:eclipsee_Nice video and good racing, i could of watch more of that, And ye thats what lfs is all about, wish i could make videos meself:camera: but i cant
Hi the same sort of thing, my game pauses ever second or so and the fps jump from around 56 to 26 its very unstable, im lost with why this is happening,
p4 2.4 1g ram 128 mb nvidia 5200 graphics card, It does not happen all the time last night it was fine but today its playing up.
Seems like the test sever has crashed, we tried to ban people but it never work, The srver crashed i think.
Just trying to help as i have nothing better to do today. I/E demo server
Be gratefull for what you already have, Dont you understand that a lot of work goes into this game. And things in life dont allways come on time, it will come when its ready.
Hi i installed the test patch last night, everthing was running fine, Today i was racing on fex with about 12 a1 cars and all of a sudden everthing turned white exept the body of the cars, Not sure if its a problem with my graphics card its only a ati 7000 64 mb, never had any problems like this before. any idea's.
Hi im trying to get hold of a UF1000 pinkfloyd skin but with no luck, tryed myself but have not a clue how to do them. Would there be somebody kind enough to make a floyd skin for me please?
Hi i need a new wheel for the dfp as its been damaged in the process of moving, i cant find nothing on the web and i was wondering if the momo steering wheel fixtures are the same, The dfp wheel has 4 screws that fix the wheel to the steering column, If any one can help i would be grateful.
Well i get taken out by noobs not looking in there mirrors when im beside them, And 8/10 times i usally get pushed of the track, I really dont understand this as i am allways aware of what is in front of me and what is behind me, And another thing people some time try to pass in places u just cant passillepall They seem to lack respect for other drivers. I LIKE TO PASS CLEAN AND FAIR AND NOT PASS IF IT WILL OR MIGHT END IN SOME 1 GOING OF!
Hi all when my server is up and running every 1 is welcome except wreckers! It will be up when i move into my new flat hopefully in the next couple of weeks. PEACE AND GOOD CLEAN RACING
I would never let any 1 come between me and my driving force pro, but if i had a g25 i would kill a man who tryed to get between us. Very sad a! And my wife would no longer come first if i had a wife that is! GOD I LOVE LFS
Well i find people just dont understand the reason i race in lfs,illepall its because i love lfs its the best sim i have ever played And at the end of the day they dont no a spade from a spade so i will just carry on with my fun and let the muppets be. mmmm
do enjoy the fo8, but instead of me starting a new thread about why fe black never gets used il put it to u here. Have tryed it and takes alot to get use to as there are alot of corners fast and slow pretty damm cool if ya ask me. Whats ur story on feblack?
hi m8 well im in the process of building a server just got my router and have every thing else just need to put it together, any help i can be then dont hold back ask.
Well just had a race some prick hit me up up the ars and never said sorry. This happens to much and im starting to think that lfs is full of pricks. Probelly 20% of racers on lfs are good guys the rest are just idiots