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S3 licensed
Quote from [LEFT :Meseplayer[/LEFT];1305688]Hi racers

Can anyone explain how/why the track conditions varies so much.
Sometimes you make a good time just
with your little finger, and sometimes you cant get a decent time though you drive with your knuckles white
Read a comment the other day "no use comparing times because track conditions change all the time"
This is a game, not real life racing, so, "more rubber on track" is probably not the explanation.

love to hear from you


I was thinking about this the other day, and got to thinking that hardware must make a big difference, with how the game works with the
, my frame rates are around 40 and people with a higher frame rate like 100 frames , not saying it improves there driving but must make a
in lap times. maybe
talking rubbish

P.s have no idea what has hhappened to the txt, lmao strange."!
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Quote from 5-6-ACE :Well, today my cockpit was finished ....

Made out of PVC a little Ply Wood and a Racing Seat....

Ill go into more detail later but Im busy driving the S*** out of it.

Very creative! is it made out of plastic tubing, if yes how strong is it?
engine stall
S3 licensed
Hi i noticed this today, not sure if its a bug but in a real car if u pull away in first gear, and lifted ur foot of accelerator then the engine will stall at around 2mph, maybe less but driving the mrt on asclub, was just messing around and turned auto clutch off and works good, but at low speeds, at idle speed the car will just keep moving at idle speed, (6 mph) with out stalling, and this seemed abit strange to me as i expected the engine to stall, as i would expect in a real car! So i thought this might be a bug so why not post it here.

Cheers lads
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Uke :I just made new pb time for FXR at aston national, by cutting the chikane from sand, could someone reset my pb time fast, so i could set a new pb time before my race starts (i got to have 107% pb from world record to join the race).

If my pb stays same as it is now i havce to race in a- class.

Please help.

btw. the race starts in 2 hours

I dont thing the devs will loose any sleep over the fact that u messed up on a hotlap. lmao
implement lfs
S3 licensed
aHi yhere nive updates 1 question these updates, so u can implement the new s3 into it?
S3 licensed
Cheers guys ebay seems to be lacking dfp at the mo, missed out on a new 1 for 45 pounds, gutted i am.

cheers john
Logitech® Driving Force™ EX (Force Feedback) Steering Wheel
S3 licensed
Logitech® Driving Force™ EX (Force Feedback) Steering Wheel

Hi guys am on a very tight budget, i came across this on ebay for £30, does any body no if this is an ok wheel, and do u think its worth buying?

cheers john

Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
hi was wondering if any 1 no's if there is any differnce between the
Logitech Driving Force GT

and the, appart from the look its self, which is better?

Logitech Driving Force Pro

Your help would be appreciated.

S3 licensed
Before the race,a warm up lap like most real races, perhaps if this is implemented there would be less crashes at start of a race, as the tires would be warm.!
S3 licensed
Hi i did here that it might be the lx8!. speculation, we will no when it happens
S3 licensed
lmao at u guys
S3 licensed
Hi all just would like to let newcomers no, that AKM SERVER 3 grt cars is basically a server for people that would like to learn how to race fast and clean, come along, there are guys that will help u get to a good level of racing.

Regards john
S3 licensed
Quote from Xyron2.1 :Hi!

I'm a DEMO driver and have been driving L.F.S 4 a while.. But now to the topic...

yesterday ; I suddenly could drive a open roof uf1000

And today ; i can drive a 400hp 4wd XRG

what should i do ? this isn't right !

i should only have 3 cars

This is no bug youR as bad as ur brother using cracks and then pluging it as a bug. OMG
S3 licensed
real weather simulated would be fun, as started on slicks and half way through a race or when ever it starts to rain a pit stop for wet tires would be needed, would be good and realistic

regards john
S3 licensed
yes optical mouse,I suppose no solution. thanks for reply

regards john
mouse steering
S3 licensed
Hi have a slight problem with mouse steering, i have the steering set up to axes and sometimes when going down a strait the steering shoots over to the right Ive attached a replay fast forward to 18:14.99 this is on the strait.
Hope you can help.

regards john
S3 licensed
hi this bug has been the same since the last patch, I thought id see if any different in this test patch but its the same,
I cant see gear numbers.
regards john
S3 licensed
have attached jpg see ^ up 1
S3 licensed
Hi i no people must no about the gear indicater in the fxo gtr and the fzr as they was the same in last patch, any idea when it will get sorted please.

would be nice to see them

regards john
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Nice work
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Its not competition for LFS, just like iRacing isn't competition for LFS. I see it as just another sim any single seater fan should have in their collection. Have all three sims, they complement each other as they all provide a different experience.

Thanks for reply.

Regards john
S3 licensed
Is it better than lfs? Ive never played it! does lfs have competition with nkpro?

regards john
S3 licensed
Merry christmas and a happy new year, may all good things come your way.
Regards jj: