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Quote from spenceris :As is aid ive heard people having problems with the ffb.

The Momo has no issues with FFB as afar as I am concerned. If it can handle RBR it can handle anything. Just don't use it as a soccer ball and it should serve you well.

You MUST use FFB in LFS. LFS without FFB is a different game altogether. Once you have played LFS with FFB you will never play it any other way.
S3 licensed
I have a few of the Momo wheels and they are about four and five years old respectively. Very good product, better quality build and more solid than a DFP (and a bigger diameter wheel), despite not enjoying full rotational capabilities nad not having a clutch. The original release pedals were flawed but these days you can get the Momo with Revision II pedals AFAIK. At least Logitech will replace the pedals with the new version if your pedals fail.

Like any analogue game controller - treat it with care, don't let your friends or siblings use it, and it should have a reasonable life span.

I use a G25 now, but I'd recommend the Momo any day, especially if you have a tight budget. I found LFS to be really enjoyable with a Momo, I was using a non FFB wheel prior to getting a Momo.
S3 licensed
Quote from farcar :And I'm curious to know where I complained that I know nothing about the development cycle?

I never said that you had complained. I said "people", not referring to any one person directly - I was simply continuing with my opinion of this whole useless and dissenting thread.

And of course you never said that your statements are cold hard truth, you don't know the truth (since nobody has told you of it) and so are not able to comment about the truth, which is not your fault.
However, their is no stagnation of the development of LFS, and the meaning of that word is quite clear when used in any context that I can think of. Opinions have nothing to do with truth, which is why an opinion can never be 'wrong'. The truth is that stagnation of development is not occurring. This is not my opinion.

The word "stagnate" is dramatic and over-reactive when used in complete absence of information about the truth. It is so because it is completely irrelevant and out of context with any reality in regards to LFS development. Even if there were no patches for two years it would not be a definite indicator that development was stagnant, all you could say for certain is that updates had become much less prevalent. Any comments about the development cycle would be pure speculation. Of course I have given an extreme and unlikely example to make my point.

Thank you for discussing things in a civil manner, it makes it easier to share our thoughts with each other.
S3 licensed
Quote from 1303s_vortech :If someone else do the job, there's no reasons for devs to loose most of their times on it.

Each new car needs to have its physics developed too, and that's not something that you can do with a 3D modeling program and can be a pretty big job in some cases.
Then LFS world needs to be worked on in various areas to make room for the new car.
The CMX viewer also needs updating when a new car is added to LFS.

So yes, there is more work involved than it may at first seem.
S3 licensed
Quote from farcar :It has from this end user's point of view.

I appreciate the effort you've gone to with your post, but a person's point of view does not necessarily represent the actual truth. To say that LFS development has stagnated is not the truth, regardless of how many people say that it has or how they say they feel about it. The truth is that development continues and the Devs continue to work hard on their project. The term 'stagnation' doesn't even apply to this situation.

Over-reactive and dramatic words and statements won't change the truth, though they may contribute greatly to poor morale and propagate naysaying.

The truth never really needs defending, and ultimately it is probably a waste of time doing so.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. I trust that when the pudding arrives that most members of the community will enjoy the taste tremendously.

People complain that they know nothing about the development cycle and in almost the same breath say the development cycle has stagnated. I'm curious to know exactly how that sort of logic works, I suppose.
S3 licensed
Quote from fisho :I know

Well you asked for orange rims....
S3 licensed
Thread locked at OP's request.
S3 licensed
Making a good track requires so much more than just good tools. Good tools are also necessary, but alone they won't get you there.
Additionally, a "track" for a racing sim is actually not a "track" at all, but rather it is a whole 3D environment.

An understanding of topography is also very important, but is not so useful unless you understand how to engineer the track to make best use of the topography. Realistic topography is more complicated than a few hills and bumps here and there, as exciting as a few hills and bumps may still be .

Making a great track that is suitable for a sim like LFS means a lot of work and testing. Veterans of GPL will be able to tell you of the many hundreds of available community-made tracks, and how dozens were good, a few were great, and a very small selection were excellent.

Software that gives you the ability to bend and twist a black stripe over hills and bumps is fantastic, and a great step towards the goal, but a track editor for LFS (if it is even possible) would need to actually be a comprehensive 3D editing (or authoring) suite. I wonder how many people would truly have the patience, skill and understanding of race track engineering concepts to deliver a truly good result that remains in context with a sim like LFS.
At least with software like this, many intelligent minds will begin to ponder the true difficulties in producing something of good quality design and appearance, even if tools like this don't allow for it completely.
S3 licensed
The short answer is: you can't make realistic chrome using a skin.

It is possible to give a car a reasonably good (but not quite convincing) metallic look, but you won't achieve it by using a tool or effect in your software - you'll have to tweak the whole paint job panel by panel.

A few people in the past have done a pretty good job, but certainly not overnight and not without frustration. A detailed search may give you a few references and ideas.
Even if successful, you're more likely to end up with a dull metallic finish rather than the super shininess of chrome. With a bit of highlighting and shadow work to finish things off you could end up with something that scratches your itch.
S3 licensed
Quote from Macfox :Why hypothesise? Development has stagnated, your not getting 1 or 2 ATM.

Development has not stagnated, that is just your incorrect hypothesis.
S3 licensed
Quote from Macfox :Do elaborate?

S3 licensed
Quote from Macfox :Why because people expect a Xmas surprise. The Dev's made that bed a long time ago.

We shouldn't confuse the two issues community engagement and demands for releases/updates.

To me, these aren't even issues.
S3 licensed
Since the conception of LFS I've come to know this time of year as "silly season", thanks to a few recurring trends on LFS forums.

- Usually around this time of year, or not too long after, LFS enjoys a significant update to its features and some bug fixes, and often some new content or some significant content update.

- Usually around this time of year, or not too long after, a thread or two will be created and some members will complain that they never get enough updates, or things are taking too long, or how unfair it is that they don't get to know what's going on behind the scenes in the Devs work environment, demanding their "rights" and generally bitching about how it sucks to be them in the world of LFS.

- It is not entirely unusual for some members who bitched and moaned initially, to be a short time later crowing about the new updates and how God-like the Devs are, how the latest update includes their new favourite car, track or feature, and can we all make babies with the Devs so that our genes can become a part of any future projects the Devs may participate in.

LFS people can be so cute, can't they? If I had a bigger back yard I'd take many of you home with me to be my pets, and I could feed you biscuits and throw a ball for you occasionally.
S3 licensed
Quote from tubaman :i made this form so you can post you ugly skins that you made that no one wants.

1: If a member hasn't posted their ugly skin yet, how would they know if anyone wants it or not?

2: We already have an entire section for posting finished skins, and we would prefer that members posted their skins there, in the appropriate thread.
S3 licensed
The wheel colour can be changed while in the garage/colours screen within the game, by using the three colour sliders provided. Skin textures don't effect wheel colour.
S3 licensed
Quote from Profi :Seeing the entries so far I'm a bit surprised that none of the skilled skin makers wants to take the easy $10. Maybe they all just try to be tricky, pretend to be not interested and will post on the last minute?

It's likely that they haven't even seen this thread. I only noticed it yesterday myself.
S3 licensed
I've finished the game and I haven't even discovered half of the locations and I've completed easily less than half of the quests. A bit disappointing how you can finish without even reaching your potential. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but I've now had to revert back to an earlier saved game to continue the adventure and therefore feel like I've gotten my money's worth.

I achieved the goal of the game without using any big guns at all, and using energy weapons very little. If the battles weren't so entertaining and satisfying I don't think I would be able to continue on from here.

A great game, but the ultimate goal should be harder to attain, or impossible to attain so early in your character's development. I expect some cool add-ons will eventually appear that might improve the overall plot/scenario aspect of the existing game.
S3 licensed
You have great enthusiasm, I'll give you that much.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Nice legs!
S3 licensed
I've been working on one for quite a while, but have not been satisfied enough with the results to release it.

If I get it right I'll post it in this section.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Penske Marlboro livery as requested...

Nicely adapted Bean0.
S3 licensed
Quote from AYRTON (EUS) :If you want too, i leave here renault suit and gloves. They are not from 2008, but they are cool with the car and helmet.And by the way, the renault f1wheel which i made for it, there are 3 types (two in yellow and one on blue).Rename the suit to overwrite the one you dont want or like. Rename renaultwhelel name to and that´s it.Hope at least you like it.

Nice work mate, that looks good.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eneko :Hi all!!

I just bought myself a S2 License the other day. I decided I'll probably stick to this game for much longer. Very excited!

Welcome to S2!
S3 licensed
Quote from Niall Murray :yes it is saved in lfs skins folder in data i dont know what else im doing wrong ?

Ok, let's start fresh and do some tests to determine what's going wrong, I'm sure we can get your skin working in LFS for you.

Q: Have you made other skins that do work in LFS?

Q: Can you select other skins when choosing a "new colours"?

Could you send me a link to your skin or attach it here please so that I can look at the file?

Thanks mate. Don't worry we can sort this out.