well m8 the onbord sound does not work and the onbord graphics are unstable when playing games, so i dont want to spend out on a new graphics card and sound card just incase i have the same problems, so thats why i have desided to infest in a better mother bord and cpu.
Ive tried that cant seem to find the right drivers, even on the main sight for this bord, the link with the driver on does not work, all the other links for drivers work accept for the sound, would you recomend updating the bios?
OK ill do that, but the on bord sound does not work!, Ill uninstall drivers then ill print another copy of dx, if thats ok, thanks for your help and kindness.
sound drivers
Hi im getting very frustrated with my computer due to the sound keeps crashing, ive updating all the drivers, plus its a new sound card, does any no one no how to relosve this problem, apart from smashing it up.:tempted:
Hi im getting very frustrated with my computer due to the sound keeps crashing, ive updating all the drivers, plus its a new sound card, does any no one no how to relosve this problem, apart from smashing it up.:tempted:
Its a sound card problem, its a new card i suppose its the drivers so ive updated them, im in the prosses of updating graphics card drivers.
Im clad you people are here and give good advise
dxsdk_feb2006 down loading this file. well it starts up ok, some times in menu it crashed and when driving, say on blackwood i get to the turning before the pits and it freezes
i reinstalled due to viruses, i did get rid of them but my commputer was slowing down so i decided to do a reinstall, i have not touched the bios, other games run fine just lfs is crashing. pain in the ars.