I watched a bit of the "Little League World Series" last summer (yes, that's 14 year olds on TV playing baseball....) and don't really understand the rules - it was quite confusing. I think the one thing the Americans do very well (as I think they said on TG last week) is the Americans are very good at making boring sports exciting - I went to a basketball game a couple of years ago and it was amazing.
I think the on-track advertising has been suggested before and agreed upon that it's in principle a good idea, but there are just worries about mass downloads every time they change. As for car skins, I think quite a few teams/drivers are indeed sponsored by some companies
Don't mean to be a complete boring arse (maybe I get very cranky when I'm tired) but isn't that a bit hypocritical? I'd class the s word in the same category as the c word.
Airio is brilliant in the fact it can do so many things to help admins run servers, it has so many different functions that you can do whatever you want with it. Sadly several people seem to think that this means their server has to have EVERYTHING Airio has to offer and so it goes about spamming people screens with various things, e.g. "You made contact with JO53PHS [UFB] @ 5,5 - YES I KNOW THAT, I CAN SEE.
I think I got into LFS just as CTRA was in its heyday and I thought it was brilliant. I don't think anything quite on the same scale is possible at the moment (what with LFS "dying") but LFS is craving for a max-2 class (probably TBO/STD) non-tiered server with a half-decent reporting system.