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Quote from BlueFlame :Yea, i don't really KNOW what sharp object you are sitting on, but you seem to jump to the conclusion I was/am against you, all I said was that i didn't believe these were made for Passing, the bike you had probobly had a badly translated manual anyway, so going directly what a japanese-2-english Manual says isn't really the clearest path to find out the true meaning of something, as japanese translations can be quite difficult to disypher

Nope, I didn't think you were against me, I just want you to realise that what I've said is true Smile. Plenty of old vehicles were the same, not just Japanese ones. Back then passing was different than it is now. For one, there were a lot less cars on the road and most were pretty slow compared to a bike. It was in the best interests of the rider to let the car ahead know it was coming alongside. If you've ever been run off the road on a bike you'll understand why it is important to be seen by car drivers.
I think it would be sad if you glossed over the points I've highlighted, there's something to learn there. That's all I'm saying.

Japanese translates quite well actually. It's a simply-structured language an not difficult to grasp.
S3 licensed
Quote from Drunken Predator :hehe, well.. i guess im a bully too then

Nah, a simple misunderstanding. Easy to do.
S3 licensed
Quote from Drunken Predator :Well bullying then, but it happens in every thread thats about cruising/drifting.. if you as a moderator dont see it, then all i can do is wonder what kind of moderator you are. Its unacceptable, all these people have right to enjoy the game, and not be bullied around..
they have paid for it.. and soon people are scared to post or start threads about things they have on their heart or need help in because the bully crew lead by a mod is always there. If you now tell me its only humor, its not.. humor is something understood as humor also by the one its aimed at.. just had to say it.. ill rest my case.. might be the position of the moon, but today i get more irritated than ever of the bully feature in community.

/needs a drink..

You misjudge my position. Cruising servers don't do much for LFS as a racing sim when a new player joins LFS after hearing how great a simulator it is and they go online and are confronted with cops and speed limits and money. Hiding these servers by default is a great move and helps to maintain the credibility of LFS. I'm not bullying, I'm supporting LFS. If I said "all cruisers are luisers and they all suck" then you'd have a point. But I didn't, and you don't. Don't go down the "what kind of moderator are you" path, that's bullying me. Most disturbing when I'm sticking up for the sim I love.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I don't believe they were ever.. MADE for 'passing'.

Believe what you want, I've given you the truth but I won't waste my time forcing it down your throat. If you ever see an old bike and wonder what the "pass" setting is for, now you know, if you chose to learn. But nobody's going to get upset if you chose not to learn. It's a free world.
S3 licensed
Quote from Drunken Predator :I see nothing bad in cruising.. not my cup of tea maybe.. but hell.. it gives a playground to enjoy the physics with less stressfull enviroment, and still do it online with other people.. all this hate always against everyone who enjoy the game bit differently than others...


Just because you say it's hate doesn't mean it is.
S3 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :norton internet secruity

This program is worse than any virus you might get.

Quote from Jakg :Then i think you better ditch Windows and start again....

That must be the worst advice you've ever given. Too many n00bs reformat and resintall Windows for no reason at all... like when they have a virus.

Viruses are almost always simple to kill. Starting from scratch is an absolute last resort.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bluebird B B :I just tryed patch Y for a few days and today i tested the fo8 on kv long.
With the old (race)setup, i cooked r2 tyres to over 150 celcius within three laps. So i switched to realistic camber and tyre pressure on r3. Now the tyres heat up must slower, but.. they never cool down on straights. So i end up with overheated tyres after 4(long) laps.

I also tested on kv national, reducing camber front and rear dramaticly. one tyre gets overheated within one lap and all tyres are too hot after two laps. The same setup (with a lot more negative camber) i used in patch x which could do 30 laps in patch 'x' and stay close to wr time with over the entire 30 laps(if fuel load is low enough..).

So i agree to that the tyres get overheated too fast now. I think too, the tyres should cool (much) faster on straiths. Or at least, tyre temps in the real world are not as critical as it is in lfs is now.

I do like the other changes though, such as clutch heating and more realistic gearboxes.

Ky circuits can be very hard on tyres though. A lot of long, high-speed corners make tyres accumulate heat in a short number of laps. Try Fern Bay and see if you notice a difference.
S3 licensed
Quote from Humbleridderen :
Accuse people of cheating or havíng the wrong opinion, but accusing for whining is lack of words as I see it.

Opinions can never be wrong. There is no such thing as a wrong opinion. I think spinach tastes bad, someone else thinks it tastes good. Neither opinion is wrong, even though they take opposite positions.
S3 licensed
Quote from kABLiuks :ammm... okey, the big question- so is that fun?

Some people seem to think so. But some people think Coldplay is a good band too, so, go figure.
S3 licensed
It is called a passing light because it was used to let the car in front know that you were overtaking. I didn't invent the device or its name, I can only tell you about its history.
S3 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :
Now with the new patch and all there is this new filter that is at the bottom of the connections screen called "cruise". Of course it filters out all the cruise servers, but the thing is, it is automaticly on when the version is updated from patch "X" (pun intended) to Y. So, now that the cruise servers are automaticly filtered out, even if they are wanted to be shown, most of the people that used to hangout there are now populating the reace servers. The race servers are, and have been, more populated since patch Y (just an observation no acutal data to be shown).

It sounds like the default setting is doing a fantastic job.
S3 licensed
Quote from drift_apprentice :
When u start LFS, an option comes up first, "arcade" or "simulation", then u play the game of ur choice.

I like this idea. And if you choose "arcade" LFS should wipe your hard drive and then set fire to your house.
S3 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :erm, i think there's another value to take credit of:


well i know windows only uses 96dpi on standard monitors and i don't want to start a discussion about who's monitor accounts for the highest dpi, but, the higher the dpi on your vision-device the larger the textures could get without beeing bigger than a 5.78m car


The "dpi" setting is for printing. You won't see any noticeable difference on screen between 96, 300, 600 etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from ciph :Whats the point? Its the same just with Demo check fixed this time i gave it my friends to test it and it seems to work now. So whats the big deal here about the "Tweaks" they aint harmful + modifiying the car online will not help. Live for Speed checks both car specifications and compare them, if they dont match it will result an error. So what the hell is the big deal in this thing?

Seriously this place is wicked.

It must be checked and approved before it can be released. That's the wishes of the Devs. It won't hurt you do the right thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :
I always assumed this was the "flash" switch, as this is what's it's labled as in the manual.

On my old bikes it was named "pass". It was courteous and safe to flash a vehicle before passing, back in the day.
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :You're not meant to flash your lights when you want to pass someone. I respond to morons that flash their lights with a flash of the brake lights or better still, if you're not on a completely straight road, you can just loose them, which really annoys them when you've got less than half the power

Passing lights were invented to flash people. It wasn't such a big deal back when road rage did not exist. My first motorcycle had a setting on the light switch for "passing". You'd push it with your thumb and it would spring back to the off position when you released it. Oops, showing my age now.
S3 licensed
Quote from ciph :so why is no one telling me that its not working?

How can I know for sure when I can't even try it? I've told you what I know.
S3 licensed
Quote from ciph :It does work :/

Not according to XCNuse. Who did you send the updated version to?
S3 licensed
Many road cars (and bikes) have a "passing light" function which is used to notify a car ahead of you that you are going to (or wish to) pass. The passing light function does not light up the rear driving lights.
S3 licensed
Quote from ciph :No they cant use it...

Your original version had no license check and the information I have says that as of three days ago your license checking system doesn't work. I can't confirm that though since I haven't seen an updated version from you since your original.
S3 licensed
Quote from ciph :When can i release it. Im waiting for almost 4 days and still no moderator approval or any status.

Give me now a final answer. Can i release it?

Why ask the forum members? They can't give you the answer.
S3 licensed
Another spam poll.
S3 licensed
Using 4096 x 4096 is just silly for online racing. It's a car texture. 2048 offers plenty of detail. 4096 is overkill.
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :I miss Drive-ins...

Drive-ins are extinct around here now too.
S3 licensed
Quote from [DaEmOn] :A player called Skewen or Scewen joined my server in PINK text, but he wasnt in server list, so i couldnt kick (he has speed hack) but when he left himself, someone named [LISA] in Pink left the server, (but his name went at same time) bit confusing.

Anyone watch out for Mr Pinks.

When you see suspicious behaviour please try to save a replay. Then send the replay to one of us moderators, don't post it publicly.
With replay evidence we can investigate properly and, if necessary, do something about it.