The patch 2 years ago, when it was announced, was a nice surprise (but needed even then). To get the GTR interiors plus westhill updates was nice. The Scirocco was a bonus. Then to hear it would be delayed a little for some physics updates was exciting. When we heard it involved Stability control systems was cool. Then we heard it needed tyre physics updates aswell. At first I thought this would hold the patch for the other things back by a few weeks. What happened next?
Why are the GTR interiors still not done? Why are the westhill updates not done?
Oh right, it was those tyre physics stopping it? NO.
Why are the bugs in the KY tracks not fixed? Ummmmm....
Tyre physics? ......
What happened to breakable wings?
Tyre physics? ......
Call me a whiner all you like, but I cannot fathom for 1 second why this Christmas, Scavier couldn't have released a patch like this...
Hello LFS users,
We are glad to announce a new patch.
We are sorry we haven't been able to release the new car (scirocco), and S3 with the new track, but we have to take our time with the new tyre physics.
We would like to reassure you all we have been working hard on this and S3, but we have updated the GTR interiors and an update to Westhill. We have also fixed the kerb bugs in Kyoto so you should have a better experience in league racing.
We have also made breakable wings etc etc......
You can download the patch here - Download
We understand you would like to try the new tyre physics and we can assure you that so far our model is alot better than before, but we hope you understand that we need to get this right before releasing it.
In the meantime, we will release small updates to the community as test patches, until we are ready to release a big update which will include the new physics update.
• Correct lap: 143 and 144
• Cars involved: #41 SR GT2 / #55 virus GT2
• Sector/time: t1
• Short description: lap 143 sean blocks us a lap down, then on lap 144 blocks us completely, then try to go up inside, hitting us, causing damage and lost time.
My management hobby as you say, has brought at least 10 licenses to LFS and 1000's of hours of my time for the LFS community (not even racing). It has also brought the last 2 kart meets, which cost me and my family a hell of alot of time and money.
If you also count the amount of effort I have put in supporting people like your team, and others too, then your comments are either plain stupid, or vindictive beyond belief.
Since reading your comments, I really can't be freaking arsed anymore. I guess I won't be missed, and atm, I couldn't give a shit.
Last edited by Bob Smith, .
Reason : Removed unnecessary insult
Thanks for the report, but I don't think I am alone in feeling a little disappointed to have no idea when we can expect a patch. Will it be in the next few months, or years? We have absolutely no idea at the moment and I think it would be fair for us to expect an indication of some time frame here. Alot of the community have waited patiently for over 2 years now, without moaning and hoping that this Christmas something would come. The latest report gives no indication of time frames
As I am sure you understand by now, we have lost alot of good racers from LFS in the last 2 years and keeping people motivated to continue to play and support LFS is getting harder and harder. At least if we had a clue about the possible release date of the patch we could do something in the meantime.
I totally respect what you are trying to achieve and I trust it will transform LFS into THE sim when it is done, but the present situation is really difficult for people like me, who has to motivate a big team to continue with LFS.
Also, I don't understand the situation with the content. We have been waiting for GTR interiors for many many years now. The same with the buggy kerbs in Kyoto. These are things which affect us every day and are not affected by the tyre physics, so why can they not get released, or are they not done yet?