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S3 licensed
I hadn't lapped on Westhill for a while, so last week I spent an hour there in various cars. I improved all my lap times which was nice, but I had a good look around as well and absorbed the feel of the place so that when the update comes to the Westhill racing environment the difference is more of a kick in the nuts rather than just a slap in the face. Can't wait for the update
S3 licensed
Unfortunate that Rosberg's car failed him. Now we will never know by how much he would have beaten Hamilton in this race.
S3 licensed
One part of me is hoping that double points play no part in the result, and another part of me wants double points to figure in the result just so the outrage prevents Bernie from proposing such a stupid idea again. But for the drivers, I hope double points are a non-event for the decider.
I'm actually one of the few people who apparently don't hate Ecclestone right now, but the last few years he has tinkered with the formula in the most disappointing ways. It seems to me (I've been following F1 since about 1976) that Bernie has tried to implement fake 'good racing' through the use of DRS, fuel limits, tyres that wear out, double points, and to a lesser degree; ERS.

I'd rather see a change to the aero rules so that following another car closely isn't so costly, and bring back vehicles that drivers can race hard for the whole race. Fake passing aids and rules that tether the drivers have made F1 less interesting for me. Even when lots of fans were complaining about Schumi winning so much, many fans still could appreciate the spectacle from a technical point of view and enjoy watching all the drivers go as hard as their cars and skills physically allowed. Now we would never know who is fastest on any given day because all the drivers are saving fuel and tyres and worrying about being penalised for a mere racing incident.

I couldn't give a rat's arse about green motorsport, or the road car market, or the cost of participating. I just want to see the best drivers in the world wringing the neck of their machinery and pushing themselves and each other to the racing limits.

And now I'll return to the nursing home for my medication. Has any one seen my walking frame?

Oh, one more thing - go Nico!
S3 licensed
You could deliberately mis-calibrate the range of that axis.
S3 licensed
Fully updated versions of both the UF1 and the UFR skin kits are now available at Master Skinnerz.
S3 licensed
A new UF1 kit should be available within the next day or so, if all goes well
S3 licensed
Quote from RoachDaSimp :Talking about that, it's off topic pretty much, but i think RB4 model should be improved. Polygons... cannot unseen. Whatever skin i make those polygons makes them look angled and unrealistic.

Yes the RB4 could do with several dozen more polys. The curvy shape does accent the polygons more than some of the other models.
S3 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :I wanted to do a UF1 skin, but the template on Master Skinnerz is marked as "x" which means it requires an update. Can anyone say what isn't up to date on the template or will it work just as fine?
Or if anyone has an up to date UF1 template, can you post it here?

E: I managed to find one, I hope it will work.

The template will be fine for usual skinning. There are some minor adjustments that were made to the skin mapping of the UF1 which may be barely noticeable around the wheel arches, though the difference is very small and probably won't effect your work at all. The reason why the kit wasn't updated was because I was expecting more polys to be added to this model and the kit would need to be pretty much remade from scratch anyway, in that case.
Last edited by Gunn, .
Download Driver CMX meshes for use with the LFS Viewer
S3 licensed
You can now download the driver CMX meshes to help with skinning of the driver models.

**Please note that these files are not offically supported in regards to their suitability for use with the LFS Viewer and should you have any issues with their use, it should not be entirely unexpected. The LFS Viewer has not been optimised to use these meshes, but they seem to function correctly. If you do find any faults, please don't harrass Scawen with your bug reports, this is really a minor thing which must be considered 'low priority'. You can report issues at Master Skinnerz forum or in this thread, but don't expect any immediate attention or action to result as it is likely that these models and their mappings will become obsolete in due course.
Having said that, I have experienced no problems using these files with the current LFS Viewer.

Known issues:
Skin mapping for the driver models overlaps in some places and is misaligned in other places (the meshes should help you overcome these issues when making your driver skins).

If you think you will find these meshes useful for your skinning efforts, please visit the link below for more information, instructions and to download the actual files.

You can download the LFS Viewer to help you with your skinning. Visit the offical LFS downloads page to find the Viewer in the 'additional downloads' section.
Last edited by Gunn, .
S3 licensed
Thanks mate.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I don't think so, at least I can't find it or remember it. Was it an email?

It was a forum message. Aug 13, or thereabouts.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I guess a mistake or oversight, I've emailed Victor.

Thanks. I haven't received a reply from a message I sent you a few weeks ago. Did you get it?
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :
Quote from Gunn :Oh, I'm not a moderator any more

You've been away for a while, haven't you?

No, I haven't.
S3 licensed
Oh, I'm not a moderator any more
S3 licensed
Quote from luchian :Maybe it's difficult to resist, for those that 'been around long enough and know the whole VWS story.
For a new comer, however (and I expect there will be quite a few considering DK2 support) this and other like comments really give the feeling of a hostile environment..
NOT cool.

S3 licensed
Quote from McGherkin :Even if LFS doesn't have the capability to use skins bigger than 1024 online, I think it'd be nice if LFSW could resize the skin itself, as making 1024 versions of all your skins and saving them in a seperate folder gets a little wearisome after a while.

Resizing causes quality loss, so best results are found if you make the skin at the desired resoultion in the first place
S3 licensed
Quote from Slowmover :oh man.. that's the best joke i've read for years.. reminds me of "scirocco - soon" (in 2009???) and this game which has promoted so Version 0.6 *whoooo" in only 12 years and the garage developers sit in their garage and drink beer the hole day..

Be pissed off at the devs if you like, but there's no need to take it out on other members who don't share your mood or view. I'm sure you can find a civil way to make your point.
S3 licensed
Quote from CodeLyoko1 : ... ndeling_onderzocht__.html

And here is me who thought the streets were safe here....

btw, his name,address and phone numbers are now all over the internet. Why? He posted it himself.

Cheers, thanks for sharing.
S3 licensed
At my workplace we use XP on several machines as a neccessity for backwards compatibility. Our company deploys and manages cutting edge radio technology and is not a big company at all. We were also able to strip XP down to the essentials and it runs very very fast and is very stable. It is easy to get rid of the junk in XP.

While I much prefer Windows 7 as an OS, I'd be an imbocile to state that XP is useless or redundant, having seen it flawlessly operate year in - year out with no issues at all. As for security, there is plenty you can do to protect your network and system without Microsoft's help. Most security issues concerning home computing lie somewhere between the chair and the keyboard.

Every statement made here denouncing XP as useless or dangerous or past its useful life smacks of ignorance about computing in general and of operating system use in particular.

Repeatedly stating the situation to the contrary will not change the facts.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
It's OK for people to dislike having to pay for the DLC, their opinions are valid (as all opinions are). Those who oppose paying for the DLC in this instance will either pay for it under duress or they will stick to their convictions and won't buy it in the first place.
Either way the reality is that if you pay for it you will have Nordschlieffe and if you don't, you won't.
In the end other people's opinions won't matter, no matter which choice is taken.
We can accept the opinions of others without taking them as a personal assault on our own position, without choosing to take offence. It's refreshing.

Maybe I'll see you out on the Ring, perhaps not. No big. AC seems to be on a good development path so far and appears to be one of the very few racing titles worth spending money on - but that's just my opinion
S3 licensed
C'mon, let it go please guys. Merry Christmas. :wmann3:
S3 licensed
It's great that you guys can talk to each other openly about your differences of opinon. Perhaps you may even come to a resolution of sorts? But please try to keep the insulting profanity out of your posts. Thanks.
S3 licensed
Check the resolution of the image (length and width in pixels). LFS skins are square images, if you use an elongated image like a long rectangle it will stretch and distort. Additionally, the actual size makes a difference too - if you use a tiny little pic LFS will try to apply it to the 3D model and you will get distortion and stretching. Common skin sizes include: 512 x 512, or 1024 x 1024 etc. I hope this info is useful, good luck.
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Don't mean to be a complete boring arse (maybe I get very cranky when I'm tired) but isn't that a bit hypocritical? I'd class the s word in the same category as the c word.

You may, but I don't. It's a word I use myself daily in fact, but it is universally socially unacceptable whereas the other word is clearly not. It is certainly not a word suitable for a all ages racing forum. And that's all the debate you will get out of me.