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S3 licensed
LFS saved my marriage, cured my cancer, and washed my dog. It's one helluva sim.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Where did the Stallion go when he became sick?
To the Horsepital
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :
S14 - this is physics you should have learnt when you were about 11 or 12, possibly before.

Erm, no such thing was taught to me in my 12 years of schooling. If you don't elect to take physics as a subject you only get very minimal training in physics concepts - partly in general science and partly in higher math (if you even take higher maths as a subject). 99% of my knowledge of physics was learned independently from my schooling by reading books, and most of that after I'd turned 30. I can say for a fact that prior to high school, I'd never been shown any proper physics theroy at all.
It's not really fair to assume that everyone is learning the same stuff.
S3 licensed

Or download the CMX Viewer and get them from there.
S3 licensed
Quote from majod :Also check wheter you forwarded both TCP and UDP ports.

Yes this is an important point which some people overlook.
Make sure that you forward UDP as well as TCP or else nobody will be able to join your server even if they can see it in the list.
If you also run a software firewall you must make sure that the firewall is allowing LFS.exe to operate.
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Sorry to appear to be trolling this thread, but that is simply not true. You cannot tell how a car 'handles' from being a passenger. You can tell how it accelerates, how well it brakes, and how fast it can go round corners, but you can't actually tell how it 'feels'.

I say you can.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :13 stones? how large are those stones? lol.

"Stone" is an old measurement of weight often used for human body weight. 13 Stone = about 82Kg.
S3 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :look at the chiped fbm whels!!!!!

The textures used for the FBM wheels are a direct photograph of the wheels on the car that Scawen drove. The decals have not been applied with any great care, but that's how they were IRL on the car in question and so are represented in LFS the same way. For those who like things more tidy, I believe there is a 'clean' version available at Master Skinnerz somewhere, or you can of course edit the file which can be found in your folder.

Just to clarify: this is not a bug.
S3 licensed
I have cleaned some posts from this thread. Some were spam, some were not, but please keep in mind that this thread is meant to be for Scawen, to aid with squashing bugs and testing upcoming changes.

Don't post anything in here that does not relate directly to testing the current test patch. Have your arguments elsewhere (preferably not on the forum at all) and please don't post in this thread if you are not actively testing. Thanks guys.
S3 licensed
Thread reset.

EDIT: Reset again: 12/01/2010

[edit] Reset 3/5/2010

EDIT: Thread Reset again 06/09/2011

EDIT: Thread Reset again 19/09/2011
Last edited by Victor, . Reason : cleanup again
S3 licensed
Quote from gatebil94 :no i dont find! find just s15 s13 and that.. but NOT s14a!

I found two when I searched.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tim_J_23 :I have been on TV twice.
One time in Texarkana, Texas (born there) when we were there on the christmas parade the local news camera zoomed me in while my mother was holding me.
You could really see me drool

Second time was here in Sweden when we had so many christmas lights so the local news was interested and I had to speak to the camera while biting in my jacket because I was so nervous.
About 12 years old back then.

A few months ago I had both the front page and 2 pages in the newspaper about pinball.
And I was up on the internet too and a video.

2 PDF files are located here:
http://www.svenskaflippersalls ... aartikel.php?artikelid=44
1st is the left page and the second is the right page.

God I hate showing myself, so embarressed of myself

So do you generally prefer Bally or Williams machines?
S3 licensed
I went to school with Mick Doohan. Well actually, IIRC he was hardly ever at school most of the time. Always riding bikes. My best mate lived next door to him for many years. His brother Scotty was quite a good local rider too - much better than I unfortunately.

I don't feel special from brushes with famous people, but it's interesting to see people who were once your peers become very successful in their chosen field. It's encouraging.

I have another claim to fame which is a bit more exciting, but I can't speak of it, sorry.
S3 licensed
Quote from ADX.14 :But by this way, the monotony of the Blackwood and Westhill tracks should be dissolved.

I don't find either of those tracks monotonous. Blackwood is a great track in its own right and Westhill was designed for the faster cars. I think we can safely speculate that Westhill will be further developed in future anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :well come to think of it, at least for the first time no one would complain about the sound.......

Heh, you're quite optimistic. Surely someone would still complain.
S3 licensed
Quote from gatebil94 :didnt find

Just search for "silvia".
S3 licensed
You could clean the pot (with a small squirt of contact cleaner to the inside of the pot). Sometimes a dirty pot can function intermittently as you describe.
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Eric is busy sorting out the scirocco, so that you will all shut up.

As far as I can tell, Eric's job is already complete on the Scirocco.
S3 licensed
Quote from scipy :It's not like you can burn them really easily (even when driving on the limit)...

Of course you can. You can toast them within one lap if they are at optimum temperature - the severity of the effect differs between cars, tracks and setups, but it certainly exists, especially for slick tyres.
S3 licensed
Quote from f1fanstore :Dear julz009,

We are obviously interested and available to make this helmet for you. Just for our own records and help us improve further, can you tell us why are you not choosing to buy from our store?

Kind Regards,

F1 Fan Store

He's not buying from your store because he doesn't want a helmet. He wants a texture to use with the virtual helmet in the race simulator Live For Speed. Unfortunately, this is probably much more difficult to make than a real helmet.

*argh, beaten to the post by the boss
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Well, we'll just have to see what Ross Brawn and his team can come up with. They could end up with another dog of a car, or they could end up with the fastest car by a mile - nobody knows at the moment, and they won't really until the opening race - testing pace is rarely an indication of speed. And we've seen that in a competitive car Button can go pretty quickly, but we've yet to see him in a world class car to know what he can really do (although I don't think he's champion material, but he's a notch above most of the drivers on the grid in my opinion).

Intuitive post.
S3 licensed
For a better understanding of DDS format tools, and their use: read this thread.
S3 licensed
Quote from Napalm Candy :I am sure that this topic has spoke other times. But in my opinion is the most necessary to correct, I think that it is primordial to correct this "bug" than add new cars or tracks, or interior of cars. And that is why I open a new topic.

I think that this is the simulator with best physics (yes, I say that after try iRacing and rFactor and all other sims) but have a big problem.

Tyres can't warm up so much, and less in such a short time, with the
aggravating that tyres need in LFS so much time to cool off.

Sometimes we confuse the wear of the wheel with temperature and when we talk about setups usually say things like "These wheels do not last neither 2 turns". So the wear of tyres is ok, some times so much, if you try to drift you will see, after 10 min have tyres at 180ºC but no much wear.

Another problem with this impossible temperatures is the handle, Is correct that a too hot tyre has less grip, but in LFS this is extreme. In the reality, with normal wheels or Slicks, 2 spins are not sufficient to heat in excess the wheels and if it was it would cool in 2 turns.

I think that is the worst problem in LFS physics, and IMO the first need to correct.

Less tyre temperatures, less rise, down faster and more wear.

I hope that this comment is taken as constructive criticism

And... sorry for my bad english

After testing many LFS cars, tracks, setups and configs: I agree completely with you. IMO the tyres for a specific car on a specific track can heat up too fast and become unusable easily, but choosing the next 'hardest' tyre means it will never reach peak operating temperature and therefore will never reach its potential for that track and car. While there seems to be nothing at all 'wrong' with the way LFS dishes out the punishment and rewards to tyre physics, it all seems a bit 'boom or bust' in the way that one minute your car is predictable and within perhaps another one third of a lap your car is now undrivable.

In general (and this is really a broad generalisation) the LFS tyres are changing too rapidly from one extreme to the other.

I believe that tyres should perform better, earlier and decay with less enthusiasm and over a longer period of time before they ultimately fail due to abuse or neglect, or both.
S3 licensed
After all these years of LFS (and hardware testing/troubleshooting all along the way) I've only ever had to unlock upon a major LFS update, and even then only within the last few years of development.

There are more painless ways of doing things if you can sort it out.