Im 16 as some know but I could careless if the guy behind me is 13 and they guy infront of me is 50, All i care about is how mature they are, if the 13 year old runs up my back and is mature about it saying sorry, then I forgive, but if he rams me purpously I do get pretty angry people say its just a game, well ya but you'd be pretty mad if someone ruined your fun, i dont take it serious but I play for fun, its like turning someones tv off during a good scene! Then if i run up the back of the 50 year old and I say Im sorry (F4)
and he says oh its alright dont worry bout it "stuff" happens. Or the other scenario I say sorry and he blows his top telling me to learn to drive stay offline and cussing his wrinkly balls off at me then that ruins the fun (no offense to the men that are getting old and erm wrinkly lol, sorry others had to hear that
) anyways im rambling on, but thats the gist of thing, Sim racers are more likely to be more mature. That is all for now, Happy racing!