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S3 licensed
when it crashes the computer freezes and the only thing i can do is restart the computer. Cant even get around the track.
S3 licensed
its only lfs that crashes which causes every thing else to crash, needing a restart.
S3 licensed
amd athlon 1.6 768 mb 40gb harddrive, usb2 only using 1 port for my wheel, just downloaded, it sometimes crashes when im in the lfs menu and when im driving, even when im watcing a1 cars its crashing. Its only started since i reinstalled windows xp hope edition. I hope thats enough, I took the clock of the wall made no
computer freezes
S3 licensed
I just reinstalled windows and i reinstalled lfs and it keeps crashing, never happened before, any one any idea why this is happening,?
S3 licensed
I understand that, i did not no there was a thread for photo's, ill use that thread in the future, and for using your team skins im sorry i did not no they were team skins. I will respect the fact and will not use them in the future.
S3 licensed
omg you people should not post skins for people to use and for this thread it was just abit of fun but, why dont people lighten up for gods sake.illepall
crash landing pictures
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Not wanting to piss on your chips, but Fraps will save to jpeg, png or bmp.

i dont fancy eating chips after you have pissed on them. lol
S3 licensed
tryed fraps good tool,thanks for advise.
S3 licensed
i tryed but cant seem to do it
S3 licensed
nice one
photo's [screenshot question - solved]
S3 licensed
How does one capture a frame on lfs which i can use as a desktop screen?
S3 licensed
wel i got 250mph out of the fzr, thats not write!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
mecaniks2 what is it and what is it ment to do and is it any good?
ffb setup and steering angle
S3 licensed
Hi ive just got a wheel a logitec wingman formula force gp, my steering turn dos'nt much the turn of the wheel in the car i have wheel turn at 180, and im not sure if i have the force feed back settings right, i can mannage a 1.47 on as nationall in the fzr and thats hard work, is there any think i could do to improve the steering.
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
I just hope when i get my wheel ill get a better feel for the car and hopefuuly my lap times will increase, i use a joy pad at the mo.illepall
Lap Times
S3 licensed
People seem to do some very quike laps times, well on as gp people do 1.42 lap times i can only manage to do 1.50, i was just wondering how they make there cars so fast and i wondered if it was a tweek they have on the way the car performs and the speed as well or is it they just are good drivers, i just dont no!
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
thanks for that m8
S3 licensed
im waiting on a logitech formula force gp, just hope its worth the wait, im sure it will be i hope
S3 licensed
hi i have setups which i have got from others and i guess there set ups are for use with a wheel, well im using there setup and i use a joy pad, would there be much of a difference on how i drive the car with a pad and on how they drive with the same setup using a wheel.?
S3 licensed
At the time i had other things running so thats probelt why cpu ussage was hi. I like that picture i have a ultrex evo never use it, would sell it but not sure were to sell it.
S3 licensed
i just run task manager wilst the game was running and the cpu usage is in then 90% mark , the paging file is low i have 678 mb of ram, even typing this the game is running in the back ground and its in the 93% to 99%.
S3 licensed
also only about 5 cars in race, some times the names going flying past me. its strange
S3 licensed
amd athlon 1800 runs at 1.5 have broadband and yhe server im on in pheonix racing,