And I have to say I like the new GT9 restrictions, less power -> more handling, at least for my mouse :mouse:
I have it from my teammate as I got 2 disconnects (~2-3.lap, ~24.lap) (won't race from this connection).
But many people saved it as I asked if somebody could share it here too. But it seems like I'm first. REPLAY Q+R
There is what I needed it for: The secret information gathering
As I like to look at how the drivers did, though it only shows the last connection so my 1st half of race is lost.
I would say give all the cars the same peek Power (kW/HP) so they are equal and the disadvantages and advantages of the cars then can count.
"Oh no FX2 is too slow": yes it's the easiest, 4x4, bad balanced, so what do you expect?
"damn that FZ2 is too fast!" yes it might be, because it has wider tires, has more weight on rear and that's how racing cars tend to be balanced, and you don't have to wait for the turbo to spin up to give you power, but it also consumes more fuel -> the car is probably heavier, etc.
"XR2" around 50:50 balance, with fuel it shifts to rear, FR RWD, but normal tires and lazy turbo
I do get it what you're trying to do, to equal the cars with restrictions by comparing times of several drivers. But many tracks driven by aliens would be needed :/
I drive FX- just for fun, XR- for race and when I can handle the FZ- I choose it, I'm a NA porsche lover. (Mouse driver so FZ- is quite hard...)
How do you plan to choose the 28? teams from the 38+ applications?
I mean what is the sorting algorithm To get the top 28? most suitable/wanted/... from the many applications.
ah yeah I thought it's this league logo, road sign is quite confusing to use for that
J@tko, alright thx
Well, I played it many years before becoming S2 licensed so I quite had enough of it, overtaking... hmm like 2 straights where you can safely overtake if you have the speed, other 2 places will slow you down both and you need a big speed difference or the other racer mistake
I don't get it why:
Round 7 - 2 April: 12 Hours of Blackwood Grand Prix (BL1) - Clear Day
One of the most boring tracks, the shortest track of the season probably, and the longest race time... not a good idea. It's just a torture on that small track, you should pick one of the longest tracks for 12h.
what old DB is off? sad
hope you'll manage to get yours up with good stuff, I knew why I downloaded that stuff from DB coz it might disappear
keep it up
Yeah devs are a bit off world probably, guys from Skoda are crazy they basically want a lot but they think it's not and want it fast Not very good experences with them I heard of, how was yours? (I mean IT, research and such, so this might come close)
I played a lot of racing games on keyboard, then with wheel.
LFS with mouse, couldn't drive it on keyb. and I loved mouse steering from Midtown Madness.
And I played LFS with wheel too, but, if you don't have some fancy wheel, mouse is better, my choice?
Proper Mouse + pedals (independent brake and gas).
And you've got the best combo imho. Fast countersteer, no force feedback to fight with, and analog brake and gas.
BL1/FBM quite easy, drove a lot that combo before winning in that combo a S2 licence, on Mouse+keyboard that I use, no wheels, no pedals.
When do you need pedals? On the hard handling cars. When you need to be faster when braking and exiting the corner. That's the only advantage you can better control the too much powered cars and brakes locking so you can have greater brake force than on keyboard, well until you switch on ABS then brake problem is halfed. S2 is good, when there is no racing fun anymore and enough GTRs they move to OW or how it is called, but not so often
the problem is, there is everybody and you have to deal with that, if you're fast you're fine most of the time, if you're slow and you get into those noobish FXOs? You're dead, they can't drive people don't take the FXO, it's like a family wagon and that's the only thing you can drive, take a XRT and learn to drive properly.
So with GTRs, for me still GT2s you just need to be good in overtaking, there is no point in crashing etc. and mostly it's because the car in front of view doesn't leave you space, brakes, makes a manevuer into your line, etc. it's their fault! I just stay in the perfect line and when I see a chance of overtaking I take it, sometimes they are very good and they really show respect and let you pass, show you the direction with lights where they will go and so on, but those are special days
Admins, I think they're good, they're doing their job, some times more sometimes less, well they race too! If you have a problem tell them, they'll watch a replay and act don't worry be happy
yeah it's F.U.C.K.ed up, I'm here on the forum after a big time and... it looks like it's worse and worse, thow I don't like rFactor can't properly drive like in LFS with mouse there
LFS needs to enable mods, or it'll die, graphics is OK, physics... maybe (well so far in the top10 but still long way to go), but it needs mods... cars, tracks, etc. why isn't Half-Life dead? Because you could make your own mode at home any time! And download hundreds of others.
I don't know but devs... I'll ruther shut up as it's use less to say anything here, it's not going to change and if it's than prove it and change it!
There are people that make mods even if its' that hard, cars, graphics, audio, tons of server stuff I don't know, and you just don't want them to do it, WHY?
netkar pro... very diappointed, unplayable on mouse, bad menus and configuration, stupid install and running, too high graphic requirements, shitty demo, only one formula and one car, no MP in that no other cars, no fun, LFS rocks one of best games I've ever played well I'm playing it still actually will never and maybe
so what was the problem? On Vista (don't use it )
that when you wanted to connect stats to server it won't connect?
or it won't connect to localhost like that? Then there is probably something wrong with your OS, firewall, ... I would have to test on Vista, but now there W7 so maybe I'll test it there soon.
# Host IP.
Host =
# Insim UDP or TCP port.
# Before starting LFSStat you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).
Port = 29999
# TCP mode.
# true if you want to use TCP
# false if tou want to use UDP
TCPmode = true
will try, but I'm not a fan of installers, they only do useless things and no body ever knows what it really does, registry etc.
if you can stay with the packed version (zip, rar, 7z, ...) it would be good, no installer needed, never had any problems, thx
just learn how to use your computer people, packed version much easier, download -> unpack -> play
Graphics settings can slow your graphic rendering, so you have a lag between input and actually something happened, but usually it's not big in LFS as in other modern (sh*tty) games
I had similar problem yesterday, everyone was sometimes teleporting, few minutes I couldn't see any car, and on the small map the cars were jumping let's say every few seconds, in one moment I thought I'm offline or something but still no disconnected, I suppose it was because of my poor shared internet connection, my ping was very high and speed around 128kb/s, in one moment after the race other players said that they lost me for several minutes! I suppose that it was all held by LFS, my settings:
Multiplayer speedup option YES
Multiplayer car draw 240m
probably something with the feature I don't use, the WR, PubStat
I didn't changed anything in this part of program, so the same problem you will have with ver. 1
looks like some string cannot be converted to number, like "a" can't be converted to number and the program is expecting number not letter
lol I heard that something like that happened, but I don't remember me or superobo horning all the way through the stint, I think on my computer there wasn't any horning
anyway this bug is probably unrepeatable thus almost no chance of fixing it :/
maybe you can try, continuously horn and change driver, and see if it will still horn when the 2nd driver is in car
I have horn on left mouse and when I click the T to change driver the horn is probably activated to
so it might be repeateble and then post it in BUG section pls, because I like having horn on left mouse
hey hey, would take me some time to discover what happened
original version works well?
do you have LFS insim port opened, with command like insim=29999
or try debuging it
but I think the original v1 will do the same
firewall OK?
I'm off for a while, studying abroad, feel free to update, change, what ever.
Vista? don't know, I don't use this cr4p, why should I anyway, besides in schools are XP, in work you have XP, Vista not needed
but the question should be why it may not work in Vista
I think it works, just try it.
patch X? quite old? now I'm updating to Z15 I think you should update to newer version to
may work, depends on InSim version
np, It's not done and newbies could be confused with the v2 because I removed some of your readmes templates etc. probably
The new graph is again a separate .exe? But I didn't find sources, pls send me them, I may add them instead of the Graph 1.20 if you want.
I tried a simple PHP+MySQL which can read the .CSV generated by the stats and view the info on webpage, Leagues, Races, Teams, Drivers, but is's very simple now and in beginning
.XML for LFSNews, never heard about it, enlighten me
.CSV is exported by default I think
My goal is to find out:
what is stored in LFSWorld and where it is getting the info
what can be "recorded" gathered from the game (with insim) and store that info in simple file (XML is not at all simple when you have to parse it manually without any already done tools, frameworks, DLLs, etc. but maybe way to go) and upload that file to online database (for example on your Team website) and show the various information (automatic upload possible)
and any idea how this is gathering data or it is reading them from LFSWorld?
Didn't have a time to ask author about details.
Or do you prefer those static HTML? I think storing those data in database is better.
Any idea if there is any way to capture (simple it to only my own car with which I play when recording) live data about car? Camber, speed, steering, spring load, ... data like you can have from .SPR but I want them from my online races.