haha wide choice, I myself am in the dilemma of whether to go to college and study either 'motor vehicle maintenance level 3' or 'autosport course' or go to sixth form and study physics, ict, psychology and history, gives myself alot of options imo, because i know who i would like to be, and what i would like to be doing, but for that to happen well.....
Pros -
lots of buttons, nice-ish feel to the wheel itself, shifter is in perfect position, easy to get inside of.
Cons -
after a month or so you will have to tighten some things up inside to stop the wheel from moving. Rubber can become very abrasive, and quite slippery as it starts to wear. Paddles feel kind of weird.
But all in all a great wheel, especially for the price. But, with G25 prices lowering to around £100 - £120, i would say its well worth forking out some extra money for the benefits. One of the biggest is that the G25 is so much smoother, and according to those who own one, the G27 is smoother than a G25.
im n0t usually a fan 0f all these nit picky ideas f0r track changes, but this 0ne is in the min0rity(0f my mind) 0f what w0uld fl0w well, and essentially be a nice track t0 race. It uses the "l0ved" as3 c0nfigurati0n(0f c0urse missing the tw0 hairpins), with im0, 0ne 0f, if n0t the best c0rner in LFS. It is n0t t00 l0ng(as4) but n0t t00 sh0rt(as1).
Hey, today i pulled over to the side of the track stopped my car and when it was stationary dust still got blown from under my wheels as if i was driving on the grass.
Not sure but i think the setting was on high wind.
It isnt shown very clearly in the print screen as it lagged a bit before it took the shot but maybe someone could reinact this, I am around 3/4 the way down the main straight on AS5 just a couple of metres past the flyover, nearer pits side.