We are not open on that matter (anymore). We admitted a mistake in missing the chat which we did because we thought the chatsounds that does come up when chatting came from the green flag chat. Simple as that.
We addressed the issue of non-consistent speeds during the start phase by developing and introducing n00bstart and finally we are standing to our judgement regarding the actual crash. Therefore, the 6h of Westhill are done, there will be no further investigations, evaluations, judgements whatsoever.
You can like that or not, but rest assured, any further mention of that matter by you will be ignored, as it IS a thing of the past now.
The same is true for the 24h of Westhill and that ban-vote. It was addressed by the warning and that is that. That warning also serves purpose to ensure such things do not happen again and if they do, we will take measures.
Besides, we do not ignore issues, we address them. The way we address them might not be the way you want them addressed but then that just is your personal problems and not ours. Besides of that the issue at hand and in this thread is the last LFS GT race which is not final yet as we have not yet made our official statement.
Well, okay, then you maybe lose 10s by waiting. Still better than 30+s by a penalty. There is no situation ever that a car that is being lapped MUST move over in the middle of a corner and/or in the middle of a section of corners linked to each other. Respect the other car. Always.
Paul: how about you go out and run a few miles. Wouldn't that be a more reasonable way to vent your anger than repeating things from the past over and over again?
As a thought of a driver: I don't understand why GT1 cars want to pass GT2 cars in the corners? I mean, you have a 30km/h or so topspeed advantage and you accelerate more quickly. Why don't you just wait till after the corner (like real endurance drivers would)? Yes, you lose two or three seconds, so what? If you get a DT or S&G penalty for crashing, you lose 30+s.
Always remember that GT2 cars are running their race as well, albeid at a slower pace. So just respect them by waiting till after the corner and simply out-accelerate them.
The Master of Endurance organization, which includes LFS GT, is aware of the discussions that are going on about the last race of LFS GT at Aston GP. We are currently internally discussing the matters raised by the teams and drivers and we will issue an official statement by the end of the week.
Meanwhile, we encourage all teams and drivers to keep on discussing and also make proposals for improvements on these situations. However, please do keep them civilized and also keep it to MoE and/or LFS GT. There is no need to raise issues stemming from other leagues as they have no bearing for the matters going on in MoE and/or LFS GT
Hehe, the point of MoE is endurance. However, that counts for endurance teams, you race our races in teams of 3-4 drivers that split up seat time for the 6h.
Hmm, a FAQ is a good idea to add to our website, I guess.
1. We have four 6h races, one 12h race and one 24h in a season (typically from Sept. - March). We had an off-season 4h race last year, dunno yet, maybe we'll do one again. It takes as much time as you spend in the car, basically. Last race we required the start drivers to be online an hour early since we tested a new start tool, but that won't be the norm. If you are your team's start driver, you should be on the server 15min early.
2. The 6h races start at noon CET (summertime when applicable). That would be 6h ahead of EST.
3. Well, get yourself known and apply for some teams. Or start your own, sign up that team for LFS GT and after you have raced there, apply for MoE.
4. 17, 18 including the pace car that is there for the first lap of a race. We will increase that number once LfS gives us the possibility.
While I am the significant person you are referring to, please do note that (i) this is not done on behalf of MoE or anything else I am or was involved in and (ii) more importantly this is not thought as an attack on STCC as an organization or as an attack on its general system. It is questioning the methods STCC is using to get into the limelight.
Besides, "not getting on board" is quite a bold statement seeing that we are being promoted by non-LFS and actually non-simracing sites and services without using questionable "promotion" activities.
I think I got my point across, and if not: there are other leagues out there that do as good a job and promoted as wide, if not wider (let's remember the Racing Challenge which was sponsored by Fujitsu-Siemens) which did not need to "represent" themselves in the way STCC seems to think it does. Yet they were as positive, if not more, to the general aim of promoting LFS.
Ever thought why? And I know I pulled the thread back up, hardly possible to discuss something without that.
Pls refrain from implying that I rephrased anything. I did nothing but copypaste (with a bit of cutting without changing the words) and writing my opinion.
Well, see, that is the whole point of it: Other leagues keep their info to where it is supposed to be: in the Leages & Events Board. Which is where this stuff belongs, because even those tiered servers are event like servers if you really take a look at it. And since it is not kept there, other leagues do not get the attention their deserve and that is only because they play by the rules. I mean yes, we could tell everyone here in the General Discussion board that in the ESL and MoE you have live streaming, very different methods of racing, a live tracker during the race in MoE, a starter tool for flying starts in the MoE, that we had a peak of 472 people watching LIVE during the 24h of Aston, 10gigs of traffic with the tracker and a couple of millions page impressions. But we don't. We know there are other leagues out there that work just as hard as we do, maybe even harder. We respect that by keeping to where we are supposed to be because playing by the rules gives everyone the same chance.
And pls don't worry about sound confrontional, I am sounding that way (intentionally), so why should I be pissed at people getting back to me in the same tone?
You know, I actually do like the idea of the userbar in general. Creating userbars like "spectator" is off the chart, though. Also: how can leagues promote themselves if one of the leagues does not play by the rules? Other leagues, as they are supposed to, that is why we have the special section, keep to the leagues section. Personally, I remember being bitched at for doing one (1!) announcement post when we initially started MoE back in September 2005 in the General Discussion board. It even was by an administrator. So yes, if I take that in mind, it is sour grapes I am posting now. But it really is not, it is simply that I know there are other leagues who deserve the same attention and they aren't getting it just because they are sticking where they are supposed to be.
If you are promoting to non-LFSers, why are you promoting it in the General LFS Discussion board? If you want to promote to non-LFSers, you need to go different ways. Check ESL, if you want to know how. It's been done before, it is being done at this time right now and it will be done in the future. Without not playing by the rules and I care to say probably quite a bit more successfully. And that is just judging by the numbers of folks participating. If I also mentioned the off-line finale events that have been held numerous times, the live-on-German-TV-on Saturday-Prime-Time and the intel connection, I would be boasting, so I won't.
So please don't tell me you are promoting LFS to non-LFS customers by posting in a specifically-LFS-forum in the wrong section for it.
Becky, I am sure you guys do a nice job running STCC, but:
Could you stop bragging and boasting everywhere and at all times what you all do for the first time and how great it is? And especially stop doing it in the general forum, when that is actually not the place for league stuff?
There are quite a few folks doing league work and they are all working their butts off. There are also quite a few folks that have been doing so since 2003, have been doing so very successfully, have introduced new concepts to league racing in general, have been doing live streaming since 2003, have introduced start procedures other than the regular standing starts in LFS, have introduced code to do that in an automated manner and besides live streaming have been live on real TV with their projects.
Yet, these folks don't feel the need to scream about it at every minute of the day in that "we are the first and best" attitude despite the fact those falks actually are and in a lot of respects you are not.
So please, how about you show those folks a little respect just by actually taking a step back in the boasting, will you?
#12 - teamXFR - DT penalty for chatting
#22 - #low-racing - DT penalty for causing an avoidable incident in T3
#15 - Clownpaint - DT penalty for putting the car in reverse in the middle of traffic at T3 and causing contact
#12 - teamXFR - DT penalty for chatting during race
#06 - masterblasters - Stop and go for hazardous driving (driving on the racing line in a blind corner with a flat rear tyre)
#06 - masterblasters - -1 lap for using Shift + S
#01 - n!faculty - -1 lap for using Shift + S
#21 - ProDrive Racing - DT penalty for driving over the pitexit line
#20 - Mercury Racing Team - DT penalty for driving over the pitexit line
If the racing and behaviour is good, we will just need a start practice this once and then we'll be off racing right after the pace-lap, as usual. So it's up to the racers to make this a burden (allegedly) or just a more clear way of handling the start.
Because we want to avoid discussions like last race and we want to avoid jump starts by folks lagging behind 200m and then coming at full speed when green flag is given (as happened in Aston GT).