Did some test driving on the test server. Was kinda overall let down. The new physics are not impressive at all. Which would be ok but the "physics" also make the tanks incredibly sluggish and basically all tanks now feel like you are driving in swamp. The lag on the test is pretty bad though so it may be little better on eu server.
Driving my loved T49 was incredibly huge disappointment though. A tank that used to be fast in straight line and had huge turning arc while not losing much speed when turning is now slower and loses all speed when turning. I feel that a ton of tanks that rely on speed and agility are going to suffer massively. I did try some bigger tanks like t28 proto and t110e4 and those were fine though. T49 and T50-2 felt very bad.
Aiming has also been changed some way. All my shots go really low now when shooting on the move. Scout duels are sure a lot harder now. Plus the tracers of the guns are barely visible which means most of the time you can not see where your shot went (which is incredibly bad change). Also gun sounds are total crap.
The new penetration normalization change is frustrating though. I had a game in t28 proto with the top 240mm pen gun and I bounced a shot from the lower plate of löwe that was ever so slightly angled. If weird bounces were a problem in the past then it will get a lot worse.
It is pretty amazing imho that wg are actually considering going live with this. I honestly think 7.5 is much better game than 8.0. Apart from beign able to disable assault and encounter game modes I can't think of anything in 8.0 that I actually want in the game
To top it off everything looks incredibly fuzzy and blurry. I'd guess it is the bloom thingy and they went totally over the top with it. Some maps like sand river look totally awesome but at the same time the maps have been converted to being artillery paradises. And something strange has been done to the cameras as well. They have added some strange fish eye lense effect when in 3rd person view that makes tanks look stretched when they are not on the center of the screen...
As for positive things you can turn off assault (and encounter) now.