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S2 licensed
rather than copying all ur profile and every time you change ur skin on a profile to recopy it again just to have a list of camera views?
S2 licensed
nice attempt at a black wood config Tavvi

but compaired to how fast you can get up to on the small streights between the corners on black wood that addon section looks too wide open and would change the image of 1 long streight and a few small ones.

IE you need to brake for most corners on BL unless in a verry grippy car.

where as that addon part of the track looks too wide open.

Nice attempt tho but BL with more configs would be intresting imo

But its allready one of the best circuits so it would take a long time tweaking it without spoiling it
S2 licensed
seen as tho many people have said it after the first person to reply allso said it


S2 licensed
lol well yes that would be fun too

btw i made one on lfs twk 800bhp. and it didnt actually wheel spin alot. not like youd imagine it to do like a BF1 etc.
Last edited by Jimmy_Lemon, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Err... no. That goes against the whole business model of LFS. The three cars are enough to get a taster of the physics.

Also, speed is essentially irrelevant, racing is fun, not driving a fast car. Some of the best racing can be found in the UF1 and you don't even have a car that slow in the demo.

agreed. when i did alot of racing in UF1 to get a licence for the STCC server, it was some of the best racing iv ever had.

If i created the game for the demo id of only enabled 2 cars for the demo.

Where as the demo has 3 cars. and even a bonus of a Turbo car !
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :
P.S: I already suggested to ban demo racers from "improvement suggestions" before

S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :anyways i think demo racers should have atleast 1 reasonably fsast car cause at the moment the xr is the fastest and it only do's 149 mph


Some of the best racing on the whole of lfs comes from the TBO cars aka XRT FXO RB4.

the GTR's dont really go above 150 unless on a long wide open track anyway.

but its more about how fast you go through the corners and your lines, thats how you get good racing.

And after reading what i put. if you still want faster cars you would Buy. BUY the game.
S2 licensed
sorry but im going to have to say:

-1 good to think of the ideas. but it wouldnt make no sence imo.

because you allways look at the strategy page with the fuel etc befor you start a race anyway.
S2 licensed
yep. fe club would be good because you could restrict it down with the new restriction features in the new patches.

so when it loads up a spesific track like a small one. it could be restricted down

and for big open tracks go like the wind
Camera View Presets.
S2 licensed
Hello there.

When i use my wheel i use a different camera view to my mouse.
(i use my mouse at night time when wheels noisy)

And i have to go into the lfs folder and copy over the camera views then copy it over again with a different one for my wheel etc.

do you think it would be a good idea to have a list of your camera view presets in the Camera view option page
for your custiom views
Iv made an example:

Thanks for reading. sorry if this has been posted befor
S2 licensed
you too

btw mine are free too lol. dont know why you added the word "free" in your post
S2 licensed
btw iv allready made a desert track for Fern Bay

and if you copy anything off it, ill sue you!
S2 licensed
black wood looked pretty good back then :o

i think the streight away on the old black wood is better because of the bump which theyv toned down into a small smoothe hill now
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :Can I borrow your computer while I'm making my movie? I can barely record at 640x480 4xFSAA 4xAF at stable 30 fps... or 800x600 without FSAA/AF, but it looks so horrendous even when resized to 720x405.

btw i just tryed and i can do 8xAA 16xAF at 1680x1050 32bit at 40ish fps. but i record at 29.9 NTFS or somthing like that
S2 licensed
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :cool. but maybe a slower pace lap and real nascar skins and track cameras

lol yeh the pace lap was fast, but i wasnt even expecting them to go "slow'er" on the 1st lap, cause noticed they went faster on next lap
after all they are AI's and they do dumb stuff lol.

and as for my skin, i made Kasey Kahne's skin for my friend who i race on oval PMD9409, and i flipped the colours and put a number 1 on it for me
im not too bothered about realism
S2 licensed
the track could do with updating a bit as its a bit boring

but the chicanes etc are probibly the most exciting bit when your in a race but the place of the chicane befor the home streight isnt good at all. because then you dont have a good battle on the streight away if some ones following you because most of the time you ether inch perfect the chicane or go slower than the other car.

so if the chicane wasnt there and it was a smoothe corner, you would be door to door all away around the corner and down the streight which would make it better.

so +1 for the chicane to be changed/moved to another location on a boring part of the track

-1 about the other corners they seem fine to me
S2 licensed
+1,000,000,000 any stock car or oval is welcome.

read this one i made aswell, a V8 stock car thread in improvement suggestions
S2 licensed
lol nice quality? it was rubbish, it was below DVD quality

i can record at 1680x1050 no problem without fps lag on 32bit.

i might make a HD video one day. when im not so lazy lol

neway, thanks tho
S2 licensed
verry well said pmd
S2 licensed
i thaught to my self the otherday the road cars etc need stiffer antiroll bars
S2 licensed
some airodynamic tweaks to the physics engine would be nice aswell so that once you get loose at high speeds its virtually impossible to save it like in real life.

which will then result in your car to blow over.

good example: from the game Nr2003

and real life:
S2 licensed
feel free to.

i dont like youtube tho

im going to remake the video tho with DaveWS's nascar sounds that he made for me
Last edited by Jimmy_Lemon, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :The deep growling of a race engine under load should be audible from all over the track, well, depending on track size of course.

i agree 100%, i was running some V8's on oval with lfs twk at 1000bhp at about 190mph in 12ai cars, and you couldnt hear them after they go about 90% down the streight befor the next corner if your using a camera in the same position that is.

so i think it should be heard from anywere too
S2 licensed

heh thats awsome. thanks.

but shame you had to use a 4 letre flat 8 tho :S, stock cars are 5.7-5.8 letre V8's with 650bhp to around 800 unrestricted.

god how i hope they make a lfs stock car some day lol
Last edited by Jimmy_Lemon, .
AI nascar
S2 licensed
Hello there.

I was on lfs tweak and i tweaked some Xrt's up to 800bhp 5.8letre V8's
and put some Ai drivers in them

and.. well i was supprised they made it around turn 1 lol.
obviously there driving wasnt satisfactory, tapping walls alot etc
So i decided to make a small video of it. only took a few mins to make.
turn your volume up alot, i had to record it quiet so it didnt go all fuzzy because of the loud v8's lol.

If you dont like or understand nascar then this video wont be worth downloading if your not intrested in that sort of stuff.

When it goes from the incar views to the outside views i think the sound of the cars is verry real it sounded like the actual thing to me heh
when they had a crash at the end of the main straight i thaught the smoke was verry realistic, i was amazed
oh and by the way, i know there all using my same skin, i wasnt expecting to make a video of it lol.
ok well here it is

hope you like it ( only took a few mins to make its nothing special )
Last edited by Jimmy_Lemon, .