! Acquired LFS world record has invalid format, does not contain 10 space delimi
ted fields:
"56 601 FOX 19740 0 0 46090 513 Pe?a Racing 1327731053"
LFSStats v2.1
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Jaroslav Černý
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LFSStats. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
! Config param invalid: host =
! Using default value: host =
! Config param invalid: port =
! Using default value: port = 29999
! Config param invalid: tcpMode =
! Using default value: tcpMode = True
! Config param invalid: isLocal =
! Using default value: isLocal = True
! Config param invalid: language =
! Using default value: language = English
! Config param invalid: pracDir =
! Using default value: pracDir = results
! Config param invalid: qualDir =
! Using default value: qualDir = results
! Config param invalid: raceDir =
! Using default value: raceDir = results
! Config param invalid: exportOnRaceSTart =
! Using default value: exportOnRaceSTart = yes
! Config param invalid: askForFileNameOnRST =
! Using default value: askForFileNameOnRST = False
! Config param invalid: exportOnSTAte =
! Using default value: exportOnSTAte = no
! Config param invalid: askForFileNameOnSTA =
! Using default value: askForFileNameOnSTA = False
! Config param invalid: generateGraphs =
! Using default value: generateGraphs = dll
Loading LFSWorld WRs... not loaded (no ID key)
TCP: connecting...
LFSState.exe System.Data.SQLite.dll lang sound
Czech.lng English.lng German.lng Russian.lng _EncodingHelper.txt
CarLeft.wav carinside_79.wav clear_22.wav goodjob_5.wav
CarLeft_2.wav carinside_8.wav clear_23.wav goodjob_6.wav
CarLeft_3.wav carinside_80.wav clear_24.wav goodjob_7.wav
CarLeft_4.wav carinside_81.wav clear_25.wav goodjob_8.wav
CarLeft_5.wav carinside_82.wav clear_26.wav goodjob_9.wav
CarRight.wav carinside_83.wav clear_27.wav greatjob.wav
CarRight_2.wav carinside_84.wav clear_28.wav greatjob_10.wav
CarRight_3.wav carinside_85.wav clear_29.wav greatjob_11.wav
CarRight_4.wav carinside_9.wav clear_3.wav greatjob_12.wav
CarRight_5.wav caroutside.wav clear_30.wav greatjob_13.wav
CarRight_6.wav caroutside_10.wav clear_31.wav greatjob_14.wav
CarRight_7.wav caroutside_11.wav clear_32.wav greatjob_15.wav
ThreeWideMiddle.wav caroutside_12.wav clear_33.wav greatjob_16.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_10.wav caroutside_13.wav clear_34.wav greatjob_17.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_11.wav caroutside_14.wav clear_35.wav greatjob_18.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_12.wav caroutside_15.wav clear_36.wav greatjob_19.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_13.wav caroutside_16.wav clear_37.wav greatjob_1_cp.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_15.wav caroutside_17.wav clear_38.wav greatjob_2.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_16.wav caroutside_18.wav clear_39.wav greatjob_20.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_17.wav caroutside_19.wav clear_4.wav greatjob_21.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_18.wav caroutside_2.wav clear_40.wav greatjob_22.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_2.wav caroutside_20.wav clear_41.wav greatjob_23.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_3.wav caroutside_21.wav clear_42.wav greatjob_24.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_4.wav caroutside_22.wav clear_43.wav greatjob_25.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_5.wav caroutside_23.wav clear_44.wav greatjob_26.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_6.wav caroutside_24.wav clear_45.wav greatjob_27.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_7.wav caroutside_25.wav clear_46.wav greatjob_28.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_8.wav caroutside_26.wav clear_47.wav greatjob_29.wav
ThreeWideMiddle_9.wav caroutside_27.wav clear_48.wav greatjob_2_cp.wav
_SoundsHelper.txt caroutside_28.wav clear_49.wav greatjob_3.wav
carinside.wav caroutside_29.wav clear_5.wav greatjob_30.wav
carinside_10.wav caroutside_3.wav clear_50.wav greatjob_31.wav
carinside_11.wav caroutside_30.wav clear_51.wav greatjob_4.wav
carinside_12.wav caroutside_31.wav clear_52.wav greatjob_5.wav
carinside_13.wav caroutside_32.wav clear_53.wav greatjob_6.wav
carinside_14.wav caroutside_33.wav clear_54.wav greatjob_7.wav
carinside_15.wav caroutside_34.wav clear_55.wav greatjob_8.wav
carinside_16.wav caroutside_35.wav clear_56.wav greatjob_9.wav
carinside_17.wav caroutside_36.wav clear_57.wav slowcar.wav
carinside_18.wav caroutside_37.wav clear_58.wav slowcar_10.wav
carinside_19.wav caroutside_38.wav clear_59.wav slowcar_11.wav
carinside_2.wav caroutside_39.wav clear_6.wav slowcar_12.wav
carinside_20.wav caroutside_4.wav clear_60.wav slowcar_13.wav
carinside_21.wav caroutside_40.wav clear_61.wav slowcar_14.wav
carinside_22.wav caroutside_41.wav clear_62.wav slowcar_15.wav
carinside_23.wav caroutside_42.wav clear_63.wav slowcar_16.wav
carinside_24.wav caroutside_43.wav clear_64.wav slowcar_17.wav
carinside_25.wav caroutside_44.wav clear_65.wav slowcar_18.wav
carinside_26.wav caroutside_45.wav clear_66.wav slowcar_19.wav
carinside_27.wav caroutside_46.wav clear_67.wav slowcar_2.wav
carinside_28.wav caroutside_47.wav clear_68.wav slowcar_20.wav
carinside_29.wav caroutside_48.wav clear_69.wav slowcar_3.wav
carinside_3.wav caroutside_49.wav clear_7.wav slowcar_4.wav
carinside_30.wav caroutside_5.wav clear_70.wav slowcar_5.wav
carinside_31.wav caroutside_50.wav clear_71.wav slowcar_6.wav
carinside_32.wav caroutside_51.wav clear_72.wav slowcar_7.wav
carinside_33.wav caroutside_52.wav clear_73.wav slowcar_8.wav
carinside_34.wav caroutside_53.wav clear_74.wav slowcar_9.wav
carinside_35.wav caroutside_54.wav clear_75.wav stillthere.wav
carinside_36.wav caroutside_55.wav clear_76.wav stillthere_10.wav
carinside_37.wav caroutside_56.wav clear_77.wav stillthere_11.wav
carinside_38.wav caroutside_57.wav clear_78.wav stillthere_12.wav
carinside_39.wav caroutside_58.wav clear_79.wav stillthere_13.wav
carinside_4.wav caroutside_59.wav clear_8.wav stillthere_14.wav
carinside_40.wav caroutside_6.wav clear_80.wav stillthere_15.wav
carinside_41.wav caroutside_60.wav clear_81.wav stillthere_16.wav
carinside_42.wav caroutside_61.wav clear_82.wav stillthere_17.wav
carinside_43.wav caroutside_62.wav clear_83.wav stillthere_18.wav
carinside_44.wav caroutside_63.wav clear_84.wav stillthere_19.wav
carinside_45.wav caroutside_64.wav clear_85.wav stillthere_2.wav
carinside_46.wav caroutside_65.wav clear_86.wav stillthere_20.wav
carinside_47.wav caroutside_66.wav clear_87.wav stillthere_21.wav
carinside_48.wav caroutside_67.wav clear_88.wav stillthere_22.wav
carinside_49.wav caroutside_68.wav clear_89.wav stillthere_23.wav
carinside_5.wav caroutside_69.wav clear_9.wav stillthere_24.wav
carinside_50.wav caroutside_7.wav goodjob.wav stillthere_25.wav
carinside_51.wav caroutside_70.wav goodjob_10.wav stillthere_26.wav
carinside_52.wav caroutside_71.wav goodjob_11.wav stillthere_27.wav
carinside_53.wav caroutside_72.wav goodjob_12.wav stillthere_28.wav
carinside_54.wav caroutside_73.wav goodjob_13.wav stillthere_29.wav
carinside_55.wav caroutside_74.wav goodjob_14.wav stillthere_3.wav
carinside_56.wav caroutside_75.wav goodjob_15.wav stillthere_30.wav
carinside_57.wav caroutside_76.wav goodjob_16.wav stillthere_31.wav
carinside_58.wav caroutside_77.wav goodjob_17.wav stillthere_32.wav
carinside_59.wav caroutside_78.wav goodjob_18.wav stillthere_33.wav
carinside_6.wav caroutside_79.wav goodjob_19.wav stillthere_34.wav
carinside_60.wav caroutside_8.wav goodjob_2.wav stillthere_35.wav
carinside_61.wav caroutside_80.wav goodjob_20.wav stillthere_36.wav
carinside_62.wav caroutside_81.wav goodjob_21.wav stillthere_37.wav
carinside_63.wav caroutside_82.wav goodjob_22.wav stillthere_38.wav
carinside_64.wav caroutside_83.wav goodjob_23.wav stillthere_39.wav
carinside_65.wav caroutside_9.wav goodjob_24.wav stillthere_4.wav
carinside_66.wav clear.wav goodjob_25.wav stillthere_40.wav
carinside_67.wav clear_10.wav goodjob_26.wav stillthere_41.wav
carinside_68.wav clear_11.wav goodjob_27.wav stillthere_42.wav
carinside_69.wav clear_12.wav goodjob_28.wav stillthere_43.wav
carinside_7.wav clear_13.wav goodjob_29.wav stillthere_44.wav
carinside_70.wav clear_14.wav goodjob_3.wav stillthere_45.wav
carinside_71.wav clear_15.wav goodjob_30.wav stillthere_46.wav
carinside_72.wav clear_16.wav goodjob_31.wav stillthere_47.wav
carinside_73.wav clear_17.wav goodjob_32.wav stillthere_48.wav
carinside_74.wav clear_18.wav goodjob_33.wav stillthere_5.wav
carinside_75.wav clear_19.wav goodjob_34.wav stillthere_6.wav
carinside_76.wav clear_2.wav goodjob_35.wav stillthere_7.wav
carinside_77.wav clear_20.wav goodjob_36.wav stillthere_8.wav
carinside_78.wav clear_21.wav goodjob_4.wav stillthere_9.wav
* Graphs:
* Adding option to generate graph from DLL or EXE and adding Yamakawa's YGraph as an option
* Updated NPlot library to and due to NPlot a .NET 4.0 Client Profile is not enough and a full .NET 4.0 is needed
* Changed default graph config to not output unused images
* Changed default graph background to transparent
* Networking:
* Fixed new Insim flags (AXIS_CLUTCH / THROTTLE, ...), proper names and exporting all of them, including SwapSide
* Changed them to be displayed via CSS3 - easy to modify at any time
* Added changes from Luron's v1.12 in Insim4.cs but TCP is still buggy
* Added changes from Luron's LFSLapper update tcp.cs/GetPackFromInsimServer, it could now support TCP better
* (InSim.Decoder.PIT.PIT) Pit flags text but still needs localization I think
* Ohter:
* Looked up and commented out some unused code
* Fixed {*Conditions} "Sunny,no wind" formatting to "Sunny, no wind"
* Added a few language file substitutions
* LFSStat changed to .NET 4.0 Client Profile and update some outdated code for better performance and conventions
* Cleaner version reporting and maintaining in the project
* Removed #MONO and #WINDOWS from source files since these are supposed to be defined elsewhere, in build/compiler options,
and not in source files, just change the #IFs back to #IF MONO and define #IF at build/compile level not in source files
* Command line options with help text and usage
* Customizable program ouput verbosity
* fixed 45 sec. penalty string
* Config errors are not reported but wrong values are set to default
* IMPORTANT: the application is now multithreaded, uses .NET tasks for exporting the collected data,
removes slight application hang up while exporting, thus main thread = networking runs continuously and exporting is asynchronous
* All command line interaction removed except when config defines to ask for filename, it should not hang up anywhere and should
quit on errors
* Fixed some of the weird exceptions that were happening because Insim does not report well session states, thus things were being
accessed while a session did not even start yet. It should be safe now to browse LFS without LFSStats crashing.
* Cleaner and formatted output to command line and console title
* Exit codes: 0 success, 1 network error, 2 connect timeout, 3 template error
* Fixed LFS World links, HTML link encoding
* Fixed car plate export, HTML encoding
* Updated export of statistics to accomodate template changes = more freedom when making templates
* Rewrote the configuration importer that now contains the loaded settings and comments starting with '#' can be anywhere on a line
* Templates:
* Changed template names to .html for easier processing
* Added back to templates what Yamakawa decided to throw away but LFSStats can export and is useful, like driver swaps!
* LBL integrated in template
* LBL colors are HSLA, partly transparent and colors change continuously not discretely, saturation and alpha can be changed in tempplate
in code easily, want only 2 colors sure, want crazy mixed rainbow with 100 colors and all the way to 2000% best laptime? sure!
Just type it in there.
* More sensible html titles (16 laps of Fern Bay Green)
* Tag start "[-" disables output of that tag content, ends normally with tag end "]", used on [Include in the template for example
* Chat integrated in template
* Nickname colors - fixed
* Nickname 2 HTML - fixed
* Chat 2 HTML - fixed
* Some minor renaming of templates and generated files
* Changed templates (hope old templates will still work), more space saving, added link to Chat
* When exporting on STAte changed (leave, exit) added option to CFG yes/no/ask to decide if export.
* When exporting on Race STart (race [re]started, mpr [re]starts from begining) added option to CFG yes/no/ask to decide if export.
* Question for name of stats instead of generated time, for STA and RST separatedly
* Globals in templates now work for chat to.
* Chat template and language files updated.
* StartOrder Nickname link to LFSW - fixed
* Dns.Resolve() changed to Dns.GetHostEntry()
* integrate Graph.exe (got original src files for v1.20 )
* integrated as .DLL
* fixed .TSV path
* added option to LFSStats.CFG, generate automatically YES/NO
* fix some tables in templates, no white backround
* update Console.WriteLine() stuff (names, emails, ...)
LFSStats v2.1
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Jaroslav Černý
Usage: Statistics [options]
-c, --config (Default: LFSStats.cfg) Config file.
-i, --interval (Default: 100) Insim refresh interval: [1-1000]ms.
-v, --verbose (Default: 1) Verbose level: [0-4] Program, Session, Lap,
Split, Info.
--version Display version information.
--help Display this information.
! Unhandled exception:
! System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, EndPoint& remoteEP)
at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Receive(IPEndPoint& remoteEP)
at InSim.Connect.Receive()
at LFSStatistics.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
at LFSStatistics.LFSClient..ctor(String configFileName, Int32 refreshInterval, Verbose verbose)
at LFSStatistics.LFSStats.Main(String[] args)
LFSStats v2.1
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Jaroslav Černý
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LFSStats. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Loading WR... Not loaded
UDP: Connecting... OK
Product: S2 Version: 0.6E InSim Version: 5
LFSStats is running...
Race start: 38 laps of AS3
Result: 1. THR Mazdarati/1
Result: 2. BWR-Black/1
Result: 3. [CR]Bandes/2
Result: 4. ERR|?nyle/2
Result: 6. MZRtoberkel/1
Result: 7. Cruel Garfield/4
Result: 8. [MRc] Michal/4
Result: 9. [RfB]alex/4
Result: 10. [GRT] Wheldon 77/3
Result: 11. TcL Knistling/3
Result: 12. [RfB]dan/4
Result: 13. TcL Gutholz/3
End of race by Race STart
Race start: 38 laps of AS3
> Race Stats exported (627ms)
> Graph.dll graphs generated (2321ms)
End of race by STAte
LFSStats v2.1
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Jaroslav Černý
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LFSStats. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Loading WR... Not loaded
UDP: Connecting... OK
Product: S2 Version: 0.6E InSim Version: 5
LFSStats is running...
Race start: 36 laps of WE1
Result: 1. LLM C.Dalda/1
Result: 2. MTDZX-Antti/1
Result: 3. THR Mazdarati/1
Result: 4. S M.Kapal/4
Result: 5. [CR]Bandes/2
Result: 6. BWR-Black/1
Result: 7. Camoradi/2
Result: 8. THR Daniel /1
Result: 9. [GRT]LRK-racer /1
Result: 10. MZRtoberkel/2
Result: 11. ERR|?nyle/2
Result: 12. BHAtmack/3
Result: 13. Cruel Garfield/2
Result: 14. TcL Knistling/3
Result: 15. [GRT] Wheldon /2
Result: 16. TcL Gutholz/3
Result: 17. BHAgredghog1/3
Result: 18. ERR| Jamo /2
Result: 19. Migpha/4
End of race by Race STart
Race start: 36 laps of WE1
> Race Stats exported (508ms)
> Graph.dll graphs generated (572ms)
End of race by STAte
Packet head: 114
Unknown packet received: 114
Packet head: 48
Unknown packet received: 48
Packet head: 145
Unknown packet received: 145
Packet head: 83
Unknown packet received: 83
Packet head: SMALL
* Graphs:
* Adding option to generate graph from DLL or EXE and adding Yamakawa's YGraph as an option
* Updated NPlot library to and due to NPlot a .NET 4.0 Client Profile is not enough and a full .NET 4.0 is needed
* Changed default graph config to not output unused images
* Changed default graph background to transparent
* Networking:
* Fixed new Insim flags (AXIS_CLUTCH / THROTTLE, ...), proper names and exporting all of them, including SwapSide
* Changed them to be displayed via CSS3 - easy to modify at any time
* Added changes from Luron's v1.12 in Insim4.cs but TCP is still buggy
* Disabling TCP in code for now
* (InSim.Decoder.PIT.PIT) Pit flags text but still needs localization I think
* Ohter:
* Looked up and commented out some unused code
* Fixed {*Conditions} "Sunny,no wind" formatting to "Sunny, no wind"
* Added a few language file substitutions
* LFSStat changed to .NET 4.0 Client Profile and update some outdated code for better performance and conventions
* Cleaner version reporting and maintaining in the project
* Removed #MONO and #WINDOWS from source files since these are supposed to be defined elsewhere, in build/compiler options,
and not in source files, just change the #IFs back to #IF MONO and define #IF at build/compile level not in source files
* Command line options with help text and usage
* Customizable program ouput verbosity
* fixed 45 sec. penalty string
* Config errors are not reported but wrong values are set to default
* IMPORTANT: the application is now multithreaded, uses .NET tasks for exporting the collected data,
removes slight application hang up while exporting, thus main thread = networking runs continuously and exporting is asynchronous
* All command line interaction removed except when config defines to ask for filename, it should not hang up anywhere and should
quit on errors
* Fixed some of the weird exceptions that were happening because Insim does not report well session states, thus things were being
accessed while a session did not even start yet. It should be safe now to browse LFS without LFSStats crashing.
* Cleaner and formatted output to command line and console title
* Templates:
* Changed template names to .html for easier processing
* Added back to templates what Yamakawa decided to throw away but LFSStats can export and is useful, like driver swaps!
* LBL integrated in race.html
* LBL colors are HSLA, partly transparent and colors change continuously not discretely, saturation and alpha can be changed in tempplate
in code easily, want only 2 colors sure, want crazy mixed rainbow with 100 colors and all the way to 2000% best laptime? sure!
Just type it in there.
* More sensible html titles (16 laps of Fern Bay Green)