Hi i have no internet connection at home and am currently using the libararys computers, I was wondering if it would be possible to unlock lfs on my usb memory stick then transfere it on to my computer at home.
Would this be possible?
I would love to go online, but have no connection at the mo, So im stuck with the AI demolition derby cars, they dont crash and they are fast but they are deemed to be wreckers.
Hi i no all the hard work the devs have put into improving AI cars but there is still some issue's, They still have no clue what is around them so close racing is imposible with them, Plus ive used the pit option and ive pitted and the AI cars come into the pits as well and they just push you out the way, all so when they burn there clutch out they just sit on the racing line!
I hope these issues are nown by the devs and hope they can be sorted.
WOW nice patch, Downloaded it at college as i dont have a pc any more But now ive tested it im hooked again, cant wait to get a new pc, I love the way the ai are working now and the way they pit after the race and turn there engines off,
It would be good if the start race was disabled when the race starts so children good not spam start race all the time, its probably been suggested but today i have nothing better to do with my time
Agreed there is a minority that have no respect for others either qualifying or racing. I have had a view idiots that start race when ur qualifying which is not on, but they are probably just kids that don't no no better, Ive seen it on a 6 LAP RACE and u seem to always get one that wants to restart on the first lap, doh go offline and get some practice,
m8 there are a couple of good servers like gfc server that's all i really use, And m8 most people on here would rather give u abuse than help u, Well just shows half of these posts get answered by the same people all the time perhaps they need to get a life. Happy racing m8 i hope u find a server u like. good luck, And also if u want good clean racing try a league. http://www.lfs-league.com/
Hi Ive had some strange things happening when racing on lfs severs, The other day i was on gfc's server racing on my own when all of a sudden the server crashes, i tried to re enter the server but (i cant remember exactly what the message said) i could not get back in,
So i refreshed the user list and it started slowing down then the list went up to about 121 servers then all of a sudden it dropped down to about 66 servers, strange! And believe it or not i got a bad virus win32:cpex-b, I ended up doing a reinstall, I'm not sure if this is directly related to lfs but to me it seems strange that this happened whilst in lfs!
I thought id run it by you.
:wow:Moving traffic and speed bumps on an lfs track, A! Sounds like a good idea why not put tree's on the track and railway lines, having pennyfarthings would be a good idea to and what about a scrap yard and a bus station and nightclubs and windmills perhaps we could have hover crafts as well, Sounds like a good idea, There should be a brick wall in the middle of the tracks as well, LMAO its a racing Sim and people want to turn it into a theme park, bless them very funny :banghead:
Hi i remember when my game use to freeze allot and i found it was the sound card, i changed the sound card and every thing was fine,
Other possibilities if not sound card, directx try updating it, CPU over heating? If so change the fan or give it a brush to get the dust out, , I no how frustrating computers can be when they play up. I hope u get it sorted m8.http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=5670 This is a link to when my computer was crashing.