changes so we might all learn from your issues.
S3 licensed
Thanks, I'll check it out. I suppose it's so long since I had a car behind me on track, usually lapping alone for these past few years.
S3 licensed
Quote from gu3st :Doesn't LFS already do that for looking behind? It might not work if you only have 45° look, but I'm 99% sure that both used to look behind.

It used to for me but doesn't any more. It's the same on b oth my G25's so maybe it is a setting.
S3 licensed
I'm using a G25 on W10 64-bit and don't have this issue. I'm using the two buttons on the wheel for the look functions.

What kind of USB port are you plugged in to? I recall the G25 having certain issues on a USB3 port, which could be resolved by using a USB2 port.

I have had some button issues when a cable was not securely plugged in (usually shifter issues) though that is probably not your problem here.

Off topic, but I'd like the ability to look behind by using both wheel buttons together as the G25 is sadly lacking in on-wheel options.
S3 licensed
I am wondering if mouse steering might be more intuitive than using a wheel, for bikes. Uhmm
S3 licensed
Quote from Pavel_D :The authors of LFS, for some reason, decided to make the physics of the motorcycle more simple and arcade. This has its pros and cons. Personally, I'm more interested in driving with more realistic physics than with simpler ones.

Scawen is a motorcyclist himself, and many years ago he did post some info about the possibility of including bikes in LFS and why it is not an easy implementation. So the reason why it isn't up to realism standards isn't because of a 'decision' to make it that way. I'm not belittling your mod, it's great that you are working on a solution that suits your own needs - I'm just pointing out that LFS was not designed for bike physics and certainly was not designed for unrealistic bike physics.
It's to Scawen's credit that he even included the possibility at all, especially at this very early stage of mod development in LFS. Perhaps we will see a more advanced version in the future, I'm sure many of us would like that.
S3 licensed
I'm looking forward to seeing this project completed.

Not sure if you've seen this video, but it may help...

Last edited by Gunn, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :So we're kinda back in pre-CMXviewer times with skinning,which I actually never experienced before - save the skin in LFS folder and while being on track in shift+u mode,switch to high or low textures resolution to force LFS update textures...

Yes, at least for the mod cars and the updated RB4. For now the CMX viewer is still useful for viewing the other standard cars. I'm keen to begin skinning some of the newer content too.
S3 licensed
I'm enjoying this car.. Fun to drive with H-pattern gears.
Last edited by Gunn, .
S3 licensed
It is often the case that the skins you download are already on LFS World. The name of the skin download needs to be exactly the same as the uploaded skin on LFS World for it to work online.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Any chance of CMX viewer being updated with same mods installing system? I assume licence check should be added too to avoid model ripping. Shrug
Without CMX viewer skinning mods of other people is really difficult...

Also,would be nice if mods creators would provide at least black mask and wireframe extracted by few clicks from LFS editor. Stretching map would be ideal.

CMX files are obsolete (not compatible with the new system). Scawen is working on a new solution. There is no current ETA for the new mode/system.
S3 licensed
Quote from RE Amemiya :I’m laughing at the fact that we have lawn mowers and probably will have tractor pulling soon.

It's funny cos it's true Rofl
S3 licensed
The Grasscutter, he knows who I am. I am the Nightrider! I am the chosen one. The mighty hand of vengeance, sent down to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter than a rollin' dice. Step right up, chum, and watch the kid lay down a rubber road, right to FREEDOM!
S3 licensed
I think this is an anti-bot measure. It does seem a little high, but I'm not sure if there is a good reason for that.
S3 licensed
I really enjoyed watching the previous event. It looks like a lot of fun for all drivers involved.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :My current plan is to add a viewer mode in the LFS garage which would be a lot like the CMX Viewer and you could look around any mod you have installed in there.

I know you have been considering adding a viewer mode in the garage, but I was thinking that without the outdoor lighting this may be a bit limiting in regards to seeing what your skin will really look like on track.
S3 licensed
Looking good!
S3 licensed
Skin already uploaded to LFS World.

Skin download: Download
S3 licensed
The option to create a 'free' server has always been in LFS. The difference now is that the 'free' server is not hosted on your own PC but rather it is hosted on an official dedicated LFS server.
Without this option some players would have nowhere to race without an astronomical latency and they would not necessarily have control of the session.
S3 licensed
I once made a Yashio skin for the XRT. Something like that would suit your car I think ;-)
S3 licensed
I am hoping to add a new RB4 skin kit to Master Skinnerz with high quality wireframe in the future, but it requires some help from Scawen as the current editor can't export wireframes in a vector format and my own exporter works with CMX files (which are now more or less obsolete). As you can imagine he is very busy with higher priority work right now, but I'm hoping there will be a solution soon.
S3 licensed
Averaging 50 from my location.
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :There once was a video floating around on discord with someone doing a skin by actually using Photoshop on a 3D model. I cannot recall how they did it though. I imagine this is a "safe" yet not easy to set up method to skin.

Here is the video. The software is called 'Photoshop Extended'

Here is the LFS Forum thread related to this method:
S3 licensed
The stretching of the skins is not uniform, but for the sides and the top the ratio is fairly simple:

If the default skin is 1024 x 1024 the stretched skin is about 1280 x 1024 for example.

Some detailed areas of the skin are still more 'stretchy' in places so some tweaking may be required for artwork that is placed in areas where the mapping wraps around intakes, spoilers and bumpers.
Last edited by Gunn, .